Since I played this game I have not stopped thinking about it. It opens up new reflections on the games I currently play. It is a before and after moment.

Please play this.

peak ps5 arcade fun, one of the best on the platform

great highs and set-pieces, a bit of a slog to get through sometimes due to the lackluster combat and terrible pacing.


A journey of reflection and self discovery, wonderful game

it really is that good. Banger ost.

A game that thinks its more intelligent that what it really is. There is fun to be had dont get me wrong, it is an enjoyable experience, however narratively it is so far up its own ass it cant save its shortcomings.

A great, great game that stands tall amongst the rest of its era. Great mechanics and an engaging story.

I don't know what it is but this entry in the series feels more like a chore than previous games. Maybe its the crafting slowing everything down, or making it more of a slow progression more than "instant" gratification, but I could not get into it like I did new leaf. Still, it's animal crossing, it's relaxing, cozy, and the gameplay loop by nature is addictive. I will say the customization options for the island really add to this game and make it worth a try over others in the series, even if I personally could not get into it as much.

a weird game to recommend, I could talk for hours about the things I like about it, but honestly, just try it out, be patient with it and it may reward you with a playthrough that sticks with you for years. The story might not be the best, or its combat super engaging, but it is a game that absorbs you in it's world. Whatever you put in, how you involve yourself, the game gives back in spades.

good enough ps2-esque platformer

a truly special piece of art.

its a good, fun game to beat on a weekend, but they really need to change their writing and characters if they want us to take the story seriously.

a good open world game. Open world design is more focused than on the original. Main story is good enough, can tell it is more of an expansion than an actual sequel.

the best crash game hands down, refines all the ideas present in the original, while evolving the gameplay to offer a more fluid experience. A couple of gimmick levels hinder its masterpiece potential but otherwise peak platforming, play the original if you can, the remake is still good, but loses a lot of the charm the original had.

few games tell such an addictive story. The mix of visual novel gameplay with a pseudo RTS is peak gaming, and demonstrates the strengths of many different genres and their ability to tell a good story and captivate the player. Future classic