Reviews from

in the past

It's pretty incredible that this is an unofficial fan-game because it's genuinely at the quality of the original in a lot of rights. It's been a while since I've played Undertale now but I'd say the writing of a few characters here is better or at least on par with that.

All of it's more technical qualities are madly impressive too, the soundtrack constantly blew me away and hit every emotional beat or emphasised whatever feeling necessary for the moment. Its combat is really great and keeps enough concepts from Undertale while really making its own identity and not being afraid to be different with a lot of things.

Overall, there's so much charm in the world of this game and obvious passion from the people that worked on it that it's impossible not to love.


i started playing this game purely 'cause of a friend who's so unbelievably into it that i couldn't help but want to play the game. i think it's pretty fun, short matches that you can fit within the dead hours of your day. the 2v8 mode is more chaotic and it quickly became my go-to mode. some of the hunters' designs and their skins genuinely had me in awe. i think soul weaver's my favorite hunter so far.

crossover skins are quite cool too i can't wait for more CLAMP skins to come, although it's practically impossible to get those without being blessed by the god of luck or whaling a lot of money. very predatory gacha system they got here, no wonder they can afford those collabs.

i've heard multiple accounts of how unbalanced DBD is, and even though i've never played that game, i still think IDV is much more playable than DBD.

it's pretty popular here in Asia, and i gotta tell you, the players here are hella annoying. they're either e-daters or 13y/o who spams sigma rizz ohio on the chat. i can take the latter and sometimes chuckle if caught off guard but the former, god i hate them to death.

tl;dr it's an enjoyable game by itself, plus Jeff Costello. just maybe not the gacha part and those fucking e-daters !!!

I guess I can see why people didn’t like this as much as the first two. Must have been a fun four-player co-op game in its day, though.

Really tried to pull the heartstrings by bringing back “Mad World,” though they dropped that way too early. That short Thrashball fantasy with Cole was pretty funny; wouldn’t mind if Gears did some more weird shit like that, especially to give a little pre-E-Day glimpse.

I like this game But the main reason why i retired is because Is it takes flipping 60Gb

Reading this before, during and a little bit after my first trip to Japan really made this VN more fun than it would've been otherwise. The characters and writing is mediocre, but I enjoy all the trivia and being able to visit Tokyo virtually and choose your itinerary.

Its pretty hard to find good games on roblox. but once you find you will have some fun, But the critism for roblox is the poor moderation, and mid updates. this game was good until roblox became corp(Idk ig i was like 7-8 years old when i found it good 🤷‍♂️)

This was once one of my all time favourite games. I originally played it on both PC and Xbox 360, earning every achievement twice over and spending of hundreads of hours in The Capital Wasteland. After watching the surpisingly decent Fallout TV show, I decided to give Fallout 3 another go.

Sadly, it hasn't aged well. The writing was so bad and basic that I stopped playing after a few hours - I couldn't take it anymore. There are still loads of technical issues on PC. The combat is pathetic. While the exploration is still enjoyable, the gameworld isn't as reactive as say... New Vegas. In fact, while re-playing Fallout 3, all I could think about was that I'd much rather just be playing New Vegas - so eventually that's what I did.

I still have a lot of fondness for Fallout 3, and while - to a certain degree - that may just be nostalgia, it is still a good game. Just don't expect much more than a moderately shallow RPG with poor combat, and storytelling that lacks any semblance of complexity.

Nice game and was sent by somebody, but i retired really cuz its hard but may play in the future.

Uma história curta, mas comovente. Pensar que muitas pessoas tem sua existência constantemente questionada, enquanto só são afirmadas a partir de uma sexualização nojenta é realmente muito triste.

I like this game as a guy who never played og overwatch

While it wasn't much of an improvement over Outrun, it was still one of the best looking driving games available by the time of its release.

This was a nice megawad to return to, with this playthrough being my third time around. The levels are snappy– they don’t usually take too long nor involve sloggy switch hunting.

The first act of the megawad has the player go through levels that feel like real places. There’s a sense of progression because the levels connect to each other. The second act takes some real Plutonia influence and this is where the wad changes gears. Many levels are open-ended and open hot with enemies immediately spotting you and attacking. There’s not really any safe spaces so you have to carve out a spot in the level to get a grip on the situation. I love that Doom level trope and this wad has it for most of the backhalf.

I played this megawad with a weapon mod that stomped down the difficulty like a pop can but I don’t think that impaired my judgment of this wad’s solid level design and brisk enemy encounters. The music was okay but aside from the “Congo” theme from map 13, none of it struck out to me. It didn’t take me out of the game, though, as it was pretty decent midi score.

It's a decent sim, but nothing special for 1989, and there's a weird lack of sense of speed for a bike game.

TING TING TING TING TING TING TING TONG brutally stabs an old woman in the throat yea ok this is epic

"this is an unbelievably bad video game" -miyazaki

The graphics are detailed, but the aesthetic is honestly ugly. Combined with some really shoddy gameplay and it just ends up being a poorly executed action adventure game.

An ugly top down shooter with bad gameplay.

For what it's worth: it's more of Donkey Kong Country 2, and that ain't bad. I mean, the music isn't as strong, and the setting is a lot less interesting (Where even are we? Canada? Some sort of tropical island? Canada after the earthquakes made the ocean level rise?), but I just can't let myself be underwhelmed by the overall package, everything that I liked about DKC2's gameplay is more or less still intact. The loop of hunting down bonus rooms & DK Coins to unlock extra levels continues to be enjoyable, and the variety of mechanics keeps the levels fresh. And I know I said the music isn't as good, but actually, the underwater theme knocks it out of the park! Different vibe from Aquatic Ambience, but still very soothing to the soul.

Even Kiddy Kong is okay! Well, for now, anyway. The Kong family suffered a great loss on that fated Autumn. But until then, I'm happy that the clunk I felt while playing as the heavy-type character in DKC1 does not apply to Kiddy. While I can't say I'd pick him over Dixie if given a choice, the controls on him are refined enough that it wouldn't be a big deal to play as him whenever needed. It's a little like they brought over some elements of DKC1 to DKC2's formula, but polished them up to make the best of both worlds.

Of course, all of this means that if you didn't enjoy the platforming and steep difficulty of the previous DKC's, DKC3 is gonna do little to sway you. Conversely, if you DID enjoy DKC2, DKC3 feels like a pretty nice extra set of levels to sink your teeth into. Sometimes, I get the vibe that DKC3 was thrown together in more of a haste, and out of a contractual obligation (like, they signed up for a trilogy of games, something like that), just so Rare could get it out of the way and move on to the N64. Maybe that'd explain why it feels weaker than the rest. Yet even at its weakest, DKC3 still delivers a competent and polished platforming romp. I wouldn't come back to it often, but everytime I would, I wouldn't regret it either.

RIP Kiddy Kong 1996-1996 (Killed by Canada)

nothing like playing it in highschool on the manditory Ipads

THIS WAS SUCH A FUN AFTERNOON !!! so cute, i wish tech was still like this

I miss Torb armor packs and Sym sheilds :/ the good old days

If you want a roblox alterntive for vr recroom is for you

Still such a masterpiece, even more ready for the TTYD remake now than I was before!