It's a Jill's solo game, what else can I say?

Jokes aside, I liked this game more than I expected. There's nothing new besides the dodge mechanic and I could see this being sold as a RE2MAKE DLC, not with a full game price: there's no extra modes, no 'B campaigns' or anything like that. Even liking it, buying at full price isn't worth it at all.

The game starts to diverge from the survival-horror dynamic from RE1 and RE2 (while the first was a true horror experience and the second was more survival, but with the horror present), RE3 has the horror: the body-horror. The Hunters (mainly the Gamma), the spidey-things and the tentacle-zombies were truly bizarre and... gruesome. There were some jumpscares here and there, but it was because I was always at the edge.

About Nemesis... well... it was disappointing. Don't get me wrong: the action moments, the chases AND the boss fights were good, but I expected him to be more like Mr. X and more PRESENT at the game, alongside the cutscene moments with him. The whole 'bio-weapon chasing you down' would be more real and would make a truly great tension building than scripted apparitions.

About the dodge mechanic, holy shit, I never felt so POWERFUL the entire game as I felt when I got the timing of the 'perfect dodge' or whatever. Normally you feel like that in the final fights (with a Rocket Launcher or whatever) and when you get the Magnum, but with this? It was a blast. At the beginning I thought it was a little clunky, but then got used to it. It was really, really awesome to see Carlos PUNCHING A HUNTER and just getting away with it: you love to see it.

The gameplay loop isn't bad and it's there, mainly because of the duration of the game (5 hours-ish) and a second playthrough when you get the gist of dodging will be a LOT more smooth.

It's a good game: nothing in the level of the RE1/2 experience, but just good at its own.


How can a game be badass, funny and dramatic at the same time? I don't know, but MGR was certainly a ride. And an amazing one.

Soundtracks on point, high replay factor, fucking funny dialogues, epic boss fights... I just can't. And there's Wolf and Sam, of course.

Amazing game.

I liked to play as Sam, the most badass brazilian character in the fiction who can DOUBLE JUMP, but not as much as I liked to play as Raiden.

But fuck Armstrong, really.

I love Wolf and I'm a sucker for any chainsaw gameplay, but the platforming was just... awful. Really, I hated that part.

I prefer this one over Sam's though.

Being completely honest... there are other better RPGs to play, and I say this with a little bit of sadness, mainly because I like this characters in LoL, but I just felt... overwhelmed and kinda bored. The highest point for me were the interactions between them: a fanservice that I, as a lol player, couldn't get as much as I wanted to in the main game. The champion's mechanics were also well designed and loyal from the original game, which is also a plus.

I'll definitely pick up this again at sometime, but not now.

I honestly felt lackluster. The game felt kinda clunky and the characters weren't that interesting imo, which was kinda sad. The only one who actually was, for me, wasn't a weapon (yet) so... eh.

I'll probably come back when Jonah's update come.

This game is really, really well made. There isn't that many games that let you do whatever you want in a mission and accomplishes the way Dishonored does, it's just fantastic.

Even with Corvo being a silent protagonist (he doesn't 'talk' that much, only when some choices are made), you grow attached to him. His downfall hurts throughout the whole campaign and his ascension is satisfying.

It's important to mention the level of gameplay and plot details for a game released in 2012. Unique assassinations for each target, dialogues and the whole city situation that changes depending on your 'route' (being at low or high chaos). Its replay factor is here, but one playthrough may be enough.

In my opinion, though, the only, BIG QUOTE, problem, is the absence of methods on doing non-lethal runs. It is hard and really rewarding when you do it, but normally you are limited to sleep darts (10 per quest), Bend Time (at level 2, which you get at the last quests because of the price) or just being really good at stealth gaming (in my case, I'm not!). Still, when you do it, it's really rewarding.

The world building is top-notch and I personally liked the hud aesthetic and the way characters were drawn. It just completes really well the atmosphere and the complete feeling this game brings.

Ok, I didn't expect to give a gacha game such a high rating but... bear with me with this one. I started playing last week and I was surprised with the quality on this one.

The fact that every character is, AT LEAST, animated at the main screen/home page and not being really a large app or performance consuming was... a really good surprise.

It's a gacha game, so, being salty and shit it's already common at this point. At the time I started playing, they added a pity system and getting the summon coins isn't... that hard. Being a F2P, however, means that you have to plan ahead, but if you aren't, well, just spend it already.

The gameplay is really interesting as well. The grid system, the different character classes and all... it's a good package: you have to think to progress further at some stages, and the endgame content seems challenging enough to keep me around.

The major problem with this game are the minority loli-ish/jailbait shit characters. God, I hate them SO much. They're at the game for one reason: and I hate it. At the other side of the coin, there are really cool-looking characters.

If you like strategy-based games, you should probaly check this out. Of course, search if there's any character that you like beforehand and if it's worth to get into a gacha game.

I'm still around to get all the male characters, logging rarely to get primogems and go to the banners. That's it.

The landscapes and the soundtracks are >REALLY< good, but... that's about it. Boring MP and exploration gets... really tiring, especially if you're trying to get all chests to farm gems.

But yeah, probably the game that boosted gacha to the mainstream.

I could just say: 'omg among us x danganronpa???', but I would be unfair. This game has a charm, the whole time-loop mechanic thing where the roles and the character changes at the start of every loop is really interesting: more so because there's another character who shares the conscience of knowing that they're at a loop. Your relationships changes and the character that you like the most can, well, kill you.

It's a nice game. The art is... charming: not something that you see everyday. The roster is really diverse in terms of color palettes, gender and personality.

But knowing that you have to get, at least, 160~ loops to get the ending (even with a short duration of 5 minutes each) sounds so... exhaustive. Well, I can read online and my reaction would be the same, I guess.

If that's your thing, even being time-consuming, you should at least check it out.

I really don't know what to say about this one. Really liked the soundtrack and the game is visually really cute (and an aesthetic that I, personally, like a lot). I played this game in a call with some friends, just to see what it's about and was a really fun experience, though, but...

...this game is kinda problematic and sad, I guess? There's a lot of people like Ame and... a lot of people like P-Chan (you, the main character) as well. I didn't went to get all the endings, just a one-time playthrough was enough for me (saw all the endings in Youtube anyway).

And, yeah, it has a LOT of triggers. A LOT of them.

It's Cuphead, I don't need to say nothing else.

4.5 because of the Pier Run & Gun and the fucking queen bee boss.

Well after learning how to play mahjong and getting, like, 4 characters in a row, I love this game!

Seriously, though, it's the best way to play mahjong not knowing ANYTHING.

Not giving this game a review felt kinda unfair to me, being completely honest. Risk of Rain 2 was the first roguelite experience that I actually had and played, being such a nice one. I didn't played the first one, but got interested and I'm looking forward to do so.

This new expansion adds new maps, two new survivors, some items, new elite bosses and a new final boss. Even if the maps aren't as great as the standalone game, this expansion did something REALLY good (again) with the soundtrack, being one of the most touching, hype and well made in a video-game. By itself, the game AND the expansion deserves a whole 5/5, but the gameplay helps and the amounts of fun that I had playing alone and in multiplayer are simply over the top.

It's a truly great game. The lore (yes, it has a lore) is as cryptic and mysterious as ever, but searching it made me interested enough for more content. It gaves you the sensation of just wanting to understand more and more.

Support the devs and the soundtrack creator, Chris Christodoulou. They have done a true masterpiece.

It's been a while since I played a game where I felt FAST. Neon White does that, and in such a hype way.

You play as White, an assassin in life, who died in his last heist. When he wake up, he's in the middle of several other people, called Neons, who have to complete quests to receive the God's pardon and go to Heaven. Those who fail, go to Hell.

This game is pretty interesting and, honestly, super fun. It's a fast-paced FPS with a great level design, great mechanics and it's really welcoming for people who are not used to speedrun (that's my case). It has a great OST, composed by Machine Girl, so, if you like Breakcore, Acid House and those type of genres, you probably will like this one. The characters are really cool-looking and the aesthetic presented here is really well done. I kinda feel like I'm back at my tumblr age, but in a good way.

The game has a plot, yes, but it isn't that big of a deal. It completes the experience, of course, and you can relate and connect with the other characters but by any means it's the core of the experience.

The characters are, beside good looking, somewhat fun. The dialogues are really cheesy and use a LOT of pop culture, but honestly... they are funny: some of them you cannot take them seriously. The game is almost full voiced, which made the experience even better and complete. You probably will like one character or two, design-wise or personality-wise.

The game would end quickly if there wasn't an interaction system. When you complete a level, you can replay it to get better time AND to get gifts. There are two faces of the same coin: you can play it again to just go full ZOOMING or in a more 'chill' way, to collect those gifts. They have a purpose: get them and give 'em to their respective character. This plays a sorta of major part of the game: there are levels of your bond w/ the character that unlocks memories (which you're gonna need to get the True Ending) and, one of the best moments of the game: the sidequests.

The sidequests are missions of each Neon character. Each of one them has its own limitations (in Violet's, you cannot shoot, only discard, for example) and the maps are really harmonic with their personalities.

That aside, the game can be really tiring, mostly because of writing and if you're trying to get the best time and the gifts after completing the chapter. If you're just looking for the high speed fast-paced game, you can just rush it out, but you will lose a really major portion of the game: those side interactions that you get with the gifts.

Also, the angels are cats. There's that. This is like one star by itself.