one of my absolute favs in the franchise (played through three times, dumped countless hours in, etc) but the repetitiveness of the map designs and the inconsistencies with some routes (ghost dimitri/rheas fate/kronya???) brings it down just a little bit
adore most of the characters

its fun but compared to the other titles... no
the random pedophilic garbage is WEIRDD and should not be a main standpoint, that and the gameplay gets a little boring after a while (since some of the megaphones abilities are broken)

some of the best characters in the franchise + best murder sequences + the most creative and divisive, the ending is kinda.... bad, but i dont mind it as much as other people do

better than the 1st but still wack asf due to the random sexual shit with mikan, outside of that i rlly enjoyed it

desperately needs a remake, the lack of save boxes and the rampant backtracking ruins all of my enjoyment for it

loved it all the way through, only thing that was obv is the josh reveal but other than that! amazing

very good and very fun, adore the visuals and the amnt of different choices/outcomes but the lack of a genuine ending is horrible, Until Dawn wrapped everything up in a nice little bow for every character with the interviews but the ending here is a... podcast recap?

so fun and beautiful, love the artstyle and combat

cant fully complete since its bugged at a specific part for me but i had a great time with it

1st season: 10/10
2nd: 9.5/10
3rd: 8/10
4th: 10/10
others: 8/10

fine and with good atmosphere/visuals but the amount of walking/lack of any real threat outside of the winter (i kept playing on harder difficulties and barely faced any wolves/etc) is ridiculous

very very good and definitely the scariest in the franchise but the second half (boat segment especially) is way too long and boring for it to be perfect
really good atmosphere, tension, scares, etc (vhs portions are a great standout too) + my personal introduction to RE back when it released