wheatie that's Too Many Times

Saw KatietheSqurge's list and wanted to try one of my own

games so nice i purchased the,m quite a number of times, ranging from twice to, like, 6

She included this on her list for being the same as it was on Wii U, except I have even more reason to say so because I still don't have the Booster Course Pass hehehe

... and if you'd like to count this, I also received a download code for it that came with the Switch I got for myself years after already buying the game physically.
One for each system + a few gifts to friends, pwease take my money Sukeban Games.

except for PS Vita actually, i still don't own a Vita.

i should fix that.
Switch + PC, for couch parties and long distance friends alike.
Played first on PS3, then bought DX on Steam a year later so I could record it. If MK8 and 8D are the same, then these are, too. Besides, I had to mod it to get it closer to the Dreamcast original anyway.
Played on 360 first, then bought it on Steam for the mod support. I owe, like, 80% of my childhood to the Sonic Generations modding community.
One of the few physical 3DS games I own today, purchased before I hacked my system. I really wanted to try and get back into this game as much as kid me did, but sadly it just didn't work out.
Another game I bought after re-obtaining a 3DS, because I loved it as a kid and wanted to try it again. Still pretty good, yeah.
Had it on 360 back when kid me still had a 360, now own it on Steam + PS4, because I realized my PC could actually run it, and I don't have PS Plus anymore.

I'm so glad my PC can run this but not Guilty Gear Xrd.
PC + Switch, I don't really know why I did this? Like, I don't really enjoy playing Celeste on a controller, but something in the back of my head just told me "you need to buy this game again cmon wheatie do it itll be really fun" and I mean sure yeah I guess it kinda was, I'd still rather just play it on PC though.
There are quite a few fighting games where I bought them on PS4 first, because I used to have this absolute dogass PC that could not run damn near anything, but now that I have a slightly less dogass PC, I can now play them without the agony of an online subscription.
Fun wheatie fact: this was one of the first fighting games I ever played.

One of my first ever fighting game experiences was The King of Fighters XIII. On an Android phone.

and by god, it was still a pretty good time. Liked it enough to buy it again on Steam.
I told this story in my review already, but kid me bought this for the Xbox 360 way back when, never ended up finishing the game. Sold that 360 for a PS2, Bayonetta went unfinished for the next 7 or so years until I finally came back to finish it on PS4.
The theme here is "games that i bought on consoles i don't own anymore"

I played the Mega Man Legacy Collection on 3DS after having only played Mega Man 2 & 3 a million times over on that same system, love those two to death. Bought it again on PS4 along with its sequel because I was going through a hell of a Mega Man kick back a couple years ago.
Same here, played it on 3DS first, except now I have it on Steam. King of Cards took so long to come out that it's still the only Shovel Knight campaign I haven't played.
Hey, I actually own both of these copies at the moment! I bought it on Gamecube first, because it's Resident Evil 4 and everybody loves Resident Evil 4 and I wanted to also love Resident Evil 4 (i now love Resident Evil 4); bought it on Steam a few years later because I was curious to see how it would feel on KBM. I'm still curious to this day, because for some reason, my PC really doesn't like running the Resident Evil games.
I don't know what the "core collection" entails so for the sake of not filling this list with FNAF, this'll have to substitute for the first three games. I bought 1-3 on mobile, back before I even had a Steam account, I believe. Now have the series on Steam, though the mobile ports were still surprisingly competent. I remember also buying the little animatronic plushies that would pop up on the desk in the first game, I don't think they did anything but they looked cute and were each, like, a dollar.
And not in the "oh p5 and p5r are the same game" kinda way, no I just have Persona 5 on PS3 and PS4 for some reason, I loved this shit.
I bought the HD Remaster on Switch, but for the sake of
A) not wanting to play these games on the Switch
and B) wanting to play the games in their original incarnations, I decided to buy X and X-2 on PS2 as well.
Purchased digitally on PS4, but then I bought it again physically because I wanted to give it to my friend so he could play it. Mainly because I know he hates horror, teehee :3
Wii U + 3DS + The X Legacy Collection on PS4, yeah my first time playing Mega Man X was on the Wii U of all things. I just remember watching the little trailer they had put up on the eShop as a kid and being absolutely enamored by the music alone. Loved the game so much that I just had to play it again, even after we ended up selling the Wii U. Lucky for me, I was the proud owner of a New Nintendo 3DS, complete with Mega Man X compatibility.

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I'm glad I could be an inspiration!

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