twenty twenty three ranked

yeah more zelda but they let you be more creative and its bigger and stuff
depths sucks but sky is nice
new powers are cool but i miss the simplicity of botw
game pretty much ends when you build the air bike so w/e
this and botw are probably interchangeable
yeah i can see why people dont like this game and its because theyre stupid! and bad at video games!
if youre not good at conserving your resources and exploring to find useful shit then you will not have fun, i liked and appreciated the direction that the game pushed me in but i can understand why some people dont
anyways divine beasts suck mega balls they neutered their ability to make temples any more complex or interesting by making it so that everything could be accessible from the start
bosses in beasts suck, 2/4 leadups to beasts suck
i feel like essential upgrades like inventory and armor shouldnt be an even slightly difficult thing to find, if i played through the game with like 2 extra inventory slots i would kill myself and if you dont do rito beast early you might not even find another fountain until then, kinda just feels like a knowledge barrier that shouldnt exist
idc about music but it hit good when it was there
i hate temperature mechanics
whatever i had fun the amount of stuff in the video game is crazy, world feels alive, bike is really cool
cant wait to play the same game again in like 2 months
game challenge
nobody will ever agree what games are the most hard or challenging but i am going to type all of this shit anyways
imo the 5 hardest game genres in no particular order are rhythm, rts, 4x (like civ), shmups, and fighting games (4x is probably just me)
i think the best categorizations for challenge are in dexterity, knowledge, strategy, and psychology
dexterity = physical ability to react and control the game
knowledge = knowing things like enemy attack patterns, map layouts, unit stats etc
strategy = ability to plan ahead of the game and form ideas quickly
psychology = being able to recognize your own / an opponents mental state, predicting moves, staying calm etc
cuphead is almost all dexterity and knowledge, but not nearly as intense as other games
recognition of attack patterns and dodging/attacking optimally is not too challenging
strategy has a minimal role in your item selection and psychology only applies if you hate dying
a rhythm game like sound voltex is basically all dexterity, with some knowledge of techniques and practice on difficult sections
civ 5 is high strategy, high knowledge, and some psychology
bullet hell games are mostly high dexterity, but also have knowledge and strategy checks to survive through higher difficulties and get higher scores
this way of looking at challenge definitely has flaws, like how knowledge and strategy can overlap a lot and how dexterity is difficult to measure sometimes
btw dodging attacks in like souls games is knowledge not strategy
90% of souls games are mostly knowledge and minimal execution, unironically btfo by most fighting games
looking at games like this is cool but i also dont care, but also it would be cool to see how other people see challenge
idk why i put this under cuphead the game was cool i guess kinda got boring quick but coop is fun
its probably the best wrpg ive played (except for skyrim's nostalgia bonus) with the best role playing elements, would recommend to literally anyone
the amount of agency you have to play however you want beyond just killing everything is absurd, i havent really seen anything like it before and it makes me wish more rpgs built on it
slightly "not for me" scenario, i dont really like the combat that much and the setting is kinda boring to me (post US nuclear apocalypse is very low on my apocalypse tier list)
but all of the factions and the characters and the stupid bethesda dialogue are very cool, i appreciate how much shit they packed into an open world game with a relatively small map
favorite thing is factions, there are a fuckton of them with their own beliefs and conflicts and questlines and shit, allows for big role playing, has a constant effect on gameplay, and really helps replayability
ultimate downside is that it will probably take like 3 hours to get the game into a playable state, but then you get to mod the game however you want so
yes please try for very good gaming
mar io kart
still hoping they bring back the challenges and bosses in the ds game sometime those were crazy
it's definitely very fun and cool but its missing a ton of polish/qol
menus, the map, and the screen transitions are all really awkward and look weird
the gameplay loop is the same for literally all of the areas, with very little varieties in the activities
there aren't many trick animations and they can get a little old
why isn't there like a counter for the collectibles you have?
unlocking characters is really unclear, they never even tell you that there are unlockable characters
but its really fun to play its kinda like a youtube commentary game its not too hard but it's fun to move around in
if you can get around the polish issues it's a fun game
first 75% is kinda boring but the last parts were pretty cool
very visually appealing too!
but its still inside-core/little nightmares-core, more entertaining as a concept
it is inconceivable how simple it is
very easy but its kinda relaxing/satisfying, my efficiency brain had a nice time with it
not much in terms of depth or story or music or substance but its a nice ride
wish it had better worldbuilding and more real shit but erm what the cod
played nonary games on steam i am lying
not as puzzle-y as i expected but the story/characters were very enjoyable
last puzzle was indeed dumb as fuck why can't i just play sudoku
i didn't click everywhere in the very first room and brute forced both the briefcases lmao
blizzard sucks
the blowmobile has struck again
the environmental puzzles were cool but actually did nothing for progression or anything
had a couple cool moments with screens + environment but they were definitely in the minority
i like staring at puzzle screens as much as the next guy but holy shit there is no video game
a jonathan blow to blow them all
can we do a sprinkle? just a sprinkle?
just a schmear
the novelty is pretty cool and lasts a surprising amount of time but the story can get a little stale at points
the later parts of the game are really cool and a nice change of direction but it felt too complex to progress through comfortably
mostly just in it to see the Real Life people that Exist in Real Life shit feels so real
icy girl clears
nvm fuck it 10 idc
it is quite literally just paper mario if you like paper mario combat you will have fun

good things first:
- combat epic, having 3 characters with unique actions and equipment is more fun to me than just having mario and some dude, surprisingly balanced(?)
- more combat, a lot of freedom to explore options and optimize with the medal system
- more combat, active defense / action inputs are the sauce for turn based rpgs that i will enjoy
- menial quests, i love going to one place and then coming back for some reason
- setting, where am i
- characters, the main 3 (and basically everyone) are shallow but like in a shitty cheesy way that i like
- graphics, cool paper haha...
- story/lore, I (ME) liked it, surprisingly unique lore and effective writing

the mid:
- enemy variety, could've had a couple more types, they also have a really small attack pool
- dashing everywhere is slightly peeving
- graphics, didn't actually do too much with the 2d paper thing

there is nothing for the bad section, but i know for a fact people won't like it as much, the combat system just tickles my big gay brain
short and simpleish but fun
puzzles were pretty easy for most of the game but some had some fun challenge
very cool stylistically, music is fine, but it just normal beige cardboard gaming after a while
you get one mode with 5 stages that's it have fun
Solid game to play to enter the genre, but the jump between novice and other difficulties can be kinda steep. Once you get past that, the game has a ton of resources inside it to help players learn quickly.
Solid music, but imo it suffers from the shmup disease of the same looking tanks and planes all the time and no options for improved visibility, which is big for me.
It still ends up feeling pretty good and fun to play, but it's also an example of why I'm trying to stick to more modern shmups. Games in this style will have to be near the quality of this one for me to stick with them.
bug games cannot be beat
wow so many modes wow simple but expandable system wow teaches good fundamentals wow music
not quite a real burger game but a very good meat sandwich
Probably what I'm looking for in terms of difficulties, visuals, and variance.
The difficulties scale pretty well and can all change depending on your choice of shield and counter mode.
Having a "required" stage select mode is nice, I feel like it would be great for newer players to get a feel for the mechanics and stages before full runs.
Enemy sprites, stage backgrounds, and visuals all look nice and have great visibility. When I say visuals I am not talking about the boobs please stop sending me pipe bombs.
Good shmup without playing as a flying mech ship and killing tanks and planes??? Impossible.
very assuredly not a 10 but i really liked it so its a 10 rn
you do not add quick switching, bunny hopping, rocket jumping, grappling hook, shitty story, speedrunning mode, level editor, and pixel art into a 2d platformer metroidvania because i will give it a 10


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