Reviews from

in the past

Good game, beautiful environment and soundtrack.
I'd play more if I could.

A charming and chill puzzle platformer with a simple, but evocative and vibrant art style. There's a few issues - some of the jumps requiring dash seem designed to trick you into overshooting them, the float mechanic is finicky at best, and the game's messaging gets incredibly unsubtle towards the end, but it was still worth the playthrough and the soundtrack honestly slaps.

Plus you can surf on your staff.

You know, I think there's actually a lot of space for a really chill platformer that isn't super in your face with an overwhelming number of unlockables and enemies. I was even kind of enjoying myself. Then I got to the memory puzzles, and I said "huh", but it wasn't overwhelming. Then I got to the timed jumping puzzles and I said "You know what, this is no longer chill for me". I think the lesson here is to know your vibe and stick with it.

very pretty and mostly very enjoyable combat-free exploration platformer, impressive for a game created by a single person. some frustrating bits with overly demanding platforming towards the end, though

also, I expected this to be more in the vein of Abzu/Journey/etc than it is. While the comparisons aren’t entirely baseless, this places more emphasis on gameplay and significantly less on storytelling compared to those

A Journey-inspired puzzle platformer with collectathon elements. Not an insane amount of innovation here but is very well made, charming and enjoyable experience. Few of the puzzles are genuinely very good puzzles that I've not seen before, which is rare with puzzle games these days. It does everything it sets out to do very well.

A nice, chill platformer. It gets a little less chill as it goes on but the vibes were good, solid sense of atmosphere and a nice soundtrack. It kind of reminded me of Journey.

Atmospheric fart compilation.

Very chilled, very peaceful. Swayed me into a calm state of mind whenever I started playing, which after work, is much appreciated. Imperfect but for a solo effort, it's often awe-inspiring.

bellissima rottura di coglioni

The gameplay is so smooth, the score is great and the art design is amazing. The message/story you can slowly uncover is amazing and I was debating on giving this 4 or 4 1/2 stars until the ending. The ending perfectly ends this game and is so heart warming.

The journey you make progressively gets more interesting with each area you explore and finish and the puzzles are satisfying to complete. And to make everything better, the little friend you have along for the journey slowly trusts you more and starts to stay closer to you. The building of that friendship really drives the narrative of the game without any words spoken, and the ending is exactly what I hoped it would be and was simply a perfect end to a beautiful game.

Beautiful indie games are something that comes only once in a while. When you think about these games like Journey, Limbo, Inside, Braid, Monument Valley, and Flower. These are memorable games that most core gamers know of and look up to when it comes to quality indie games, and what defines an indie game. Omno tries this but doesn’t quite reach that height for several reasons.

So, when it comes to these minimalistic indie games they usually try to tell a story with no voice acting through music and action of the protagonist. Games like Journey and Inside pulled this off amazingly well, and I even remember tearing up a bit with Journey despite no written or spoken dialog being present. Omno has some great music and tries to pull off the adventurous fast-paced snowboarding/gliding on linear pathways with epic music and opening up to a beautiful vista kind of like how Journey did, but it doesn’t quite work here. Once you land you get the camera ripped from you and your little guy walks up to the vista and the camera pans around. That detracts from the user’s perspective and takes away that epic experience. Diving into the open area without any cuts adds to the sense of exploration and discovery because now I don’t quite know where I landed, but if I get a camera cut it kind of ruins the surprise.

Most of what Omno consists of are repetitive puzzle-solving open areas that all play out exactly the same. There are white orbs you must collect to unlock the final puzzle to move on, but there are optional things you can do to get 100% in the area which isn’t hard. I was able to 100% the game on my first try without a walkthrough. You get an area map once you get to the waypoint and this shows where the orbs are. Each area has about five and one orbs requires gathering white cubes from animals and plants around the area. Once you have enough this unlocks one of the five orbs. You then have a few books to find that have a dialog about another creature going on their pilgrimage. Some orbs require platforming puzzles or moving blocks or shuffling things around. It’s very easy and I found almost no challenge in these puzzles. You do unlock new abilities as time goes on such as teleporting to certain waypoints, surfing on your staff, and dashing.

There is a small sense of progression and each new area is beautiful and looks great. However, I felt like it was a chore by the tenth one because I knew exactly what was coming up. Find five orbs, gather the cubes for that one orb, find the books, solve at least three puzzles, etc. It became predictable and there is really no story or character development between this so the game relies on pretty graphics and whimsical music to keep you going. The platforming and controls work okay most of the time but I felt dashing was a bit hard to control and landing was a bit slippery. Many times I slid off a cliff or block just to start over again.

If the game was just a linear adventure traveling through these valleys I feel it would be a better and more memorable experience. Having a dozen levels that play out exactly the same for literally no reason is boring and a chore despite how pretty the game looks. Maybe four or five spread out between more eye candy would have been better for this type of game, but what’s here turns into a slog towards the end. I still recommend the game as it can be finished in less than four hours and it is charming to look at and explore, but just be prepared for repetitive level design and unchallenging puzzles. The story is pretty much nonexistent and there’s no type of character development even through actions. Omno (I think that’s his name?) has a flying axolotl type creature flying around with him and the creature is sick maybe? At the beginning of some levels he picks him up and the thing looks like it’s dying? I honestly don’t even know.

Gostei bastante, principalmente pelo 1000g. Gamer Tag (nome no xbox): xTiuJow557

The visuals are amazing, the poetry of the glyphs is also very beautiful. However the mechanics were a bit off to me, while the game looked very polished on the first glance it didn't hold up to that and while playing it almost seemed a bit unfinished. The controls were not easy to manage and the camera perspective troubled me too, it was kinda 'slow'. Besides that I would've loved a little more inside into the story itself. All in all a very beautiful game but not very likely to play again in the future!

A pretty game with strong sound design and a charming, colourful world filled with a variety of critters. Unfortunately let down by janky and stilted movement that makes the moment to moment gameplay awkward and platforming frustrating. Improves towards the end with an exhilarating teleport mechanic, but the jump remains frustrating throughout

'Perfectly pleasant' sounds like I'm damning OMNO with faint praise but it's not meant that way. I enjoyed staff-surfing my way around the landscapes to some lush orchestral music as I journeyed from point A to point B solving some basic puzzles. If that's what you like, you're going to have a good time - just don't go in expecting anything revelatory or life changing.

Puzzle-Platformer molto tranquillo che può facilmente ricordare Journey. Niente del game desgin promette qualcosa di nuovo o di particolarmente interessante, per quanto ci siano al contrario trovate simpatiche nella realizzazione di alcuni ambienti. La conclusione fa abbastanza cacare. Al solito, più che lodevole il fatto che sia stato tutto realizzato da una sola persona.

In ogni scenario/capitolo vanno raccolte sfere d'energia necessarie per attivare un portale (o per accedere a certi percorsi) che porterà a quello immediatamente successivo: in totale saranno pressoché sempre più di quelle necessari per avanzare (3). Inoltre, sarà possibile recuperare dei dispositivi contenenti brevi informazioni testuali che possono essere utili al giocatore al fine di ricostruire eventi del mondo di gioco.

Sono presenti 50 creature e con buona parte di esse è possibile interagire: l'interazione permette o di ottenere frammenti di energia (un certo quantitativo permette al giocatore di accedere a una momentanea capacità di muoversi più rapidamente, cosa abbastanza inutile) o di attivare in certi (pochi) casi delle azioni (es.: una creatura a forma di foglia è in grado di far saltare verso l'alto il proprio personaggio più di quanto questi non sia in grado di fare in autonomia). Presente anche un bestiario, che si compila automaticamente man mano che ci si avvicina abbastanza a ciascuna creatura: purtroppo, ogni voce è notevolmente povera e inutile ai fini di conoscere i comportamenti effettivi e manifesti di tutte loro e non permette neanche di farsi un'idea su un supposto ecosistema locale. Nel bestiario inoltre a ogni voce si associa un modellino tridimensionale della specifica creatura selezionata, ma questi sono notevolmente piccoli e non sono osservabili da vicino.

La OST è coerente coi toni del gioco e aiuta effettivamente a rilassarsi mentre si esplorano i livelli (quasi tutti di piccole dimensioni) e mentre si completano i semplici puzzle che vi si trovano.

Incuriosito da quale potrebbe essere il prossimo lavoro di Jonas Manke.

A short, chill puzzle platformer that doesn’t really do anything special. Wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, but I also don’t regret playing it.

A lovely and chill puzzle-platformer, with a great atmosphere and OST.
This game is by no means targeted for everyone. This goes into the likes of Journey or Flower, so if you like those, give it a try. If not, pass on.

the game introduces a lot of fun new mechanics right before the credits roll

Nothing groundbreaking but a very peaceful and simple puzzle platformer.

Otro juego experimental que se adentra más en la experiencia de un viaje que en la propia jugabilidad. En seguida te hará recordar otros títulos como Journey o Abzu, pero bajo mi punto de vista es una vuelta más de tuerca al concepto.

Si Journey apostaba a la importancia del compañerismo, gracias al modo online perfectamente integrado en la base de la jugabilidad, Omno recoge muy bien ese concepto pese a la dificultad de apostar por algo así en una época en la que no puedes estar seguro de que la gran mayoría del público va a disfrutarlo por los costes de las suscripciones, y te integra una IA como compañera que si bien no te va a solucionar nada en tu periplo siempre la sientes cercana y cumple su función de acompañante a la perfección.

Abzu, por otro lado, me parecía la banalización de esta idea, pero Omno no cae en sus mismos errores y mediante unos power-ups muy bien seleccionados consigue hacerse muchísimo más divertido. Y, además, transmite muchísimo mejor su mensaje de que lo importante es el camino y no el final.

En definitiva, una aventura muy recomendable aunque es importante tener en cuenta que apenas llega a las dos horas. Si, por lo que sea, te queda lejos el Camino de Santiago, aquí tienes una buena experiencia peregrina.

PD: El engendro verde que te acompaña es la cosa más ridículamente mona que he visto en mi vida.

A little too basic in terms of its execution, but this platformer is a pleasant enough experience on Game Pass.

Esse é um dos jogos artísticos, contemplativos e relaxantes, que pode ser comparado a Journey ou Abzu. É ótimo para uma exploração leve, sem muito compromisso e sem amarras. Cada capítulo é composto por fases em que você tem que coletar pequenos orbes espalhados pelo mapa, a partir de uma exploração em meio a uma trilha sonora magnífica. Recomendo bastante para pessoas que estão com as vidas cheias e precisam de um momento para "parar" e relaxar com algo que não vai exigir muito.

> In verschiedenen Biomen Ernergiepartikel sammeln um "den Weg des Lichts" zu beschreiten.
+ Angenehmer Platformer
+ Nette Rätsel
+ Minimap im Spiel als Hologramm angezeigt anstatt als HUD
+ Keine Hitpoints oder so
- Steuerung kam mir stellenweise in der Luft etwas schwammig vor
+ teils sehr knuffige Lebewesen <3

Playthrough auf Youtube:

The creature models in the journal remind me of Old School RuneScape.

Besides that it's yet another indie game that looks and sounds great... and that's kinda it. Only one of the puzzles genuinely impressed me. All the rest were either very basic or frustrating due to the somewhat janky controls, especially when jumping or using the floating ability. I can see how other people might love this game but I don't think it's for me.

This is the story about a boy who learns to appreciate his levitating pet edamame bean. It was very pretty and only a tiny bit repetitive. A good one off title for those who need some gaming to calm down ... Can't really comment on the music because I was playing with headphones but my headphones were plugged in to another device and I was listening to something else and before I realized I played the game muted it was already over but it looked like it could have had some pretty nice calm music.

⌚ Time to finish - 6h (100% complete - totally worth 100%. No BS trophies.).
🤬Difficulty - easy. Some jumps may require a couple tries if you aren't use to platforming.
🔊 Soundtrack - Great. Not much variety in music but the score that comes up often is pleasant. They are an Indie studio so i can understand.
🌄Graphics – Nice to look at. Fits the chill vibe of the game.
🌦 Atmosphere – Cool. I love the creatures that you meet and greet. Its a pleasant world to experience.
📚 Main Story / Characters – The story borrows heavily from eastern philosophy, Buddhist teachings, i think. If you are into that you will enjoy all the things you find and the text you read. There is very little to the story, its basically this creatures journey to his ultimate goal. To me akin to liberation.
🤺 Combat – None. This game anyone can play and watch and enjoy.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration –Definitely worth 100%
🚗 Movement/Physics – fluid.
📣 Voice acting – none
🥇 Best thing about the game - its pleasant and feels nice. Fills you with good thoughts.
👎 Worst thing about the game - nothing really.
💡Final Thoughts:

Definitely play the game. Its simple, nothing ground breaking but refreshing between 2 long games. I enjoyed it and showing it to my family as well who enjoyed the creatures and the journey.