perfection in every regard with a genuinely scary Nemesis + i love the inclusion of the choice system, the atmosphere is great and very creepy, the entire clock tower segment is amazing and overall in my top 5 for the franchise
would love to play it originally w/o emulation

very fun and overall great but wayyyyyyyyyy too short, finished it in nearly 4 hours
the removal of the clock tower + a lot of the core elements from the far better original kinda ruin it

absolutely amazing, genuinely creepy and one of the best in the franchise and THANK GOD ts was remastered, i kinda hope we get another one + hope it retains everything perfect abt this
might get it on gamecube soon and i cant wait to play that as well

its kinda hard to log this since its just another asym horror game BUT i do really like it outside of the sometimes horrific balance changes/absurdity of the new killers/incredibly strong survivor perks (circle of healing release), theres a lot to like but i do hope they overhaul the visual engine at some point </3 half the survivors (especially old ones) have some really fucking ugly textures


very fun, beautiful artstyle, great characters and a nice story but the replayability aspects are kinda... not great, you can complete runs over and over again but the lack of new unique bosses (outside of some harder variants) doesnt help
cant wait for the second game though!

ive played this on pc/ps4 a numerous amount of times and love every playthrough, despite the really easy difficulty theres just a lot to adore
i still need to play the others in the reboot series but im glad they brought it back anyways

just recently beat it all the way through again and might get a 100% run, i really do love this and the gameplay is insanely fun but the weak story is pretty... bad
the addition of the "timer" is REALLY bad, i didnt rush at all for the stories/side quests/etc (all of which I did in the end) but having 5 days instead of the typical 3 makes for zero stress or paying attention to it, in 1/2 the time is very limited (especially 1 where you have to race across the small map and use the limited setting to your advantage) but here theres... none, almost
that and the increasing variants of the freedom bear/other combo weapons is stupid/>#$? they arent that great anyways and its a bit lazy
outside of that! I really liked everything else

its fun and enjoyable but the again pisspoor ai and excessive loading screens (on xbox 360 especially there was literally just minutes of loading after cutscenes which is kinda ridiculous) make this not as good as it could be
gameplay itself its great, love the whole casino setting and rebecca/stacey

beat three times already and i wouldnt mind doing it all over again
one of the best entries in the franchise and with lovely gameplay/scares/etc, cannot wait for 9 to drop

gave me nightmares for a solid week when i was young, one of the best zombie games ever created and with a great story + characters but the absolutely fucking atrocious godawful horrendous ai kinda ruins it a bit
outside of that its incredible

greatest two path game ever and im dead serious, everything from the gameplay to story to score to art style is peak

really loved playing it all the way through + the gameplay and all but the story near the end was kinda an absolute mess, outside of that i really loved it

literal defintion of peak and one of the best games ive ever played
the ada dlc is AMAZINGG too, just such a lovely game

absolutely adore everything in this, ive played through it at least 3 times and i cant wait to do it all over again