Reviews from

in the past

The atmosphere of the late night rookie levels is fantastic, but finding beacons in the dark isn't exactly gripping gameplay.

The concept behind ODST (playing Halo from the POV of Marines) is cool! But in execution this is just Halo 3, but with less-interesting levels and an escort mission for a finale.

Amazing campaign, the squads wide range of personality, the Mombasa streets free roam clashes so well with the day levels. The finale is such a perfect climax. Finding all the audio logs makes Mombasa feel alive in a way you wouldn’t expect. Playing as an ODST was a pleasant change as well.

Interesting concept. I loved the atmosphere and hub-level design on "Mombasa Streets" levels and System Shock style Audiologs but rest of the game is just a decent mixture of stereotypical Halo gameplay but mostly its just good -not great-. I liked no armor approach and i loved the characters a lot (even more than reach). This is just decent halo game with some experimental features. Loved the soundtrack a lot btw

Some of the best atmosphere to ever grace a first person shooter, and easily the best Halo game in terms of soundtrack. The tweaks made to the gameplay in order to differentiate the ODSTs from Spartans provide for a much different experience than the average Halo game, and they add to the feeling of loneliness and vulnerability during the "open world" segments.

"Halo 3 ODST OST" is a fun-to-type search query that I just did

it was a solid halo campaign, on the higher end for sure. a bit more grounded, they sell the aspect of being alone and not a crazy big cool spartan really well here. the missions are fun and cool. the hub world is okay, i like it in concept and thematically it's pretty great but it's a bit big. it was the most i felt halo not having a sprint, which usually i didn't mind but in the hub world here it was a bit rough.

the other games star ratings are a bit boosted by the multiplayer and such which this doesn't have, but it's more great shooter campaign i'm just not a massive shooter guy to begin with.

I like to think of ODST like the Rogue One of Halo. It shines the light away from the main cast onto a set of side characters during the main conflict who need to accomplish something at hand, which contributes to the accomplishments of the main cast's mission.

ODST takes place in the city of new Mombasa, one of the best Halo levels from Halo 2 in my opinion, but expands the lore of this once populated city. Through environmental storytelling, you're given more of a showcase of human life in the year 2550, something the previous Halo games kept mysterious. I appreciate it though, as it no longer makes the world of Halo feel like just one gigantic battlezone, and reminds you what the fight is for.

The characters included in this story are given a lot of personality and motivation, but I still couldn't find myself caring too much about them.

The gameplay is kind of interesting compared to everything else in the franchise. You play as a regular ODST solider, you are weaker and more fragile. Because of this, half the game kind of plays like a survival game where you are alone, limited on resources and need to get from point A to B. Between each of these points, you play a flashback that plays more like a regular Halo mission. These missions can be described as some of the better Halo missions. I really enjoyed the variety in both gameplay and setting these flashback missions provided. I can't say the same about the experimental survival sections. I know to others these parts were the highlight, but to me I really did not enjoy these sections.

ODST can be seen as an expansion to Halo 3 as it is pretty short, and literally has Halo 3 in the title. What I liked about this title the most was that it provided more lore and context to the Halo universe and I appreciate it for that. It still is a very good expansion, but it's not a highlight of the Halo franchise.

Hoisting one of the most impeccable atmospheres ever seen in gaming, ODST dives into Halo 2 (yeah, weird) with a noir-influenced story more penetrative than ever. The music strongly fortifies the game's atmosphere, with the score being lead by more somber instrumentation and composition, being led by saxophones and softer pianos. Each level is it's own unique trip, with none much similar to the rest. The game also birthed Halo's now-famous horde mode Firefight, which none of the games down the line could come close to, in terms of improving this one. The only serious complaint I have is the game's length, and even then, I'd rather a fantastic short game than a long boring one, and we definitely recieved the former.

Esperava mais do jogo, ele tem ideias interessantes como mudar o sistema de vida dos ODST e você sente essa mudança com você sendo um pouco mais fraco, uma campanha as vezes isolada as vezes em guerra na cidade, você jogar com vários personagens, porém senti que durante a campanha faltou muito um objetivo pra história que so ficou claro na última missão e andar pela cidade com rookie so pra ver um pedaço do que aconteceu, jogar um trecho e depois repetir varias vezes pelo mapa sem fazer nada relevante com rookie é bem tedioso.

Eu quero um enginer 10/10 melhor alien

This game is probably praiseworthy somewhere and I dont want to deny it that but I just cant see it through the Boring. My friend likes it tho and hes the one that had the Xbox so :shrug:

at a glance i was so excited for this one because it looked to have the most personally appealing atmosphere, music, and such of the series. that was partially true but it came with a set of its own issues too.

the hub level of the city streets does have wonderful atmosphere but it feels very surface level. i love some dark rainy ambience as much as anyone but there's not much going on here other than collectibles and enemies scattered around. i spent most of my time in these areas hauling ass to the next objective to shift to one of the traditional levels (all of which feature a more conventional Halo atmosphere which was a huge bummer).

to follow up on the level based sections, ODST unfortunately had my least favorite to date Halo combat. i understand what they were going for with non-spartan based player characters and wanting to feel disempowered but it didn't make for a great experience. navigating on the city streets while trying to just survive? sure. having some whole ass combat encounters that wouldn't be out of place in the other games, just with tankier enemies? no thanks.

that just leaves me with the story/characters. i wasn't huge on the story across 1/2/3 in most cases and didn't find high levels of investment but they were much better than the cardboard cutouts we had here.

i had a lot of complaints in this log but as with every other Halo game so far, this was playable and i enjoyed it on some level. it just wasn't the far and away series fave that i was hoping for.

incoherent yet somehow beautiful saxophone noises
This game has probably the best atmosphere in any game I've played, and it stuns me how something so good can be on the same engine as Halo 3. Really. Somehow, the gunplay feels so much better in this than its predecessor. Also, this game probably has the best soundtrack out of every Halo, including Reach. Deference for Darkness is just so iconic, and pieces like Traffic Jam and NMPDHQ are pretty much constantly playing in my head. They're either the background music or just what I'm thinking about.

[Played on keyboard and mouse on Normal difficulty]
Ok, come on Bungie. You can't just give me half a Firefly reunion in the voice cast to endear me to your game. That's cheating.

Thankfully, the game earns points legit by other means, too. Rookie wandering the nighttime streets of the city to smooth jazz is obvious padding, but it's a fine enough narrative framing device between flashback levels and it hits an immaculate vibe, so it's easily forgiven for that.

It's hard to return to health meters, medkits and no dual wielding like the CE days alongside a weapon selection that's missing a few from Halo 3's perfect attendance arsenal, but combat still has that Halo 3 touch of polish that assures it stays well balanced, outside of just a couple moments that feel overwhelming. And hey, this time I can't easily pin those road blocks on the Flood! Though, that might make me more bothered by them, somehow? Wait. Do I miss the Flood?

TL;DR - Imperfect but interesting experimental spinoff. Looking forward to Reach!

Foi necessário um spinoff, mas finalmente temos de novo um Halo com world design expansivo e uma módica não-linearidade. Só isso já faria de ODST o melhor Halo desde o original, mas ele não para por aí, trazendo uma série de novidades: a ambientação fantástica, a trilha sonora de jazz que se encaixa surpreendentemente bem com o tom do jogo, a narrativa focada em soldados comuns, a divisão da história em flashbacks que podem ser vistos em diferentes ordens... Se Halo 3 me deixou com um gosto amargo na boca, pensando que a série estagnou no 2, ODST é seu antídoto perfeito.

Ah, e esse é o primeiro Halo que jogo sem Flood, graças a Deus.

- ODST -
Se que no es un jogo muy brillante y que como tal no tiene algo que aportar al mundo de los shooter, pero personalmente es uno de mis juegos preferidos del gênero y saga Halo.
Me encanta demasiado el ambiente tan triste que dá, la musica me parece que está muy bien hecha que pega con la acción y soledad/vácío/tristeza que tocá mirar.
Ojalá Microsoft dejara explorar más el universo de esta saga tan bella y dar más juegos como lo fue este Halo.

ODST has some cool ideas with the variety of its flashback missions, its open-ish hub area and the detective style revealing of what the hell is going on with its story. However, the hit and miss level design, forgettable characters and lack of significant new gameplay ideas left me unimpressed. For me this is a lacklustre follow up to the phenomenal Halo 3 which plays it far too safe when it could’ve really pushed the boundaries of this universe, not having the restrictions of being a mainline game.

2009 Ranked

an excellent spinoff that retains the classic, loveable halo gameplay and level design (some of the best levels in the series), with a nice, different take on the world of halo. the rookie levels have a really nice atmosphere and really help set the mood, but could've afforded to be a bit shorter, and the game could've afforded to be a bit longer with an extra full mission or two thrown in there (but it's understandable as to why it's short since it wasn't MEANT to be a $60 game)

Squad, friends, loved ones... great spin-off

- ℝ𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕖, 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕒 𝕨𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕟, 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕤 𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕓𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕤."
- (っ °_°)っ

OSTs are marvelous, other than that it's a standard halo experience (even though it's downgraded version of halo 3)

Nossa...Fiquei bem surpreso com esse, apesar de ser uma campanha mais curta, é uma das mais criativas e diferentes que joguei até então, o lance de dividir a história em sessões, dia e noite, mais ação e investigação, esperança e melancolia, foi uma jogada genial. Além disso o jogo trás algumas novidades também, como o botão de mapa e audiologs, e também possui a melhor trilha sonora que escutei da franquia até agora.

Acho que esses Halo sem o Chief tem potencial de ser muito mais legais. Esse eu achei ótimo, achei a narrativa incrível demais. O jogo é muito gostoso de ser jogado, é uma delicinha. Essa franquia realmente me surpeendeu

This is the best Halo game. It's got layers and layers of atmosphere in a dark, rainy, ruined city (honestly it's a much better noir game than L.A. Noire in setting at the very least, even if the actual mystery clue finding part of it isn't really there), along with a soundtrack that mixes classic Halo fanfare and drums with very dark, low-key piano pieces, punctuated by a brooding saxophone. Beyond the atmosphere, its got Halo 3's gameplay (the best Halo gameplay besides maybe 5, fight me) and a pretty compelling story. It feels great, looks great, plays great and sounds great. And honestly, what else do you need?

being a space marine has never felt so lonely

Jazz, rain, co-op input lag. Right mood

Com uma estrutura diferente da série, tanto de gameplay como de narrativa, e um casting com bastante personalidade e agência, Halo ODST oferece uma guinada e uma experiência diferente na série, na pele de um novato na tropa ODST, bem menos poderoso que os famosos Spartans.

E essa trilha e Piano em um delicioso blues com pegada noir.

Campaign review

Easily the most difficult Halo game I've played. I really enjoyed how focused the game felt. I think the sense of camaraderie is done better in this than Reach. Mickey, Buck and Dutch are a real fun crew and the short episodic format does the game wonders.

The "hub" area between missions is haunting and atmospheric in a way that I really enjoyed. The submachine gun is also a highlight. It's such a fun weapon and I always found myself gravitating towards it.

I do find myself getting real annoyed with every Halo game ending on a terrible vehicle section but otherwise really dug this one. More than I thought I would.

A great Halo game, very nice atmosphere, lighting, soundtrack, more of a stealth Halo game. But it still feels too much like Halo 3 to be a stealth game, and too much like a stealth game to be a Halo game. It's a fan favorite, and a work of art, but it has a strange place in the franchise.

Flames crackle in the pale moonlight. They're scattered throughout the city's remains. Patrols of grunts and elites pollute the once bustling streets like a plague.
The whirring of overhead phantoms fill in the brief gaps of silence left by the deafening whisper of the wind.

Hissing, then a click. Your drop pod opens, and you're tossed into the ruins of New Mombasa. You're small. Not the hulking 9 foot master chief, but a humble footsoldier. And you're deep in enemy territory. The only sources of light the dim cerulean glow of the covenant's energy weapons. These aliens tower you in stature. They vastly outclass you in firepower, and their numbers are in the thousands. You're just a rookie with a submachine gun and a dream.

If humanity already lost this fight, what hope do you have?

The next ten hours are then spent conducting a one sided massacre on hundreds of giant aliens.