When it was fun it was some of the most fun I had with my friends all that changed when Brig showed up

short but sweet but definitely a game to go into knowing you’ll beat it in like 3 hours. A map would be nice in this game tho

Was really enjoying this but I lost my copy

Short but sweet, get it ? like the title of the game :)

When it’s good it’s great however, it’s dated for controls to visual, and quick time events, and when it’s tries to switch up the formula all the fun gets striped away, story’s also kinda nothing but that’s not what anyone is playing bayonetta for tbh.

highkey amazing at what it does but I understand the disappointment that some Zelda fans point to like lack of ost and lack of complex dungeons but it’s just so full and I enjoyed it so much.

It’s a visual novel but good. I got kinda bored by the time the final trial rolled around tho. The 3rd trial was also ass because you knew who did it before the trail even starts.

Had a lot of fun with it as a kid but can notice it’s flaws now that I’m older.

janky af but that’s what makes it fun.

My favorite Metroid and easily the best game to start the series with. Great pacing overall lacks moments where players can get stuck it kinda has everything.

Just need the right time to finish after other Zeldas