Reviews from

in the past

Aquí no hay piratas peleando a espada con insultos, pero hay moteros peleando con cadenas, motosierras, palancas de hierro y demás parafernalia.

Aquí el villano no es un pirata fantasma/zombi, pero es un empresario corrupto, que es peor.

Aquí no hay una gobernadora de armas tomar, pero hay una mecánica de armas tomar.

Vamos, que esto no es Monkey Island, pero también mola lo suyo.

(He jugado tanto la versión original como la remasterizada, mi reseña es idéntica para ambas.)

I've been playing through some classic lucasarts point and click games and I think I've enjoyed this the most as the game play changes it self up and the story is so short and sweet

Adventure curto e simples com apresentação fenomenal.

It sure would be a shame if the devs decided to throw some brain wormy combat into the middle of an otherwise pleasant point and click adventure experience. :(

Pretty solid otherwise but it was definitely my least favorite of the LucasArts adventure games I've played so far.

I didn't play this back in the day so I don't have the nostalgia for it that I do for Grim Fandango and the Monkey Island games, It's still pretty entertaining though.

I'll confess, I relied heavily on a guide.

I feel these types of point and click adventures with obscure puzzle solutions don't really work these days. With so many games readily available it feels like a waste of time randomly trying to use objects on different ones to figure out which works for you for no real logical reason. It was fine when I was a kid and getting a new game meant it was the only thing I could play for weeks/months. Not so much today.

For some reason I never played this, confusing it with Beneath a Steel Sky and thinking I'd already started but never finished it.

The story is interesting, though I'm a little confused on the setting, it seems almost post apocalyptic but there are still corporations, so clearly not everything has gone to do the dogs.

I didn't feel like there were too many moon logic puzzles, but some were more frustrating than they needed to be. There were a few where I was doing the right thing at the wrong time or didn't realise a gameplay aspect.

But I think I really have two bug bears and both are about the ending where it (a) goes too quickly and (b) has fail states. It really felt like it kind of plods along and then the finale goes wooooosh.

But at the same time you've got this whole section where there are multiple things that you have to do which are mostly on a timer and it kind of felt like I was in a game of Dragon's Lair. It's nice that the game doesn't overly set you back when you fail during this section, but it was kind of frustrating to hear the same lines multiple times.

Anyway, it was a good time, though shorter than I expected and I don't think I'll be back again. Glad it was on Game Pass and it finally pushed me to play it.

Another classic point and click done right for its time but not making an argument for the genre to be revived.

I truly appreciate remasters that allow you to switch between the original and more modernised versions, as well as ones that take the time to provide insightful and often amusing developer commentaries.

I love the world of Full Throttle - the music is still great, and the characters are given so much life by a fantastic voice cast (it's great to hear Roy Conrad sound so crisp). The humour mostly manages to stick the landing 25+ years later as well. Full Throttle diverges from other Lucasarts (and even Schafer) titles in that it's less 'obviously' funny, with more instances of dry wit and deadpan responses but it works well in this setting thanks to the imposing presence but gentle gruff voice of Ben in a world seemingly out to get him

However, the new art style really doesn't work for me. It's way too clean and seems to remove some of the grimeyness that was present in the original pixel art, while there are a few scenes that are noticeably brighter and less atmospheric as a result.

It's also a shame then that quite a few parts don't hold up too well, and for once it's for the opposite reason that point and click adventure games usually get dinged. There just isn't any challenge, and there's way too few characters that you get to interact with that are able show off the game's writing and humour.

The action sequences on bike are also pretty bland requiring long waits between destinations and rivals, and the battles you do have with other hog riders are simultaneously frustrating and too easy. You need to wait for the right rider, something that can take multiple loops of the road you're on, and then also make sure you have the right weapon which works for the specific foe (which doesn't make a load of sense half the time), but then the battle is over almost instantaneously.

I still enjoyed my playtime, drawn in by the writing, interesting characters and subtle worldbuilding but I can't help but feel a bit disappointed by how it actually plays these days, even if the remastered package is pretty good (as long as the more bold cartoon look works for you)

Man, I was really expecting to like this more. I had heard it was pretty legendary, and it's been a gap in my classic LucasArts experience. The art direction is great, the story is fine, but the design is unfortunately very obtuse.

I can deal with the shortcomings and quirks of the genre in general, but when you add in some other clunky mini games and some deaths with lots of repeated guesswork before them, it's pretty hard to look past. Thankfully the entire thing was surprisingly short.

In terms of the remaster, I mostly preferred the classic visuals, but I did switch to take advantage of the UI a fair amount.

Overall, not a waste of time, but a let down compared to its reputation.

English | Español

A good adaptation of one of the most charismatic LucasArts point 'n click adventures. It still is as enjoyable today as it was 27 years ago. Funny and irreverent, it has a lot of personality.

Una adaptación más que decente de una de las aventuras gráficas de LucasArts más carismáticas. Sigue siendo tan disfrutable hoy como en su estreno hace 27 años. Divertida e irreverente con mucha personalidad.

It's so easy to understand why these old adventure games are well-regarded. The look, the sound, the scripts, the voice acting - all perfect. Full Throttle is such an energetic joyous thing to behold, pumping with passion and care. Look at how many exhaust pipes are on Ben's bike, the lavish animation, the empty spaces and unremarked-upon technology that suggest that this is some weird biker-centric alternate reality to our own world. I miss when a mass-market game could have this much personality!

But man it is so hard to get on its level when I have to actually play it. The moment-to-moment "take item x and put it on object y" puzzles in this aren't even particularly difficult and are actually quite logical, but there are so many times where I couldn't figure out a puzzle and the solution was just that there was a whole other screen I had no way of knowing about, or an object that blended in with the background to make it virtually invisible. Or having this happen when the puzzle is on a timer. Or having to deal with slippery action gameplay where you can't tell whether the reason you keep wiping out is because of not playing it properly or not picking the right item to use (I really hated the Route 9 section). I get frustrated so easily with these games and their slapdash interaction design and I don't know if it's a me problem or a them problem but every time I think I want to check out more I sit down to play one and get totally turned off after grinning so much at the opening cutscene.

Thankfully Maureen is cool enough that it barely matters. There's always Let's Plays, anyways.

Crazy how these old point and clicks from the 90s are still pretty solid today. I enjoyed this one a bit more than Day of the Tentacle. Maybe because of the Sons of Anarchy vibes. Maybe because of Luke Skywalker. We may never know, but I had fun playing and with the story. Oh yea, and the soundtrack was awesome too!

PS, this is a quick and easy 100% for achievement hunters if you use a walk through.

Pro tip: just cast Mark Hamill as a villain if you want your game to be good.

Full Throttle foi meu primeiro adventure da vida. Uma tia minha me deu ele de presente quando eu tinha uns 6 ou 7 anos. Joguei muitas vezes quando criança e ainda devo ter o CD original perdido em alguma caixa por aqui.

É um dos meus jogos favoritos da LucasArts mas admito que seja muito mais por nostalgia que qualquer coisa. Tem uma apresentação muito boa mas o jogo em sí é meio limitado (não em tecnologia, veja bem, tem umas coisas bem impressionantes que não vi em outros jogos deles) comparado com outros feitos pelo mesmo pessoal. Essa minha rejogada durou cerca de 3 horas, muito porque eu lembrava alguns dos puzzles mais crípticos, mas ainda fica muita sensação de que em alguns momentos eles esperam que você tenha uns saltos lógicos meio bizarros.

Como padrão pros remasters desses jogos, você pode alterar entre a arte original e a arte remasterizada rapidamente com um atalho. E putz, apesar de a arte aqui ser muito fiel, eu detesto como a nova arte é super chapada. Muitas vezes perde detalhes e texturas da original e fica uma cara de só "passaram o corel draw por cima de tudo". A arte original tem muita essa "sujeira" que eu acho que combina demais com a temática enquanto a remasterizada entrega algo muito mais limpo. Da pra ver muito bem o que eu quero dizer logo na introdução enquanto o jogo foca no Ben pilotando a moto.

No mais, gosto muito da vibe e dos personagens malucos. A história entrega o necessário e no fim é um jogo bacana, acho que vale a pena jogar mesmo sem esse meu filtro de nostalgia.

Fun fact: sim, joguei no Vita. O remaster lançou para PS4/Vita com cross-buy, então quando eu comprei ele, baixei no Vita pra ver qualé e acabei jogando inteiro por ele, já que ele permite usar tanto os controles novos pra console quanto o touch. Aproveitei pra rejogar no Vita de novo dessa vez.

A fun little time, and I like that it includes both sets of graphics

Ben having a "kick" verb on its own is terrific formal storytelling, and nearly every design decision is just like that: deeply in service of telling its lean and mean biker noir story.

Also, this game comes pretty damn close to solving the long-running How To End An Adventure Game puzzle.

Es una de las aventuras gráficas menores de LucasArts y de Schafer, pero es una aventura gráfica de LucasArts y de Schafer, así que claro que me ha gustado mucho.

No me sorprende que en su momento no gustase tanto como los mayores clásicos de Lucas: es mucho más corta de lo habitual, en gran parte porque los puzzles son menos complejos. Pero esto tiene su razón de ser: a nivel de producción es lo más impresionante que llegó a sacar la desarolladora en 2D. Schafer vuelve a mostrar su talento para crear universos únicos y memorables, y aquí se desata con unas cinématicas y unas secuencias muy memorables e impresionantes para la época.

Una deuda pendiente que me alegro mucho de haber saldado. Echaba de menos el toque único de estos juegos, de mis cosas favoritas.

Sadly didn't live up to nostalgia the way Curse of Monkey Island did. I still had a pretty good time, just not as good as I had hoped. Also a shame the remaster didn't improve the framerate, the fast sections are headache inducing.

Good game, unfortunately impossible to beat without a guide in several situations, as it often used to be in 90s adventure games.

Mais um remaster EXCELENTE trazendo esse jogaço da década de 90 para o ambiente moderno de jogos.

A quantidade de melhorias não se limita ao visual, mas alcança a parte sonora, em especial a qualidade das trilha sonora e das vozes, sem deixar de lado alguns efeitos sonoros.

E também há aprimoramentos relacionados a realce dos itens interativos no cenário. O design mantém toda sua dificuldade original, e o espírito da versão de 95 se transporta em sua totalidade para este novo corpo.


Okay, fine, a half-star for the shitty puzzles. We all know which ones they are. Otherwise, fantastically upscaled art (it looks like what I forced my imagination to make the Smoothing option look back in the '90s!) and audio along with typically interesting commentary from Tim Schafer and Co. do justice to one of the greatest adventure games ever made.

Short enough it can be finished in an evening, full of quick wit writing, incredible style and an all-time lineup of voice performances from Roy Conrad, Mark Hamill, Hamilton Camp, Maurice LaMarche and all the the rest - what more could you ask for from a point-and-click, especially so far removed from its heyday when more foundational games like Day of the Tentacle or more ambitious games like Grim Fandango are meeting players without the mental fortitude and muscle memory required to deduce solutions to their absurdly obtuse puzzle designs.

Unfortunately, and I can't guarantee this is true, but something about playing this on a Dual Shock 4 rather than mouse and keyboard made it impossible to pull the trigger on the chainsaw fast enough to steal the bike from the Cavefish and I'm definitely sad about that. But I also played this game about once a month for, oh, my entire childhood so I didn't need the third act to get what I needed out of this.

Pra um adventure é até ok, mas não é um bom jogo hoje em dia

not terrible, not great. Day of the Tentacle left a solid impression on me and i was really hoping to like this one too but it just felt very empty and devoid of that charm DotT had. art style is nice and fits with the atmosphere of the story but the game never really grabbed me from a narrative or gameplay perspective. again i don't think it's particularly bad or anything and obviously there are a decent amount of people that enjoy it but i found it largely forgettable overall.

This was great. I had missed this one and it's so charming with a lot of personality and a killer soundtrack. I didn't even know Mark Hamill was in this until I fired up the game.

Kötü oyunun kötü remastered'ı.

A história é melhor que a gameplay em si.

Pra mim, o jogo é "atual" e datado ao mesmo tempo. Em termos de história e ambientação o jogo é INCRÍVEL, tendo personagens carismáticos e uma construção de mundo fantástica.

Acho que o jogo fica datado em alguns momentos de sua gameplay, com puzzles não muito difíceis e comandos datados por si só (como por exemplo as brigas em cima da moto, onde a taxa de frames do jogo caí drasticamente).

O auge do jogo pra mim é trabalho de som. Músicas incríveis que casam perfeitamente com o jogo e com o protagonista, uma dublagem EXCELENTE e efeitos sonoros que sobreviveram bem ao tempo.

Mesmo não jogando o game original é fácil enxergar a grandiosidade dele (principalmente para 1995).

i guess it was pretty cool for its time

I'm not too big on these kinds of point-and-click games on consoles, and while I didn't stick with this, it was kinda cool to dip into it on Game Pass. I can see why it gained such popularity.