Reviews from

in the past

Newfound appreciation for this after playing the games before it. Having an escape option for minimal backtracking is nice. Sigma stages being easier when you don't really need to worry about weapon ammo. My 1st run I didn't use the dash nearly as often as I should have been. Probably played it 3 or 4 times now and still enjoying myself.

Dash and wall jumps are such a huge advancement that going back to just sliding and I think even MM9/10 removing that is going to feel awful.

Dense with thoughtful details and interactions that I would call ahead of their time, except that would imply that they’re the standard today. Tight to control, clever in it’s level design, how it teaches you things by setting you up to do them by accident, I think the franchise’s most memorable set of bosses, a lot of them having secondary weaknesses which makes routing more open-ended, detailed spritework, a banging soundtrack, a simple story that’s incredibly effective in directly involving you the player, secrets, challenges, upgrades galore. All that holds it back are some annoying little SNES-isms, constantly respawning enemies in annoying spots, an arbitrary life counter, etc.. Honestly though, I’ve only played the game through twice, and after a couple more playthroughs when I’m used to it, I could see myself bumping it up to a perfect score, the game is that good.

Zero and Sigma were both such cool characters. It's such a shame that both of them were killed off in the first installment and will never be in a Megaman game again.

Megaman X é absurdo.
O quanto que esse jogo é uma AULA de level design, boss design, enemy design e, enfim, Game Design!
Esse jogo resume o que é jogo para muita gente. Apesar de não resumir para mim (inclusive, não acho que nenhum jogo resuma) eu entendo plenamente o quão importante esse jogo pode ser para alguém que nunca jogou nada na vida.
Do macro, para o micro. Esse jogo é tão agradável e tão conciso que faz qualquer pessoa sentir o sabor da estética, dinâmicas e até mecânicas.
Acredite, isso é um feito e tanto e esse jogo foi inteligente o suficiente para conseguir essa conquista.

Megaman X junto ao x8 são meus jogos favoritos da serie X, uma ótima gameplay, excelente level design, bosses interessantes e uma das melhores ost do Super Nintendo fazem desse jogo uma ótima primeira experiência pra quem deseja começar com a serie X.

O único defeito desse jogo pra mim é o fato de que você começa sem o dash, e pegar o dash na fase do club penguin se torna praticamente obrigatória pra ter uma boa experiência com esse jogo.

Still a classic.

Mega Man X is a lot rougher coming back than the last time I played, with about half the levels being a bit simplistic but still SO heavily carried by the rocking music. The backtracking I can just genuinely do without too, as secret-hunting on this one in general is really boring, including even a couple of the minibosses they throw in front of it.

But what shines the most here is the game's strong as hell energy, and the bosses that are almost all excellent. Sigma 4 in its entirety still gives me a load of trouble to this day, and they're all very fair to learn if a bit ridiculous at times. Still my favorite of the action-platformer Mega Mans.

Best set of weapons in any mega man game, and very simple but fun levels. Timeless classic on par with Sonic 3 and Super Mario World in terms of sheer iconicness.

As close to perfect as a platformer can get. Imagine the original games, this is made to pretty much improve on them in every way. Almost gave this 5 stars, but some minor annoyances stopped me.

Edit: Nah fuck it after thinking about it I'm giving it a 5. This game is just fantastic, one of the best SNES games without a doubt.

Auge do super Nintendo. Level design e exploração ótimos, bosses bons e desafiadores, os upgrades e coletáveis acrescentam muito ao gameplay e torn a jogabilidade de x muito mais interessante e avançada que a série clássica, também criando um ótimo sentimento de progressão do personagem, tudo somado a uma trilha sonora perfeita.
Só não dou 5 estrelas pelas injustiças de SNES como morrer instantaneamente ao cair em espinhos e buracos.

You know this games OST is great when I am working in a factory from 9-5 and this song starts kicking on, suddenly the supply rate jumps from 5% to 94.2% in the span of three minutes just from listening to Storm Eagles stage.

Bruce Willis as Commander Sigma

it's been 10000000 years and somehow capcom still hasn't made a better X game than this. that's both a testament to how good it is and also how mediocre the X series is

genuinely forgot how good this is. I've always gravitated to x4 and the zero series and x2 stuck with me longer but it's good to go back and remember how this series almost peaked with its very first entry.

1h34m, deathless. Minha melhor performance com o jogo ever.

this game is so fucking awesome i wish i was any good at it though

loads savestate 192

mostly only playing the x games because my friend said i should play 1-5 before i play the zero games. this game is fun when it does what it's trying to do well but when it doesn't it's kinda insanely ass not going to lie

It's like sex, but unlike in sex you can stop a robot uprising caused by a Sigma male grindset and a Star Wars fan by killing a bunch of their friends and then them.

Mega Man X is an absolute triumph for the Mega Man franchise, it’s fast paced gameplay and hardcore soundtrack makes it such a joy to replay countless times.

If I had to tell you what is the perfect game, that does everything right for you, what game would it be? For me, it absolutely would be Mega Man X. MMX has to be the most perfect game that I have ever played, with all the music being absolute bangers, having memorable stages and memorable bosses as well!
First this game does a tutorial level that is disguised as the first level. It does what Mario games usually do, give you a small obstacle or problem layed out before you and has you figure out how to handle it yourself. Then it'll give you a different challenge that allows you to play around with what you have just learned. It's fantastic how fluid these sequences are and that's only in the first level!
It also gives you small story cutscenes where it gives you the incentive to become stronger than Zero, the other reploid that is out to get Sigma, and through the game you are gathering new armor pieces for X and the powerups from the bosses, thus getting stronger and stronger. You gotta love simple story telling that gives you a clear motif.
Besides all of those, all of the levels are clever and, if you are good enough, can breeze through them with ease. In fact if you know the order of stages you should go through, the levels themselves may change depending on what you have done to the prior stages.
There are secrets to find as well, whether its increasing your health or gaining energy tanks, it's fun finding everything to get yourself stronger....there is also another secret you can find after you find all the other secrets...but uh I'll let you figure out that one.
The music is amazing too, if I can a couple song to listen to, it would be Armored Armadillo's stage and Storm Eagle...both are crazy amazing!!!
Everyone please play this game, this is game design done completely right!

Veredito: não é tudo o que dizem, mas é bom pra caralho.

Provavelmente o jogo mais elogiado que conheço. Desde que frequento a internet, um sem número de colegas vivem falando que ele é lindo, gostoso e isento de falhas. Mas por algum motivo eu nunca tinha dado muita atenção. Até agora.

E dá pra ver por que ele é tão querido. Ação frenética, músicas empolgantes, controles precisos, level design de primeira e inimigos super bem bolados. 'Isento de falhas' é um exagero. A curva de dificuldade nas últimas fases é meio inconstante, e os segredos nem sempre são intuitivos. Mas é divertido pra cacete, e isso não dá pra questionar.

The first game I ever truly begged my parents for. I guarantee this is the game I’ve completed the most. Also the only game I ever speedran. My time was around 40 minutes. Anyways this is my favorite platformer and run and gun of all time. The music is absolute fire as is the gameplay. X has my favorite lineup or levels and mavericks/robot masters in the whole Mega Man/X universe. This will probably always be my ultimate quick pick up and play game of all time. Now give us X9 please.

I know people are very particular about how games in the Mega Man X series stack up to each other. Among them, the original seems to be the most sacred of cows. One of the SNES' most well known and beloved action platformers; its set pieces, brilliant tutorial level, robot masters, sprite work, and suit upgrades are beyond reproach.

I am begging you to not come to my home and slash my neck for thinking it's just average.

Mega Man X is a game I've attempted to play numerous times going back to the 1990s, but could never get further than a couple levels into before bouncing off and doing something else. I'm not even sure exactly what it is, something about this game has just never really clicked for me despite my repeated attempts to enjoy it. Maybe it's a hype thing, maybe I just find the controls too stiff and slow despite how energetic the game presents itself.

Out of the original SNES trilogy, I think it's probably the weakest. It's a solid baseline that X2 expands upon greatly, and despite X3 feeling like a bit of a step back from X2, it lets you play as Zero and that tickles the right neurons in my dumb bad dumb-dumb idiot brain.

Of course this isn't to say that Mega Man X hasn't earned its praise or that people need to do a more critical reevaluation of the game. I think this is just one of those instances of something being very good but lacking a certain undefinable element crucial to connecting with me. We all have games like that. It's normal. I'm normal.

Uma experiência estressantemente divertida, o jogo possui alma e isso é marcante.
É megaman x1 é definitivamente uma pérola da franquia e merece atenção de todo bom jogador que se preze e de algum adorador de franquias da capcom.
Esse jogo da uma aula de level design proporcionando um replay insano e muito viciante.

a great game. the scope of this one is bigger and than anything the classic series had done to this point and they introduced heaps of fan favorite characters including zero my beloved. new moves like the wall jump and the dash feel sick and all of the levels are great with some banger music as well. im not a big fan of sigmas palace but the rest of the game is great

It's super cool, but it doesn't have any female robots for me to nut my bolts in, if you catch my drift.

Also they're all animals.

This review contains spoilers

"It's so sad that Zero died of Sigma."
"Who's Zero?"

I think I can safely pin the love of the entire platforming genre on Mega Man X. Sure other games like Castlevania expanded upon that love but this is it. My first crush. I've played this game so many times that I could probably play most of the levels in my sleep. The stages are great, the bosses are fun, and THAT MUSIC. Gimme. I don't know what else to say. It's too good to talk about. Just go play a ROM of it or buy the legacy collection on Switch. Just the first collection though. Later X games are trash.