988 reviews liked by maru_based

Ah, Tron Bonne, my beloved

Now that's out of the way, with this the I played the...sadly final game in this sub-series so far.

It's pretty good, at first the tutorial and the action part with the bank hooked me up in as I expected an adventure as long as the main Legends game....that didn't exactly happen and there were definitely times where I got bored (I just used a walkthrough for the puzzles after a while and used a map to accompany me in the digging missions).

It's a spin-off so I get why it is this way. It was surprisingly shorter than I expected but I had fun. I picked #17 as my favorite Servbot, since he had good stats, barely a sloth and managed to get all his stats up and made him discover his talent of "Grenade". Don't regret that decision

And the way the game ended oof...lol.

Having first seen Tron in MVC and not seeing anything similar in MML1 or 2, I wondered if this was the game to inspire her moves and Gustaff there...it was not but I see where "Lunch Time" came from and that's pretty cool lol

Attack minigame isn't so good...but I did the Speed minigame well for many Servbots.

Overall, I don't have much to say. It's a good spin-off and the best girl of the series gets some much deserves screentime.

I'm surprised they bothered to dub Bon this time, something that didn't happen in either Legends games...strange.
Nice to see what Glyde and has birds I so love were up to before MML2...wonder how he broke out?

Denise is definitely a cutie...holy shit she can slam that huge mecha to the ground! Wish she atleast made a cameo in MML2 but apperantly she's in that mobile game...I should watch the fan dub playthrough of that one sometime...and I'm not talking about X Dive

Uncle Digg twist was interesting...I honestly expected it to go the "I was a villain impersonating the guy all along!" route but the ending we got was nice too....Roxanne sure is a bae.

....and so is Perl! Dantz on the other hand needs to stop running face first into traps....I don't have much to say about the other characters. It's also so cool seeing Servbots taking on big ass Reaverbots under Tron Bonne's guidance! This game was a wonderful shine on these characters after seeing them lose in MML all the time for sure.

Also I did not expect them to touch upon their parents...there's even an unused item that possibly revealed it.

Among the cut items, there's Tron's Diary...wonder what it would do?

Fun fact, according to one cut item, Tron's Panties, she wears pink panties.
Only thing rivaling this information is if the Jet Set Radio Future dick size sheet leaked.

Recently the Japan exclusive demo of MML2, the demo that was packaged in with the Japanese version of Tron Bonne, which features a unique scenario, finally got an English fan translation hack! It was available to watch with English subs on YT for a while now but it's finally playable too!

And we also got a hack that adds the FPS fix for the otherwise dreadful underwater levels, and as I like to call "better economy" of the Japan only PSP port of MML2 over to the localized PS1 version!

Go play 'em! Never been a better time to be a MML fan...I just wish they came out when before I started MML2 lol

This review contains spoilers

Tudo o que precisa para ser um jogo de terror que faça história!. Apesar de ter passado 25 anos desde de seu lançamento. Silent Hill até os dias de hoje pelo o que tem feito é marcante e explora muito bem o terror psicológico da maneira mais profunda possível, e o que mais impressiona é o fato do jogo ser de PS1, mesmo com gráficos limitados, a atmosfera me deixou com um medo absurdo.

Você controla Harry Mason que vai pasar férias em Silent Hill com sua filha que por acaso sofrem um acidente no caminho, e Cheryl acaba desaparecendo e a história se baseia nisso e é o suficente para entreenter o jogador em busca de respostas e respostas nessa cidade coberta de neblina e escuridão, encontramos pessoas que nos ajudam na jornada como a Cybil o Kaufmann, Dahlia e a Lisa....

Mesmo a história, horas de gameplay, e personagens, tudo acontece com seu ritmo normal, o desenvolvimento do enredo tem seus momentos impactantes que apesar de eu ter jogado o Origins e lembrar de alguns nomes, isso não acabou com a experiência que mesmo assim ainda fiquei boquiaberto com os plots desse jogo.

O forte de SH é sua ambientação misturado com uma trilha sonora espetacular de Akira Yamaoka, misturando com um clima nebuloso e as vezes coberto de escuridão é o suficente para o jogador ficar desconfortável e se perguntar "onde eu vim parar?" sem um mapa parece que você anda em circulos o que aconteceu muitas vezes comigo. Jogar isso de fone escutando o que tem ao redor e no escuro, faz você se sentir dentro do mundo. Dá pra perceber o carinho e o carisma colocado aqui, tem muitos detalhes que abrangem a história desse universo, não é a toa que é uma das melhores franquias de terror.

Eu infelizmente tenho que colocar spoiler pois não tem como não falar dos plots e de momentos que me impactaram tanto. Vou logo falar com o que me deixou muito triste a morte de Lisa, eu me apeguei a personagem, eu senti muita dó, ela sofreu e não sabia o motivo, ela só queria respostas e quando não tinha mais salvação o Akira Yamaoka coloca se não uma das melhores trilhas sonoras que já vi em um jogo, a cena animada e isso tocando de fundo quase me fez chorar, a melancolia dessa musica é muito forte e só isso já mostra o que esse jogo proporciona.
Apreciem depois caso não lembrem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDgjTP8fuz4

O desfecho de muitos personagens me impressionou bastante como o da Cybil (quando tive que matá-lá fiquei sem reação na hora) e só fui saber que podia fazer diferente quando justamente terminei o jogo e fui pesquisar melhor. Eu sei que esse jogo tem mais de um final e advinha? eu peguei justo o pior final, pois não sabia nada das side quests, e algum dia faço questão de fazer os finais diferentes, mas mesmo pegado o pior final foi satisfatório toda a jornada dessa obra de arte, que eu faria questão de jogar de novo sem saber o que tem pela frente, os sustos a sensação de desespero, com uns barulhos que te deixavam desconfortável é tudo que um jogo de terror dificilmente aplica nos de hoje em dia.

Valorizem esse jogo e saibam que não vai existir outro que irá superar o marco que ele fez, é digno de merecer um remake por tudo de bom que ele é, eu facilmente recomendaria se alguém quer passar um medo em um jogo de terror de verdade e sem sombra de dúvidas SH1 é um dos meus jogos favoritos. E vou ter um amor enorme por esse jogo
Meu amigo você já sabe que o jogo vai ser um jogo bom quando a introdução toca justamente essa música: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdqNshgDwtQ


Truly gorgeous.
Absolute Great.

A experiência mais divertida e marcante que tive num jogo metroid.

O level design disso é sem duvida maravilhoso
A atmosfera pega legal até a região de burenia, depois desanda um tanto.
Num geral foi uma excelente experiência, o fator exploração me pegou demais, a progressão também se fez excepcional e somou com o bom gameplay.

Porém não gostei de 3 coisas.

A forma como o plot twist/explicação da trama acontece.
A droga do free aim e sua sensibilidade 1000
E a fase final.

Pelo amor de Deus, parem de mentir pra si mesmo dizendo ou afirmando que esse jogo é bom ou excelente.

Que jogo insonsso da porra!

Joguei uma vez, fui até num sei aonde, mexi nos arquivos do jogo, me perdi no progresso e nunca mais joguei.

Oh so that's why Hudson stopped making the Super Bomberman games after 3, it's because they were too busy working on the pinnacle of the franchise.

Saturn Bomberman, or as I like to call it "peak gaming". This, this is the ultimate classic Bomberman game we were all waiting for and damn it they really nailed that one. I guess my only issue with this game is the fact that it's stuck on the Sega Saturn, it kinda feels like how Bomberman '94 was stuck on the PC Engine, good Bomberman games always end up on the shittiest of consoles to make sure NOBODY knows about it.

Gameplay-wise, it's quite similar to how Bomberman 4 did things surprisingly even though it was not developed by Hudson and it was released a few months prior to Saturn Bomberman so maybe Hudson was making the big Saturn game they were in contact with Produce! and told them what to do. Actually here's something I never mentioned in my review for Super Bomberman 1 and 2, I had no idea at the time that they were also made by Produce! and not by Hudson, and what's even more surprising is the fact that Produce! is a dev team made by ex IREM employees! The same people who made the two terrible Bomberman Arcade games actually made some of the best Bomberman games later on, and the other part of IREM founded NAZCA who made the Metal Slug game trilogy (1,2,X,3)
I'm sorry for this random history bit but I love Bomberman and Metal Slug and I had no idea these two franchises were linked to one another.
Back to the gameplay, just like Super Bomberman 4 it has the new Power Glove powerup to toss up bombs and that's pretty much it, no new powerups, but they brought back the Louies instead of the odd dinosaurs and robots from Super Bomberman 4, and unlike Super Bomberman 3 the Louis got their abilities back from Bomberman '94 which is great to see and makes them unique again.

The presentation of this game is wonderful, first of all, it starts off with an animated cutscene made by studio TAKURANKE, well I think that's the right studio it was featured in the credits. It really gives the 1996 feel with a cute art style that somewhat reminds me of Dragon Ball, but that's a pretty vague comparison.
The game's art style is at its peak, it's the best pixel art style we've seen of Bomberman yet.
The soundtrack is really nice, though I can't seem to appreciate it as much as other people do, it's more of a nice soundtrack to have in the background rather than catchy songs you'll remember for days like how Mario games do it, I still think it's nice but it's far from the best we've seen in this franchise.

The singleplayer campaign is also quite similar to how Super Bomberman 4 did it, that game used time travel as a way to say "Here's why we are in the time of the dinosaurs and why we are in a Samurai castle" This game just says fuck it and we just from an amusement park to a western cowboy town to a Japanese themed garden and whatever else they thought would be cool for a stage.
And for the first time in Bomberman history we finally had fair boss fights, that's right, gone are the infuriating time-wasting, and tough-as-nail boss fights. They all feel fair and not too hard, I guess the only two unfair fights were the giant meteor which was a bit random at times but still fair, and the final boss is a bit too fast and when it does those warning animations like "beware something will happen here you should move and get in a safe location" they only like 1 second not giving you enough time to realize what is going on, though it's mostly just an issue for the first time you are fighting it then it's just remembering the fairly easy pattern.

Wow, two single-player campaigns in a single Bomberman game, no thank I'm stuffed, I've never had so much content to play before! (more than 1 hour).
This one is called Master mode and it's about doing 20 stages in a Japanese-style tower with 5 bosses it's quite fun, more classic Bomberman stages which overall feels really fair and for the first time, the score is actually useful as it's used for a rank and ending at the end.

As for the multiplay, it's packed with even more features than Super Bomberman 4 with really cool characters from other Hudson franchises like Bonk, and you can play with up to 10 people in a single match for the ultimate mayhem experience. The main campaign is also available in two-player mode.

This is the magnum opus, I know I keep repeating myself with each and every Bomberman entry but after this game, it's pretty much the end of the classic Bomberman formula so it's been fun but I'm glad Bomberman will be trying new things from now on, for the better or for worst.

Pretty nice looking vertically scrolling shoot-em-up with a killer soundtrack. Seven levels topped off with interesting, multiform bosses. Power ups are the gimmick this time around, with the ability to collect up to three different types and then fire them at enemies, or keep them as a secondary satellite ship that gives you a few more bullets.

Status: 1,874,800 points. Beaten on Hard

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