great other than morganas annoying miserable garbage ass and the random subplot with them

great dlc and a nice addition to three houses, the new characters are all lovely (especially Constance)

i had fun with it just as ive had with nearly every other FE game ive played but its laughably easy (i get thats the entire design but its just way, way too easy: the xp farms, the plethora of resources, the overpowered characters, theres zero threats even in the later chapters) and again a stale story

incredible, ive said it in like nearly every other review for the other games but absolutely one of my favorites due to how fucking hard it is, especially that one mountain map later on
story is a slog and pretty bad but thats like. the entirety of fates so who gaf
Azuras dance + that entire chapter CARRYYYYYYY so hard, one of the greatest additions to the series

i have yet to finish it but its kinda... not my favorite, the incredibly goofy looking protag and the very boring characters arent the greatest, its like in Fates where there was a plethora of characters being introduced in nearly every other chapter: they get an introducion, some context, and thats it, you're left with supports you probably wont remember
gameplay is fun, i love the maps, score, art style, rings, etc. but its just very very basic and pales in comparison to the rest

great addition to the series and just a great concept in general, introducing Robin/Chrom/Lucina etc really brought me into the series
with this being (i think?) my first game of the series ive played im kinda biased but STILL, i really do think this was a redefining point for the installments after

what a genuine fucking joke of a game, slapping "dead rising" onto its tagline just to stay inline with the rest of series is HORRIBLE, i remember being excited on announcement bc wow! frank west! hes back! i love frank in 1/off the record but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST hes absolutely terrible here, reduced to a nothing character that relies more on trashy humor more than his other personality traits. literally such a joke to have a character return with the promises of "he's better than ever!" then reducing him to a nothing ball of garbage
outside of my negatives with the genuinely horrific usage of frank, the gameplay is a nightmare and terrible, combos are exaggerated to the point of zero belief (3 exaggerated them but it made sense since Nick was a vehicle mechanic and was using anything around him to fight back - the only story related combos he gets is the Sledgesaw, which is somewhat believable) and the zombies are both hideous looking and have barely any blood, overall just a nonsensical dumpsterfire that makes zero sense.
the inventory having a gigantic area for food items... LMFAOOOO, the entire point of the earlier games was decision making for bringing weapons or food (either survivability or health with your limited space) but this boggles it down to recent nintendo levels of difficulty, genuinely just shameful
the """"""""""psychopaths""""""""" and the readdition of the True Eye cult are laughably bad, like actually i have zero idea how any of this made it past the point of conception and brainstorming bc none of it fucking works
story and characters are horrid, all of this just feels like an attempt to coddle to nostalgia and nothing more, it DOES NOT WORK and i absolutely despise this for ruining such a wonderful franchise
i really hope DR5 becomes a thing, i dont want this to be the final thing we've heard from the series AT ALL

STW: MID ASFFF and im glad they shelved it, so insanely boring and tedious
BR: very fun with friends and a blast most of the time, some of the balancing is questionable
lego: fine
festival: i always like rhythm games so 10/10
rocket racing: nobodys playing it

another fun asym game that just has the absolute fucking worst dev team in existence that take weeks to churn out bug fixes
luv Connie though

i cant ever get into it + it somehow pales in comparison to 1 so... yea i gave up on it
very, very dissapointing

incredibly bare bones and predictable story that could have benefitted from a choice system BUT i loved playing it with friends, very good combat system that uses dead islands mediocre one and amps it up a lot

very very fun but i remember getting SO mad at the bosses

from what i remember i had fun and loved it! idk

overall amazing but the core 4 boss fights are incredibly easy and theres zero challenge surrounding them for some reason

does its job for a warriors game but the story/core twins are BADDDDD, i dont get what it is with them unable to make good characters for the FE warrior games