I had played the first game years ago and liked it, but at first I wasn't really vibing with this because it was so different and weird. Still I kept playing and while in the end the combat still wasn't quite good, it made up for it with a pretty good soundtrack, a cool mesopotamic-inspired setting and interesting exploration (even tho if I had to look up a walkthrough multiple times because I had missed some power-up)


If i had to describe this game in just one word it would be exhausting. I like puzzles, but here it was just way too much. The second half of the game was already beginning to weigh on me and by the final dungeon i only wanted to get over with already so i just looked up everything. Also the insane amount of parkour and puzzle-plataforming required for just about every chest in the whole game (and there's a lot of them) is just too much. I feel like the devs went truly overboard with many design choices, like the final boss too, which is just repeating phases over and over again which extend for way too long.

What had me going on was Lea's story, of course. I truly felt attached to her and she was so charismatic even with the limited dialogue she has (which really adds to her character).

In the end it's been a kinda bittersweet experience, with lots of fun moments with many bosses and puzzles but with a lot of tedium too. I don't know if the devs were influenced by the Napishtim engine Ys games, but I wish it was more like them with having a more compact experience. I know not everyone will agree with me on this front, but hey it's my opinion, and I prefer for these kinda top-down arpgs to be shorter

i loved the artstyle, music and everything about it, i just couldn't deal with the rpgmaker gameplay

the music and arstyle is beautiful (the story was okay), but i was constantly jumping between having fun with the combat and being super frustrated

diseño artístico, banda sonora, lore y atmósfera son todos una pasada, una pena que el gameplay en sí no esté a la altura ni aún con todos los parches que sacaron (que al menos han hecho que decida pasármelo). si aprenden de todos los errores de diseño la secuela puede ser muy buena

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The ending was completely underwhelming and I really don't know why doesn't anyone mention it (the phasmid part was amazing and I wish that had been the actual ending). Yes, the journey was amazing (even tho some endless rambling by some characters was kinda boring), and moments like the disco hanging man, the church rave or the ex-wife/Dolores dream are definitely peak gaming history.

And precisely because of those moments I expected an ending with a bit more of light, music and feeling, if you know what I mean. Perhaps it was intentional for it to be so bland after all the crazy stuff you've been through, like going back to earth (also they just went and left the culprit in the island LMAO), but it didn't work for me. It left me feeling much more sour than it should, and that is a big shame

just finished the main story (did plenty of side-stuff too). i don't know if i'll play much of Iceborne now because i'm not really in the mood for the endless grind and also i don't have ps plus so i can't do multiplayer

wasn't fan of the combat for most of the game and the story pacing was a bit too slow at times when there were forced substories in the main plot. however, it was very engaging when the actual story progressed, mostly the game's second half. also side content was a bit underwhelming compared to y0 and kiwami, but the friends system was cool

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bonito juego anticapitalista y antiturismo de masas basado en hechos más que reales pero sin un final tan feliz (???)

es alucinante la atención al detalle a la hora de representar un pueblito costero valenciano (sobre todo ahora que veo que la empresa desarrolladora es inglesa, aunque con unos cuantos españoles currando ahí). me encantaría vivir ahí tranquilito.

eso sí, lo más falso es que ni de coña un alcalde corrupto admitiría sus errores y se echaría para atrás si hay pasta de por medio sdjkafhjdasdjk

y casi me temí lo peor en la escena del incendio antes del final, pero qué emoción ver a Alba de repente salir con los linces y pronunciar su única frase del juego

no irónicamente creo que este sería un muy buen juego educativo para niños

será que el MCU me da bastante igual, pero a mí sí que me ha gustado la historia (el parte final más que na), a diferencia de lo que opina la mayoría por aquí. igualmente es más floja que la del juego anterior, pero lo compensa con un gameplay mejorado y con menos paja secundaria por el mapa

demasiadas misiones aburridas de sigilo en la campaña principal y demasiados objetivos secundarios por el mapa al puro estilo ubisoft checklist, pero aún así el combate y la travesía por la ciudad están muy pulidos y son muy divertidos, y la historia se desarrolla de forma muy emocionante

no sé si me termina de convencer el plot-twist en el sentido de que "arruina" un poco la rejugabilidad. siento que los puzles de esta entrega han bajado mucho el nivel de satisfacción respecto a los dos anteriores, habiendo muchos más que son simplemente frustrantes. a ratos sentía que se alargaba innecesariamente la historia, pero al menos el final ha resultado emotivo

Story and soundtrack are so much better than the previous game, I love all the drama. The lack of 60fps for ps5 made it feel horrible at first tho