Ubisoft has tried their hardest to make sure this game cannot be played

Excellent game. Gameplay is smooth and the atmosphere is top notch. The shot-reverse shot style of storytelling is pretty bland, and the lottery style of perks is a little unusual, but these are minor when compared to the rest of the game. The Oldest House is one of the best settings to be constructed in an action game.

Actually abysmal. Despite being a turn based game, your choices from map to map are so severely limited they play themselves. RNG heavy, uninspired atmosphere, and harsh punishments make this game hard to get into.

The best of the series imo. A lot of choices when it comes to creating a racing team, and the item holding mechanic can lead to big brain plays. Really hope Nintendo decides to give this game a proper sequel soon

I can’t in good faith give this a high score, but it does slap in a so-bad-it’s-good sort of way.
“Don’t worry mr. President, everything is under control. Just leave it to us!”

For a long time this was my favorite top down Zelda. The gameplay just feels faster than other titles in the series, and there’s so many weird discoveries you can make when flipping between worlds.

In 2023, nothing else compares to it. Many have tried to reach the longevity of TF2 and failed. Actually just the best multiplayer game and carried by pure charm alone. I wish MvM got some more support before the devs pulled the plug on the entire project.

Slow start and a harsh tutorial killed my interest once, but by the end of it, I wanted more.

Highly influential experience, and one of those ones where you have to play once. Modern lens: some quests are pretty convoluted or give a pretty poor sense of direction. I almost feel like it’s a rite of passage to look up a guide online for this game lol

Underrated honestly. Little replay value, but this has some of the most creative dungeons in the series.

I was with this game until it asked me to for a huge scavenger hunt

More toon link is cute, but this ain’t it chief

A lot of neat ideas, but the surrounding package is uninspired, boring, and slow. A “by the numbers” Zelda game, if you will. Sky islands are cool, but that’s about it

The last fun modern Battlefield game. I really wished EA supported the game longer, instead of jumping ship to push the disaster that was BF V

Custom map creators peaked with this game. Halo 3 Forge set such a high bar that other MP map creators haven’t been able to match the ease and shareability that H3 had. Bungie also made it really easy to discover new maps thanks to their weekly map spotlight.