a game intentionally, and succeding massively, to attempt to recreate the slow, ominous atmosphere of alien, years later seen by gamers as not being as cool as the more fast paced sequels, fucking bleak

why is every game this game now. why. i know why. please. i hate everything. good game tho.

oh hey looks like you cant go less than half a star

take out mario and youve got a reat game

wow, this game is so boring.

The best worst game ever made. people often say to take out the main story, but slacking off is only fun when theres something important youre supposed to be doing.

best game. ever made. i bleed tetris blocks. i lost my virginity to this game.

what more is there to say? what else is there to add. theres plenty here left to discover.

a little clunky nowadays but well worth observing

Not enough meat on its bones, but very fun.

a game that knows its a game, and not in the BS meta way.

solid all around, doesnt overstay its welcome, just good