Wow so satisfying to learn and understand the knowledge of the game and to finally put everything together for a victory run. Super creative game, that is so deep it kept me coming back for hours

So cute and fun, an absolute joy to explore the mountain and interact with the other characters, did everything I wanted to in a handful of hours and had a great time


I loved it, quick and really fun the whole way through. Both cute and emotionally impactful

great game! small and repetative but I loved trying to get the achievements for every squad

played all throughout early access booting it up for every major update, then when it fully released I got so bored I had to put it down before ever finishing the campaign. The gameplay gets super boring super quickly, and the game is a little to tailored toward letting you make whatever build you want.

Definitely had a lot of fun and put the work in to get the "Home Sweet Home" achievement. It was really enjoyable to explore and learn new things for a while, but it felt a little tedious at the end once my colony was doing well.

Super addicting gameplay loop, and wow the music is 10/10. Not the most original idea but very fun to play through once or twice

Great story and combat. Slowly discovering the truth of the world is amazing and engaging. It does suffer from many bad tropes of generic open world games, but this is one of the best of its ilk.

p.s. climbing irl - amazing, fun, great activity. climbing in games - stinky, boring, literally never fun

What an amazing concept executed in such a unique and fun way. The story is amazing and paced almost perfectly. I read every single bit of text the game had to offer and it was very impactful

combat feels good to master. the super hard modes are way to hard for me enjoy grinding them. overall it was fun to beat at least once and the game was ahead of it's time

I like how creative it is, and it was cool at first figuring out all the different systems. It ended up feeling really tedious to finish though and got boring


super cute and was fun to play through, but it lacked the deep mechanics in both combat and the overworld to keep me truly engaged


Wow, the way the game keeps giving you new moments or realization and discovery is amazing. What a joy to play

I love how creative this game is, definitely fun and engaging throughout