Ranking RPGs I've Played Based On Their Little Guys

Every sensible RPG has a Little Guy. Some even have many if you are lucky. This is a list of how good they are.

I will continue to monitor the situation on the ground as I gather more information.

First place simply due to the abundance of Little Guys. My Little Guy Cup runneth over. This is the best Pokemon title because they can follow you around
Hard to beat Hootle. When it comes down to games with a singular Little Guy, nobody does it better. Just an exemplary Little Guy. The owls are one of the best parts of this game
Chad Nopon Riku has gotta be one of MonolithSoft's top 5 ideas, up there with Welsh catgirls and finally making Rex an adult. Manana is incredibly adorable as well, and these two make an excellent Little Guy pairing
Koromaru is a baller. I thought he would talk like Morgana but the fact that he doesn't is actually cooler. A loyal companion to no end, and perhaps the most courageous Little Guy on this list. This game also gets bonus points for Makoto's Jack Brothers Theurgy. Hee Ho!
The pets are the best feature of this game, and really what having a Little Guy is all about. The creators of this game have distilled the essence Little Guy to its foundation: a circle with a face and sometimes legs. Many different options to choose from, and some of them are even useful!
I'm like an hour into this game but I adore Frog. When they meet, Crono doesn't know much about Frog other than that his name is Frog and he has a sword, and with that information he concludes yes we absolutely should do whatever this guy says. And I think many of us would find ourselves in a similar position. Frog just has that kind of charismatic effect
Was not a Riki fan during my playthrough, but I have since become familiar with his game. He is a familypon who works hard to give his littlepon a good life, and that I must respect. The willhal community has forgiven Riki
So now you get to take a quiz and BE one of the Little Guys? I can finally live out my dream of living in a Pokemon village- that's innovation. Obviously a limited pool of choices but some fantastic options within. Not much more to say on this one!
Now this.... THIS is what I'm talking about. The Temmies are just incredible, really. All of the monsters are adorable as well, and the true villain of the game happens to also be a Little Guy? Outstanding. Points deducted for not being able to take any of them with you, as this is a core principal of including Little Guys in your video game, but excellent work despite this.
Remember how Pikachu used to be fat? We used to be a proper country. Several hundred fewer little guys to choose from than HGSS, but a revolutionary idea for its time. Still dogshit gen 1 tho
Abandoned this game in favor of starting the remake trilogy soon, but as I understand it, Red XIII is some mutant Scooby Doo type fella, and the only one to survive the meteor at the end of the game, and that's pretty badass. That's a Little Guy I can respect. Cait Sith is also a little freak worth lots of points in these rankings
T3-M4 is like a little robot dog that sometimes helps you solve your sudoku puzzles. G0-T0 is a circular orb that is secretly a fucking crime lord. And HK-47 having a regular platypus/Perry The Platypus recognition of the party each time is icing on the cake. Robots can be Little Guys too!
If you've ever wanted a cat that makes you cool armor and cooks you delicious meals, this is the place to go. Not like some cat maid shit but like actual regular cats. It's pretty good
Morgana is mostly fine and good but he is a bitch loser in Haru's chapter and that part really annoyed me. He can shit on Ryuji all day but as soon as Ryuji gives him a taste of his own medicine he becomes the most oppressed creature in Shibuya. Certified bitchboy behavior, and that I cannot ignore. However, Morgana gains points for being the recipient of the best battle voice line in the game: "Bonafide Mona-fide!" But at the end of the day, Morgana is a little freak and that's what it's all about.
Having your dead little brother in your pocket for the whole game is pretty fucked up when you think about it for like 2 seconds, but he's a cute little ghost guy so who can really say if that's bad
You can have a Little Guy who's an invincible goblin and follows you around to collect Treasures and Items and Coins. I would do this in real life if I could
Similarly to the first game in the series, I suppose this game's Little Guy is Ochette's companion, which at least gives us a couple options. I liked Akala, but Mahina is a chump compared to the likes of Hootle. I suppose the hunter summons are actually good now, so points for that. Middling Little Guy status overall
Stuffwell is a little bit annoying as a tutorial, but overall adds to the silliness of the Mario & Luigi games. Not your everyday Little Guy due to being a suitcase and all, which should be considered in the rankings
This one's tough. Because on one hand, you have Gramps and Dromarch, who by all accounts are ballers and perhaps the two most wise Little Guys on this list. And on the other hand, you have Tora, who is a PERVERT and should die for the crime of being annoying and cringe. I think bad outweighs good here, despite Gramps and Dromarch's best efforts
Very many Little Guys to be found in this game, but hardly any that you can take with you, for which I am docking tremendous points. Best the game has to offer on that front is likely all the different lizards you can catch. The Gorons are nothing if not little guys, however
This game was so fucking bad that they took it off of the Steam store, and yet the one redeeming quality is the art. You battle using Little Guys named after different emotions, and you yourself are a little ghost dude. However, massive points deducted for having a less fun meta than Pokemon GSC OU but in a singleplayer game
That's not a Moogle, that's Miguel
Hard to pinpoint a Little Guy here, but my best bet is Linde. Due to H'aanit's story being 1/8 of the game, I cannot rate Linde very high. Also, he kind of sucks.
Allegedly there's a monster taming and battling system in this game, but I didn't get far enough to really make use of it, so instead I'm just going to imagine Taylor Swift sending a Rhydon into battle because that's probably what it's like
There's a crab familiar that you can get and he pinches your foes for 1 damage and can climb ladders. But there's also the tadpoles, famously a Very Bad Little Guy
Now I know what you're thinking. "willhal, there is not a SINGLE little guy in this game and it is FFX's deepest flaw!" And to that, I say you have forgotten one of the core tenets of this game: Kimahri is LITTLE RHONSO. Therefore, making him a Little Guy. Unfortunately, he's not a very good Little Guy. He is the single most dogshit party member in any JRPG I've ever played, and kind of forgettable as a character. L + Ratio + Hornless + Sin's Toxins + No Sphere Grid Path


There's a Little Guy enemy called Squirt, and a small few of them will be your friend. You can talk to one in the Bastion, but he gets mad if you talk to him too much. You can also summon one of those dudes to fight for you as an equipable skill but it's really bad
This game is sorely lacking in Little Guys. I suppose Johnny is a Little Guy but that's really all we've got. Are you gonna tell me that Roach is a Little Guy? Get real.
Oh, Claptrap. To me he's like the opposite of Glados from Portal. Memorable robot characters from games that were popular around the same time, but the difference is that Glados is still funny today, and Claptrap was only funny when I was 14. The lowest ranked game with a clearly defined Little Guy for a reason
A fantastic game by all accounts except one: not a SINGLE little guy to be found in the entire game. Caspar is the closest there is, but I don't think he counts because he eventually does hit puberty. I look forward to one day playing Engage and naming that stupid fat dog thing something ridiculous
Devoid of Little Guys in every sense, but my gf has filled every roof tile in our base with hanging potted plants and I think that's enough for it to not be last place. Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts or fifty-seven potted plants do
An excruciating absence of Little Guys. Nothing in this game can even give you a semblance of the joy of finding a Little Guy and taking it with you. This game offends me. Absolutely sickening


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