good stuff, talking frog, fun to play, nice


a lack of varied combat encounters, a pointless upgrade system, and stilted gunplay. pretty fun though.

this game is a complete work, the sum of passion and creativity of its creators. very rarely do you get something like that in the AAA space, but it happens.

great pigs in this one, best zelda etc.

a good combo of tongue in cheek humor and geniune scares! its a good one!

The one thing people don't try to rip off, is the most important part, that turns an excellent first person puzzle game into THE greatest game of all time.(Its the jokes)

i dislike that ocelot is the boss's son, alright?!? it adds nothing to the story! great otherwise.

we'll always be best friends.

i have played this game for as long as it takes for some people to become doctors.