top tier remake.
good for speedrunning like every resident evil.
great replayability but still waiting on assignment ada.

completely expands on breath of the wild.
much better game with more to do.
goty 2023

amazing remake and reimagining of an already good game.

way better game than 2013, story is also forgettable though. lara's voice actor improved and the gameplay is alot better, less qte's but sometimes the climbing becomes janky and unresponsive. graphics are a huge improvement too. overall a much better experience than 2013's tomb raider.

game is short, voice active from Lara is just okay, not great. gameplay loop is repetitive, qte simulator. and its incredibly easy. story is alright although I couldn't care about any of the other characters. puzzles are too easy as well. was supposed to 100% but couldn't be bothered.

veeery short game. story is alright, not much emotional connection to the characters. swinging feels much better than 2018, venom powers also feel great to chain into swinging. combat feels better too, finishers require combos now and doesn't take a bar anymore which makes combat flow better. overall just an improved spiderman game.

>install mod
>reach whiterun
>find new mod
>install mod and create a new character
>reach whiterun

I like it more than BioShock 1 or 2, but rapture is just miles better than Columbia. decent experience overall, didn't bother playing DLC.

graphics are amazing, night city looks great. the story is good but the choices in the beginning don't really change anything in the story. RPG elements are decent, gunplay isn't that good but story got me through it. world building is also great but not surprised when they have an entire lorebook to base it off of.

gameplay is very satisfying and story is decent. combo chaining is very satisfying, especially seeing your stylish rank go up to SSS with the soundtrack playing. v parts are boring though. high replayability. vergil dlc made me motivated.

amazing gameplay and soundtrack. eternal improved on what doom 2016 did and made it 10x better. every weapon has a purpose, higher difficulties are fun to play. soundtrack by mick gordon is phenomenal.


great indie game. emotional story. world building is good.

great game. the world feels alive and graphics are amazing. nighttime looks great with the godrays and pitch black forests.
story is the best rockstar has made after gta iv.