Reviews from

in the past

Much higher highs and lower lows than Four Last Things. Unfortunately the lows put it a bit lower than FLT imo, but it's still a great game in the same spirit.

The influence of Monty Python on Joe Richardson's work is undeniable, not only in Terry Gilliam-esque animation but also the overall tone and humour of the writing and scenarios. With such direct and successful comparisons available, it's a testament to the game that it manages to feel like it's own thing.

Drawing on the art of the Renaissance era, the scenarios you're placed in seem utterly bizarre until you looks at the paintings that inspired them, with just the right level of self awareness about them in the writing and dialogue to not feel heavy handed. The absurdity also lends itself to some of the more out-there solutions you sometimes see in point and click games, although it would perhaps benefit from a smidgen more guidance - it wouldn't have to be a lot, but small things like some dialogues with hints being said more than once wouldn't go a miss.

The Processions to Cavalry is short and sweet and while I would have liked to see a few more areas to explore and solve silly puzzles in, I certainly appreciate the effort that has gone into recreating these classic paintings and portraits as environments and characters

The humor didn't always land for me and the adventure game shenanigans can sometimes be confusing, but it's a unique and worthwhile experience. If Four Last Things ever goes on sale I'll be sure to pick it up!

Monty Python als Spiel trifft es eigentlich schon perfekt. In Point & Click-Manier reist man in diesem kurzen Spiel durch diverse Schauplätze und kann unfassbar viel Spaß an den Dialogen und dem Look haben.

A violent and crude point and click absurd black comedy with visuals composed of Renaissance paintings. Somewhat sequel, mostly in style, to their previous title Four Last Things.

Constantly impressive and amusing visual style, the humor lands, and most of the puzzle elements work if you are paying attention, listening to the dialogue, or know details about some of the paintings characters come from (possibly helped by having an art gallery that shows the pictures the game's characters were taken from). There are a few more difficult to figure out or notice sections but the game does give you one ending path that can involve just drawing your sword and killing most of the things that get in your way.


Extremely funny in a way that most games singularly fail to be, with some visual gags that made me genuinely explode with laughter. The puzzles suffer from a little of the old "this makes sense to the designer, not to me" magic that plague point-and-clicks, but I didn't get irrationally upset by any of the ludicrous solutions, which instantly makes this better than any LucasArts game.

Gracioso de pelotas al principio pero lo tuve que dejar por razones personales.

Loved the irreverent humor and unique Python-esque chopped-up medieval painting graphics and classical soundtrack. Less a fan of the slightly cumbersome adventure gameplay style, but it was easy enough to breeze through guiltlessly with a walkthrough when needed.

Fantastic little game, even with my mild knowledge of art its great seeing famous paintings brought to life, great humour and fun progression.

Fantasic with very Monty Python humor but a little too short

Excellent bite sized point and click adventure, just about the perfect length. Very charming with its goofy humor, and the whole repurposed Renaissance art aesthetic is fantastic and super original. Loved it, thanks Game Pass.

I love Game Pass for stuff like this

Funny point-and-click adventure game. Didn't overstay its welcome

Absolutely fantastic game. Great sense of humor. Great art.

Had a great time playing it. Four Last Things is one of my favorite point-n-click games of all time and The Procession to Cavalry feels like more or less the same thing (which is good). Too bad it's so short, I would love to play some more.

Really didnt like the jokes, only two made me laugh, very pretty game, the best way to summarize my experience is, in the get rich ending i had to mute the sound effects because i would break down crying if i heard because im too autistic for this shit, more of a me problem but yeah idk, wish i was playing muramasa

El juego es gracioso, es divertido y encima aprovecha el conocimiento en arte pictórico para generar más guiños y burlas para el jugador entendido.

Aún así, es tremendamente corto y simple. Entendible, por otro lado, pues el trabajo de animación y de selección de la "pinacoteca" de Procession to Calvary es tremendo.

Esto no quita para que como juego de point & click sea muy sosete. Pasárselo con el final malo es bastante más entretenido, pero claro, también mucho más corto.

One of the craziest-looking games I have ever played. It's short and not that hard by point and click standards. Everyone should at least give it a shot.

Really funny, creative game. The point-and-click bits went over my head and so I put it down, but really enjoyed what I played.

Qualquer um que já tenha contemplado pinturas medievais e renascentistas por tempo o suficiente sabe que elas são cheias de elementos, símbolos e motivos que, quando tirados de seu contexto iconológico, são absolutamente absurdos. Em vez de dar esse contexto, Procession to Calvary decide deixar esses absurdos no holofote, animando-os de maneira hilária e com resultados que me fizeram rir alto em vários momentos. Um dos adventures mais engraçados que já joguei.

absurdist comedy point-and-click game with visuals obviously inspired by Terry Gilliam's animations for Monty Python. as is typical for the genre, puzzles are sometimes a bit obtuse; we're not talking Gabriel Knight 3 cat-hair mustache levels, but it's not always clear when or why new interactions with characters/items/environments needed to advance the story become available. short and pretty funny, but would recommend playing with a walkthrough handy

What a charming, creative, beautiful, witty game.

It's like playing a Monty Python interstitial cartoon.

Sometimes your game or your story just needs to throw away all sense for an hour in favor of a good time. That's Procession to Calvary, a goofy murder adventure in Renaissance painting art, combining gruesome imagery with silly sight gags and one liners.

The "story" involves a knight who doesn't want the holy war to be over, so she heads off to go kill her old boss as the only person she's still allowed to kill. After that, its typical point and click quests and every excuse possible to create the stupidest animation and wordplay jokes possible. I do appreciate any game that gives you multiple ways to approach a problem though, particularly if it makes an experience a little faster. You'll frequently allowed to just stab your way through problems if you want to skip a puzzle, although it permanently changes your ending. So a single playthrough could be about two hours, or it could be five minutes. That sort of offering is charming on its own and it makes this one of those games that makes getting every ending or achievement quick and rewarding.

La guerra ha terminado, pero la protagonista quiere seguir matando y la historia es solo una excusa para eso. Una comedia que te hace reír y que basa su identidad visual en cuadros del Renacimiento y los flamencos, a mi me sirve.

Usa e abusa de todo tipo de bizarrice que existem em pinturas renascentistas para montar a colagem de um point-and-clicker que é genuinamente engraçado (moeda rara nesta forma de arte), e curto o suficiente para manter a piada viva. Ainda sofre de algumas das frustrações comuns e soluções obtusas que este tipo de jogo costuma ter, infelizmente. Adorei o conceito de abusar do royalty free em tudo o possível e ainda assim conseguir criar uma identidade visual muito forte - clássicos são clássicos por uma razão!

Un point and click très amusant et assez court, ce qui me plait d'autant plus. Les énigmes ne sont pas très durs à résoudre et permettent de s'amuser h24.
Un point and click original que je recommande !

Este es un juego muy peculiar para un target muy cerrado de audiencia que tenga un específico humor. Se puede admirar el cuidado e ingenio, y resultar totalmente desagradable o poco gracioso si no estás en sintonía. A mi me estaba gustando a medias. El humor era un acertar y errar constante.

Lo dejé porque tiene la particularidad de que, además de poder resolver ciertas situaciones como aventura gráfica convencional de recolectar objetos random y darles un uso ocurrente, también puedes «saltarte» acertijos matando personajes. No es que mates a alguien como cheat para avanzar, sino que matas, avanzas, y pierdes no sólo esa sección del juego, sino también dialogos, items, etc, que no haber tenido hacen obligado seguir matando para avanzar.

La primera vez que pasa NO sabes que existe una alternativa, ni tampoco una consecuencia, y lo descubres mucho después, cuando ya todos los diálogos son de gente que te da puerta, te teme, y es imposible resolver el juego bien. Es la versión larga y tediosa del chiste de «Win the Game» de «Monkey Island».

¿Ingenioso y pecular? Sí. ¿Voy a repetir medio juego para jugarlo «bien»? No, la verdad.

Menuda joya de juego nos trae Joe Ridchardson, un #hechoconunity flipante y divertido para todos los amantes de las aventuras gráficas… Lo que me he podido reír con sus diálogos y situaciones. Un point and click para reírse a gusto y muy gamberro, (tacos, pedos, dobles sentidos, muy bestias...) Con 3 finales que se deciden según nuestros actos. Matar o no matar, esa es la cuestión
Los gráficos, efectos sonoros y música, me han enamorado. Un 10 de juego recomendadísimo.

Jogado no Xbox Game Pass. Acho que qualquer jogo que pareça bizarro em seu conceito chama a minha atenção e foi exatamente o que aconteceu com Procession to Calvary. Começou com a animação maluca de pinturas antigas a la Monty Python e terminou com piadas absurdas que me tiraram um sorriso do rosto (mesmo que ficassem infantis demais as vezes).

Tem ainda seus problemas de point and click, com puzzles obtusos e sequências bem mais lentas do que devia? Claro que tem. Mas a personalidade dele me cativou e me fez ser uma ótima experiência.

(P.S.: se você for uma pessoa muito religiosa, talvez não seja o jogo pra você, fica a dica)