Interpreting my favorite games in one sentence

Attempting to describe what some of my favorite games are about in one sentence (or at least summarise one of the main themes of them). Just a fun idea that I tried with movies on my Letterboxd, though it's bit more difficult with games as they are often larger in scale and have more overarching themes. So, it's not that serious anyway and these are all just my own interpretations.

The people we meet and the moments we share with the ones close to us are sometimes more important than the destination (yeah, literally "Maybe The Real Treasure Was the Friends We Made Along the Way")
The ability to find our own personal meaning in art is a double-edged sword, that can help us understand our own struggles and emotions, but can also harm the artists when the audiences start falsely projecting their own ideas on them and their work (kinda the meta one, considering the theme of this list).
Everything comes to an end someday, and it's okay to accept it because there's always a chance to start anew, to rediscover yourself and to rebuild from the ashes.
We are all defined by the cultural landscape we were born and raised into but our choices are still stronger than that and we always have in our hands the power to break free from the "memes" we were born with and to choose what shall we pass on.
Obsession with the past is one of the most destructive forces as people tend to grip to old fictions and ideals, which don't make sense anymore in the world that have changed significantly and irreversibly, and by that dooming the new and young generations to fight and waste their lives for nothing.
Fate and prophecies can be strong driving forces of history but only one's choice whether to accept them or fight against is the deciding factor.
Our determination and will to live hold the great power, just as our ability to forgive and overcome.
Life is absurd, no matter how much you try to escape the pain and loss, no matter how much you try to only make right choices, you will still fail eventually and so maybe the best course is to just enjoy and cherish every moment as much as you can.
Eventually only you can decide whether you deserve forgiveness and a chance to move on or whether you should give up and shut yourself from the world.
There is no good people under capitalism and the least disgusting path you can choose is to at least not betray your own principles and morals.
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. (yeah, yeah, it's literally spelt out in the game but still counts)
Even if the goal is unachievable it doesn't justify giving up trying and hoping because without hope and faith in the better future, in ideal world or even in magic and myths we are lost, yet at the same time being able to admit the faults and shortcomings is the only way to actually progress.
Everything in the world is connected and the true wisdom is the ability to see and understand these connections.
Curses exist only if we believe in them and act accordingly and there is no one else to blame for the "bad luck' such curse brings but the person who refuse to give up their blind fears and beliefs.
In times of distress there is no correct or perfect choices and the only right path is to stay true to your morals and principles.
Seeing the world in extremes and acting upon such beliefs is always destructive and brings immense amounts of harm no matter the cause, but often this is the only way to break the status quo and to bring an end to oppression and injustice.
Unity and independence can coexist and the truly great goals and strong ideals can unite even the most implacable enemies.
People who wage war mostly do not have noble reasons and will find any superficial cause and any possible means, now matter how impractical or inhumane, in order to prolong the conflict for as much time as possible or even attempt to turn it into the natural order of things.
History is an unreliable narrator which erases the nuance and lessens the role of context and scene, and the tendency to cling to long gone ideals and legacy of the better past in dire times only further deteriorates the society and culture.


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