114 Reviews liked by typ0wer

Judgement is a Yakuza game in all but name, and RGG Studio’s first one set in Kamurocho without Kiryu as the main character. After giving up being an attorney, Takayuki Yagami becomes a freelance detective and investigates a series of murders in the city with the help of his former law office and ex-Tojo clan friend Masaharu Kaito. Substories are framed as side cases that Yagami can take on to earn some extra money, and new mini-games like drone racing and the Paradise VR board game are incredible additions. Anyone who is a fan of the Yakuza series should really check this out, and newcomers can jump right in without prior knowledge.

RE2 Remake stands up there as one of the best Resident Evil games along with 4. The different locations are perfectly crafted along with the puzzles and the shooting. Pretty much everything I could have hoped for with this remake.

Without a doubt, my favourite game released in 2019. DMC5 is a triumphant return to form after the miserable DmC and the distant DMC4. I consider it even better than 3 and Nero and Dante's movelists feel fully realized. V is an interesting new addition and his playstyle makes me excited for the potential of a summoner class in Dragon's Dogma 2. DMC5's soundtrack is incredible too, and I'm sure I'll be booting the game up for years to come just to play Bloody Palace.

Sekiro rightfully earns its spot as my second favourite FromSoft game. The Souls formula is still there, but the gameplay is fairly different now. Taking Bloodborne’s aggressiveness encouragement another step forward, Sekiro rewards not giving the enemies a chance to breathe more than ever. Boss battles are a tug-of-war of trying to break each other’s posture and perfect blocking to mitigate it. The dodge button pushes you forward by default and you often hope to have your attack blocked more than a it be a direct hit. Some of my favourite FromSoft bosses reside in this game with the final boss perhaps being my favourite overall. Level design is also at its best with the game finally giving you a greater range of movement and verticality with jumping and grappling. There’s even decent stealth mechanics. Sekiro was a really pleasant surprise and I hope they continue The Wolf’s story.

Some of the most beautiful pixel art I have ever seen, Blasphemous is an utterly dark game. Pretty solid 2D combat that evokes DARK SOULS in its difficulty and some mechanics. Just wish getting around the world wasn't such a pain. Backtracking is after all the name of the game when it comes to metroidvanias, but it can't be this ridiculous.

I have no doubt that this is Kotaro Uchikoshi’s finest work. AI: The Somnium Files is 2019's game with the most heart put into it. Consistently funny and over-the-top, a wonderful cast, and a really well executed sci-fi murder mystery. It makes me hope that Uchikoshi continues to make the kinds of games he wants to make, because you can definitely tell he had the most fun making this one.

Sayonara Wild Hearts is something special. Although clocking in rather short at just under an hour long, I would best describe the game as an Album Video Game. Each of the game’s 23 or so levels has its own song. The actual gameplay consists of mostly on-rails segments where you have basic movement and avoid obstacles and collect pickups to boost your score, but every level has a unique take on that concept with major climax levels being full tracks with vocals. It’s incredibly stylistic and tells a heartwarming story about dealing with heartbreak. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys musical games.

Disco Elysium has some of the best writing I have ever seen in a video game. As an amnesiac detective, you explore the district of Martinnaise trying to solve who was behind the lynching of a mercenary before the situation gets out of control. It’s a very bleak world with some really awful people. What sets Disco Elysium above other RPGs in terms of gameplay is its character builds. As there is no combat, the 24 skills that you can put points into when you level up are all social skills. The higher you have various skills leveled, the more you will hear advice from them during conversation trees. A high Authority level will constantly remind you to tell people you are The Law, where a high level in Inland Empire will let you talk to inanimate objects to gain new perspectives. Disco Elysium is going to be a different experience for everyone, and I really implore you to give it a try (if you like to do a lot of reading).

Jedi: Fallen Order blew me away so much that it made me want to see Respawn totally shift to this over more Titanfall. Great original story in the Star Wars universe with incredible lightsaber combat and some light Souls and Metroidvania mechanics and design philosophies included.

An outstanding collection of the two Great Ace Attorney games that were localized for the first time and ported to modern platforms. GAA1 is good fun and GAA2 is currently my favourite game in the franchise. Not only that, but the visuals and animations are exactly what I want from future AA games right now so I really hope they make good use of them. It feels like Ace Attorney is finally back.

A game so good it deserves happy fireworks

♫ Don't you bully me. You'll want to run and hide ♫

The monster isn't even named "Until Dawn". It's called Wendigo. This is like if Jason from Friday the 13th's name wasn't "Friday the 13th"