Amazing game and great dialogue between characters. Nintendo really needs to do more with this series or at least remaster the game for switch or their next console. Your hands can get a little stiff playing this but it's worth it.

Looks great but the first is still my favorite.

This was where Pokemon started going downhill I consider this to be the last decent game in the series for now.

Some fun to be had but overall it's a mess with awful bosses.

One of my favorite game series ever and it started with a great entry.

The original is still the best in the series in terms of atmosphere and lighting. The gameplay is solid especially once you master it. I try to play it every October.

Awful and lazy game with one of the worst stories from a Pokemon game.

Good remasters of some great games.

This remaster made this game so much better with small fixes and things. It's become one of my favorite Zelda games.

Amazing music with fun and unique gameplay. Definitely play on the DS it works the best.

For sure an upgrade from the 1st game with a great first few hours

One of the last good Pokemon games.

Awesome movement system and great atmosphere

One of the best Halo games by far