60 Reviews liked by rose

She said stop smoking...
I stop smoking...
She said stop drinking alcohal...
I stop drinking alcohal...
She said stop playing DRAKE OF THE 99 DRAGONS
I stop her Breathe...

【10 JUNE 2021, THURSDAY_ 】


【07:38 AM】

Augh... █

Not this again... █

I + M

C + S

S + N

W + E

I + M



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(letshugbro) "The Silver Case", huh... █
(letshugbro) Looks interesting. █
(DongSmoker420) it's one of the best games of all time u dumbass █
(K0J1M41SG0D) it's suda51's masterpiece █
(letshugbro) Hmmm.... █
(letshugbro) I guess I should play it. █
(Charizardscumhunter) KILL YOURSELF █


>> 21/06/21 • Steam Store • Your order... <<
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10th July 2021
From: Steam Store
To: Lets Hug Bro
Subject: Your order of 'The Silver Case & The 25th Ward: The Silver Case Digital Limited Edition'

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Purchased DLC will automatically be added. You can find it on the Library page of the base game.

. . . █

Okay. █

Guess I'll try this game out... █

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

【25  JULY  2021 , SUNDAY_ 】


【1 1:3 7 AM】

What the fuck was that all about? █

not going to give a proper review for this. i typed up my delirious shopping list and am not going to edit it. sorry. the ultrahand glue fumes got me.

as someone who dropped botw after a few hours, this still does a lot of the same stuff i dont like but i kinda kept playing it anyway. no real reason. im just a fan of retreading stuff out of peer pressure

leaving this as “complete” even though i still have to do some endgame stuff please dont tell the backloggd police. itll be accurate by tomorrow i swear. (its all good now)

things i liked:
Sound Design - he goes pitter patter!!
Graphed icks - i think this “cel shading” thing shows promise !
Polish - theyre juggling all of the variables. x, y, z, omega, backwards w, all those letters. other games fall apart when you click to fire the gun. which is more relatable to me but we cant have that now
Music in the Towns - cool stuff, heard an erhu in there a bunch. good instrument, checks my box
Main Abilities - the phys gun thingy is a good gimmick to centre a game around. the other 3 are also good like the rewind time one. now i finally understand king crimson kinda. the botw ones are lame and i cant pretend im jojo in that one
Moon Logic needed to get to the Dungeons - this is good it feels like im really in a legend of

things i kinda liked but kinda didnt like:
Combat - yeah i could do something GOOFY with the phys gun or i can just mash Y a bunch with the weapon im already holding. “weapon durability” is not real anyway you get 1000 knives (rip goat) you can all fuse together with the 5349022 different body parts looted in your backpack. the mokoboboblins all act the same, the like likes spit a few balls at you with the energy of a pensioner. but hitting things with a stick is visceral and timeless so its all good (i do not beat pensioners with sticks)
Sky Islands - theyre samey but a good change of pace. i would see them and have to open the map to be like “have i actually been to this one” because theyre just not visually distinct.
Devices and Gadgets - this is like fine but my approach to anything is never going to be to open a huge ass menu and sift through it, if you already give me the planks and wheels i need to do [TASK] at [LOCATION]
Story - the “memories” part of this game actually gets cool once it gets going. but until then its all just kinda monotonous and i dont care about any of these people. sorry for your kingdom or happy that happened
Dungeons - some of this is fun but if i wanted to visit 5 rooms and call it a day id go to a museum
The World - its too big but theres some cool stuff. this doubles for real life

things i didnt like:
Shrines - you didnt need to make them all look and sound the same. only 10% of these are actually really any fun, im not a preschooler anymore. come on guys i thought people were telling you this 6 years ago
Music Elsewhere - not against a minimalist impressionist thing but both this and the botw ones still just go in one ear out the other
Depths - not fun to navigate, the rewards arent cool, it all looks the same. i see why it wasnt advertised much lol
Cutscenes - hmm this is a non linear game so to ensure people get the memo we will give the same speech at 4 different mandatory locations - “game design” and “narrative effect”. im good
Voice Acting - you can switch to japanese though
Quests - kinda boring
Materials Menu - this is soooooo big lmao. the up button menu is unusable if you dont sort it by “most used”. there was something better that couldve been done here. sorry ill end the review now that its getting to nitpicks

it may have strayed from the series roots, but theres still a bunch of different collectibles and you can make wheely cars that go FAST so whos to say if banjo kazooie: nuts and bolts is really bad. also im pretty sure they play the among us theme in the shrines so i see why the kingdom is malding

Marvel Ultimate Alliance for Zoomers.

"Shit, religious people startin' to scare me"
"Shit, the government wrote the Bible"

Someone wrote their marvel fan fic and turned it into a sexless mass effect. Playing this was as engaging as watching those perky housewives on Bravo, but without any hint of sexuality. Superheros are so scared of sex, my super god person should not fuck whatsoever. Jesus didn't fuck either because he was to good for that too. Dude, why even put Venom in this shit. That man wears a pregnant martian.

Sex aside, talking to the characters here is just talking to a wall, you're also a wall in this game too, so its two walls talking to each other. Wow, they did a really good job remaking Mass Effect!

Games really love to tip their little toes into dating sims mechanics just to waste your time and not do anything interesting with it, just cause its funny or something. What the hell is this bit?

Oh right, gameplay. No one cares, use iron man, kill everyone, next mission. (Iron Man, Venom, Dark Hunter, is all you really need.) Anyone thats trying to be a tank or whatever is fucking useless. Captain America is a bum! Then you got nerds that would be like 'bro you don't understand if you play like nightmare survival hardcore oddball mode you will wish you had the captian.' and all I will say is bitch, clean your room.

Hold on, let me add this shit right here. Fuck that stupid fucking demon dog dude, That useless piece of shit should get turned into sausage or something. Way more useful that way. I love this stupid mission that was like holy fucking shit dude, your DOG is here! And all I'm thinking is, oh great, this dumb fucking dog is ruining my deck cuz it's now filled with the most useless fucking cards in existence. Oh fuck hes not ok cuz I didn't pet the fucking shithead every day. Video games are pointless, brain smoothing tools.

They made Blade fucking ass in this game too. How the hell you fuck that up?

Why do all the women sound the same?

Why can't ya smoke sherm with Magick?

They gave plastic surgery to a skull. Ghost Rider wack.

Everyone Dripless.

I'll stick to XCOM, my guy.

Travis should have worn a T-shirt with COCK spelled out in Pantone 448 C coloured letters

make her cum seven times she call me Killer7

This game just makes me viscerally happy, the music and art are all beautiful. It's a terrible port of the game (locked framerate and settings menu to go fullscreen being literally like 10 minutes into the game lol) but its functional and the game itself is amazing.

Now that the dust has settled can we admit that all the people that said yanny were in on some sort of weird joke, because its so obviously laurel like what the fuck. I will flame you in this comments section if you still want to entertain that its yanny in 2022. No way youre still going to be claiming that its yanny

installing flesh augmentations to mine biocoins by drilling hundreds of holes into your teeth and filling the holes with Walmart™'s Biomass Filler®. getting hired to use your skullgun on the owner of a ski resort by his children. extremely pornographic ultra hyper suck and fucks. grapple with your appendix. the CEO mindset. stripping the organs from the residents of suburbanite households to sell on the stock market. the 640x480 resolution gifted to us by God. mass-produced sex slaves bred to serve their corporate overlords who can only scream and be fucked. teeth with teeth with teeth, take a bite.

The single most unhinged game in existence, Wario World is pure hedonism. I am genuinely convinced that Wario himself developed this game as a power fantasy. there is no real danger from enemies it is just pure frantic treasure hunting. Amazing game

This is also the only game I have ever 100% completed

Literally the worst game I've ever played. My girlfriend dumped me an hour into my first playthrough so I never finished it. What trash.

Jonathan Blow is a pretentious hack so it's a big shame he's an absolute genius as well.

I haven't beat this game because I feel it's best played at a glacial pace like a crossword puzzle book, but I want to log something for July so this is it

If only I could have made Jonathan Blow cry in a dark room