some might say this is the dark souls of remasters

we gotta start using the term “a tight ten hours” for games like film aficionados use the term “a tight 90.” jet set radio is a tight ten hours

they gotta stop writing actual plots for these things. i dont care

i dont think it aged as well as people said it did (audience boos at my dumb shit) but i gotta bump up the rating for the obvious innovative and historical value. the godfather of all great 3D platformers (audience dies down and claps politely) like super mario sunshine (more intense booing)

definitely not the worst game in the world and certainly some cool lil setpieces and other things to like. however i dont think ive ever viscerally hated a game as much as dark souls 2 at some points. i beat this game half out of spite. the people who say this is their favorite fromsoft game are contrarian liars

the iron keep can suck my lil ass dick from the back

they should put kraid in smash bros

team silent are honestly goated for putting in that no ammo failsafe for the final boss cuz my stupid ass forgot to pick up the rifle and was fighting for my life w 6 shotgun shells and my handgun

mikami can't keep getting away with it

they should make more resident evils like these. not sure what could go wrong

shigesato itoi's second greatest accomplishment behind placing 8th in the 1992 monopoly world championship

never beat this as a kid but i always thought wolf was cool. not in a furry way though

#sources can confirm this is paradise, and it's very nice

this game has me putting a death grip on the controller trying to drift through those tight corners the way i was gripping my steering wheel for dear life when i was first learning to drive

not sure i like this as much as other JRPG-heads but still a very comfy and charming game and i had a fun time. plot was VERY standard to me and i get the sense it was made to be appreciated by DQ-heads more than anyone else but the different mini-arcs you get from traveling the world and talking to NPCs are still enjoyable in the same way a bedtime story or one-off anime episode is

koichi sugiyama can suck my nuts i would have muted this game but im a freak for wanting to hear voice acting in games that have them so i didn't unless i was grinding or something