really wanted to like this game i just couldn't get into it

great game but i just found out there's no new content so i don't rlly feel like replaying💀

edit: my bad there are 2 new bosses still not enough to get me to replay but if u haven't played this before ever def pick it up i will say tho the framerate on the switch sucks ass so would recommend playing this on pc

every time I come back to this game I discover something new, best rpg of all time no doubt

fun game but tbh i think i'll just wait for the full version to come out for now

story is rlly fucking boring compared to new vegas but might pick it up again tbh

hate the fact that this one has the best character customization bc it is so fucking boringg going back to replay new vegas again

kinda boring ngl couldn't finish it

not really into hack & slash i just realized so couldn't finish it, the cutting mechanic is fun as fuck tho if ur into hack & slash def play this.

still a really solid 3d platformer and thank god they fixed kelp forest, the new multiplayer sucks ass tho and wtf is this walmart mr krabs voice???

overhated tbh game is like alright not great tho

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game is really fun with friends but the ending sucks so much ass it just ruins the whole thing like we made all these fucking choices and u not even gonna show us what happens????

this game is so fucking slowwwww and the gameplay just sucks ass felt like a slog to get through

story isn't that interesting tbh but gameplay is really fun highly recommend

if this game has no haters i am dead why do ppl like this sm felt like i just wasted my time