LOVE IT!!!!! love that i cant ever describe it to anyone but i understand now.................. i know what everyone is talking about.

Absolutely deserves the hype - I put 100+ hours into my first campaign only to want to start a new one immediately.

Hopefully with time they can fix up some of the glitchiness of act 3 and make it a truly perfect game, so i have an excuse to play again and kiss shadowheart and astarion.

IM OBSESSED!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish i could go back in time just to name my dog after Missile....... literally the best character in video game history

really enjoyable - all these claims that its 'oooh so dark and gritty and game of thrones' are insane, the reality is its about a soft boy in an unreasonably tight leather corset hanging out with his best doggy friend helping others.

turns out i continue to be obsessed with climbing literally anything i see!!! the game made me cry from the music beats alone, and when i think about the story im a wreck...... it absolutely deserves all the acclaim its getting.

the best part however is getting to play dress up with link, it fulfils all my desires to put in him a funny hat and run around for 100 hours

absolutely love crying over video games..... shulk my beloved you will always be famous!
most importantly though, matthew is the perfect amount of stupid i like in a man goty

A fantastic update to the original - it brought a lot of cheesy fun to a game that was already both, and somehow actually improved the story to include logic you could follow???? rare for a series as insane as re lol

in conclusion: leon is still a babygirl 10/10

It sure is a rpg. Strong opening that kind of lost its steam as time went on. Also has a playable party made up of 5 of the straightest people in video game history and Dohalim lmao


so cheesy it comes all the way back around to being surprisingly charming~ i love my little anime chess pieces xoxo

very cute, made me feel all gooey inside just from putting things away. scratches that itch in my brain to make rooms look cute. would love to have the actual effort for my own house.


this game is perfection. like im in awe of every single part of it. if i could replay a game fresh i would pick hades every single time.

mayhaps the greatest jrpg of all time??? what other game has heropon riki!?!?!???

everything is beautiful, the ending is insane, sephiroth is there: what more do you need

kaname date has destroyed my ability to see red flags please help me

beautiful game, im obsessed with whatever the hell erik has going on.