Only real critique is that I prefer a more heavily handed story, similar to Zeldas pre botw. The story of the people trying to survive the world of hyrule day to day isn't as interesting to me. But I share all of the praise for everything else

This just really is not my genre of game. Might not help that this was my first souls I've played seriously and tried to get into. For me, 'difficult' games are never frustrating, just boring - so I never get that dopamine hit when I get that enemy felled. But, I can appreciate those who get the drive from seeing their skills improve after many iterations. Just not for me

Think my only critique is the lack of story. The daily lives of the citizens of hyrule driving it didn't do it enough for me. But the universal praise everywhere else I share

Improved in RE4 2005 in almost every metric. Needed more dumb dialogue lines, and some VO needed work

I think I have extreme TikTok brain, the core gameplay was just too slow for me. Technically impressive though, but I appreciated the effort that was put in more than the game I was playing

playing with friends is always easy to boost enjoyability, but the Coop experience they built was so innovative it still deserves that additional credit.

Bought this thinking it had coop to play with a friend, was pissed when I found out it wasn't. Played this entire game with each of us with 1 joycon, and it was a really amazing experience. Boosted the challenge for a typical playthrough to the perfect level.

not the biggest pokemon fan (only ever played sapphire) so definitely not the ideal player for a review. But if you take the fandom/nostalgia out of this game, I feel the game doesn't stand well on it's own. Loop can get kinda boring and the story doesn't exactly hook you in

the fanout of the quest tree was impressive. Coupled with sparse use of essential, I felt more agency in this one than any of the other entries

feel like the final third of the game is far and away the best, early game stretched on a bit for me imho. But it feels pretty solid by the end

Few of the early sandbox sessions with Ellie were fun. But felt like a movie that is trying to win an Oscar. At the end of the day, 'generic, bland' superhero movies are the ones that actually bring the most joy to the most amount of people. It's fine to make movies that want to win an Oscar - but why do you have to hijack an existing series and characters for that?

feels difficult to score this game high objectively on any one metric. But I just have a lot of fun messing around in it

probs favorite dialogue in any game. I guess gameplay was good too