Major Flaws in Games I Like

Just pointing out the stuff I found really bad in games I find to be at the very least decent

Sonic and the Black Knight
Sonic and the Black Knight
The actual gameplay sucks so hard, it's honestly astonishing. It's saved by being a really short game, possibly shorter than Forces, and, unlike Forces, actually having major substance in every other area.
Sonic Generations
Sonic Generations
The Time Eater. That is all.
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic Unleashed
The medal collecting kills the pacing of this game. It's not an issue in the Wii version, but that version sucks ass all around, so it's not much of a bright spot.
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
The new content for Royal, in isolation, is genuinely phenomenal, but damn, you guys are really gonna make me play through OG Persona 5 to get to it?
Sakura Wars
Sakura Wars
Read what I put for Black Knight, but it's compounded by Sakura Wars being a substantially longer game.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
This is a franchise-wide issue, but I feel that these games are very lacking in terms of thematic weight, at least until Cold Steel 4, anyway.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Smash Tour was absolutely a mistake.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
There's just so much needless backtracking in this game, it's absurd. Also that fuccboi on Twitter 9volt ruined Koops for me.
Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 4
The core gameplay and combat mechanics (sans Lucifer) is fantastic, but my lord, DMC4 is caked in so much bullshit that it kills whatever desire I have to replay it.
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Whoever designed Arkham is a war criminal.
God Hand
God Hand
For as deep as the combat mechanics are, God Hand really should have been cut by a couple hours.
Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III
A lot of the pre-endgame boss fights really fucking blow, man. Also again, Titanic Clash is the worst boss theme in the franchise by a wide margin.
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
For as charming as KH1 is, I feel a lot of the worlds are too big to have fun traversing through for how limited your movement options are, making replays a bit of a drag.
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II
It has the opposite problem of KH1, where you have so much mobility, but there's really not much to use it on. At least this issue is slightly rectified in Final Mix, which is more than what I can say for KH1.
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
The actual combat is some of the best in the series (only below 2 and 3), but there's so little of it cuz the game decided it'd be a good idea to focus on crappy minigames instead.
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
There's so much repeated content in this game which makes sense considering the setting, but still.
Asura's Wrath
Asura's Wrath
It's a CyberConnect2 game, for better AND for worse.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Kinda the same as with DMC4, but the combat mechanics are nowhere near as deep, and the bullshit isn't as egregious, and by that, I mean there's more than one good boss in this game.
Grim Fandango Remastered
Grim Fandango Remastered
I'm shoving the puzzle designer in a tiny locker.
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0
There's some quite blatant weird guy shit in here that makes me uncomfortable. Also, why do enemies just get superarmor at the drop of a hat?
NieR: Automata
NieR: Automata
Boy, I sure love when enemies can only stagger consistently when you're at the proper level.
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Every time I play this game, my right hand screams in agony.
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Xenoblade Chronicles X
For as good as this game gets, the first 20 hours really drags until you properly pilot the Skells.
Tales of Berseria
Tales of Berseria
I don't appreciate how simplified the combat has become compared to prior entries.
The quick time events and the missile section before the last fight with Jeanne can go to hell.
No matter what version of the game I play, the game locks up constantly. No kidding, I've had it lock up on me around 40 times.
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends
The game genuinely feels like it wasn't really made for tank controls considering how fast-paced it is.
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
If I were to tell you all the issues I had with this game, we'd be here all day. Not a good look, considering this is the only Danganronpa game I don't hate.
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake
For the love of all that is good, why are there so many walking segments?


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