half star down for having shitty designed overly frustrating bosses

a uniquely creepy game with a beautifully grotesque atmosphere brought down by its clunky controls and some frustrating sections

Well that was a shitty ending and a disappointing game lmao. I'm sorry Caddy, I love your videos but this ain't it chief. I do like walking sims (and even more good atmospheric games) but oof. At least some tracks from the soundtrack were good and the portals puzzle was cool

(Beat Act 2, still gotta farm the true ending)

Fuck the exploding star hordes in biome 6


Beautiful atmosphere. For me it's actually a pro that the game is short

The running sections drag on for way too long and I wish it had more guitar style variety, but visually it's stunning and I couldn't stop taking screenshots, also I liked the message.

Está guapo especialmente si pasas de obtener todas las cajas y hacer el 100% (a no ser que seas masoquista o ultra-hardcore porque wow), porque los niveles son extremedamente largos y mucho más difíciles que los Crash originales, al punto de sentirse más tedioso y frustrante que desafiante.

Una de las mejores experiencias de terror psicológico que he vivido nunca

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I was really hyped and excited to play this one, I really was, and I wanted to love it so much, but I just couldn't. It's not that I don't like complex stories, but I believe this one was just too convoluted for its own good. The setting and the main plot I liked, but all the thing with the different clones from different loops and the whatnot, it became tedious.

I personally believe the length and amount of main characters ended up hurting the story, I think I would've like this a lot more if it had been like a 15 hours story maximum. At the beginning of the game I was pretty invested but then I slowly began to lose interest. Still there were some scenes which I liked a lot, like all the stuff between Ida and android-Kisaragi and the reveals about the true nature of the world.

Artistically it's stunning, there's no denying it, the soundtrack has really good vibes and even the combat, which at first I didn't care much about, was kinda fun when you figured out a good party setup. But in the end it's a purely story-driven game, so logically it has more weight than most other stuff.

Anyways, perhaps someday I'll replay the story in chronological order from the analysis section.

Ah sí qué divertido luchar 20 veces contra exactamente el mismo boss con ataques retardados, tracking excesivo y combos infinitos solo que con una skin distinta.

El juego empezó muy bien, pero conforme más avanzaba más tedioso se volvía y menos ganas tenía de esforzarme por vencer limpiamente a los bosses peor diseñados de toda la saga. Al menos visualmente es una maravilla, el mundo es precioso y muchas zonas me sorprendieron. Aún así, las mazmorras de legado definitivamente fueron lo mejor, aunque hacia el final del juego se volvieron un gank fest que parecía salido del Dark Souls 2.

En todos los souls, siempre que lo he terminado por primera vez he ido directo a crearme otro personaje, pero esta es la primera vez que me alegro de haber acabado al fin y poder dejarlo estar. Creo que gran parte de los problemas que tiene el juego al final derivan del hecho de ser mundo abierto, pero bueno. Volveré dentro de un buen tiempo a darle otra pasada a ver qué tal.

Painfully underrated. Atmosphere, soundtrack, dialogues, characters... all marvelous