Reviews from

in the past

decent game, very fun to go through each different area and seeing all the different movement mechanics, feeds off my completionist mind.

A very enjoyable platinum trophy. Good combat system, great exploration, awesome art and music and an atmosphere well done. Obviously it takes inspiration from hollow knight but even so has his own identity.

My quest to find another 2-D Soulsbornelike that reaches the height of Salt and Sanctuary will continue. Neverthelss, E.L. is a great Metriodvania with compelling boss fights, great level design, and a wealth of combat options and powers. Loved the overall vibe and aesthetic, but for the love of god can we just have one of these games that doesn't have a POISON LEVEL!

Otro intento de emular al fenómeno del momento, ya sea Dark Souls o, en este caso, Hollow Knight, sin contar con la elegancia necesaria para ello.

- El sistema de combate basado en espíritus otorga bastantes posibilidades de buildeo.
- Todo va muy fluido. El personaje se controla bien en todos los ejes.
- Las peleas contra bosses son destacables, aunque entre ellas hay que pasar por el peor elemento del juego, explicado en el siguiente punto.

- Su forma de introducir dificultad es rellenar todas las ubicaciones con ochocientos cuarenta y tres mil enemigos. Para más inri, el 50% de los enemigos disparan proyectiles de seguimiento.
- El diseño artístico de los escenarios es muy pobre. Si bien al principio parecen destacar por su belleza, se acaban repitiendo hasta la saciedad a lo largo de las zonas.
- Su forma de entender el género metroidvania consiste en permitirte ir constantemente por rutas cerradas para tener que hacer backtracking constante.

Everything is perfect, from the gorgeous art-style to the incredible story.
One of the cleanest gameplay i've ever seen in a metroidvania, it is a must play.

I might come back to this later, but I couldn't really get into this one. Combat is weak, with your attacks having pretty poor feedback and lacking any impact. Level design is pretty uninteresting, consisting almost entirely of rectangular rooms that tend to be bigger than they need to be. The only thing that makes the game difficult is how janky dodging feels. You just kind of flop onto the ground and the animation makes it difficult to tell when you're invincible and when you're vulnerable to damage. The whole game, despite having great art and music, has a feeling that I can only describe as something that would have been on Newgrounds in the early 2000s.

You get a bunch of different combat abilities that you can mix and match which is neat, but there are just way too many other metroidvanias out there that do what I think this game is trying to do way better. Good presentation and atmosphere can only get you so far.

With that said, I did only play about 3 hours. I've heard it gets better, but I'm not willing to sit through mediocrity for the chance of quality at the moment.

Ender Lilies es un metroidvania asombroso que ha pasado bastante desapercibido, pero eso no influye de ninguna manera en su calidad, porque creo que entrega una experiencia muy disfrutable.

Lo más destacable de Ender Lilies es su combate, que se siente bastante medido, variado y complejo. Te permite equipar hasta 6 habilidades que vas obteniendo al derrotar los bosses y semi bosses, creando una buena sensación de progresión constante. Dichas habilidades son muy diversas e interesantes de usar, adaptándose a tu forma de jugar o zona y enemigos que vayas a enfrentar. Porque parte de la grandeza de su combate está en el diseño de los enemigos, que junto a su dificultad te obliga a aprender a jugar frente a cada uno de ellos, volviendo el combate mucho más satisfactorio una vez lo entiendes. Hago especial énfasis en el diseño de sus bosses, que me parece sublime. Todos te fuerzan de nuevo a aprender bien sus mecánicas, de forma que sientes que has perfeccionado su combate cuando los derrotas finalmente. Se sienten variados y muy divertidos en general. Todo lo bien construidos que están los 8 iniciales , lo tiran por la borda en el boss final desgraciadamente. Una batalla totalmente soporífera y muy lejos del nivel del título, haciendo bastante decepcionante el final.

Por una parte, su diseño de niveles a nivel jugable está bien. Sus zonas se sienten bien interconectadas como esperarías de un metroidvania, aunque hay una que no me gustaron mucho sus mecánicas. Por otro lado la ambientación de esas zonas está muy bien lograda, con una banda sonora asombrosa, que con sus canciones transmite sentimientos similares a lo que el lugar representa. Su apartado artístico en un inicio no me convencía, recordándome un poco a esos gachas japoneses típicos de dispositivos móviles, pero con el tiempo lo fui apreciando más y me acabó gustando bastante.

Por último sus historia cumple, tomando lugar en un antiguo reino en ruinas asolado por una enfermedad que convierte a sus huéspedes en cuerpos desconectados de su mente. Es simple pero aporta a la ambientación dándole significado a los lugares y personajes que enfrentas.

En definitiva, Ender lilies en un buen metroidvania con un combate sensacional , sobre todo en el diseño de sus bosses, que te hará disfrutar descubriendo su mundo.

Bacaninha. A mecânica de combate é muito interessante e tem uns chefes bem legais.

- LILIE !!!!! -
Es un metroivania muy bello y tétrico, su historia es muy buena y triste. Su combate es muy fluido y con buena variacion de habilidades por usar.
Cuenta con varios finales y todos me parecieron Buenos.
De los pocos juegos que me dejaron con ganas de más de el mundo de Lilie.

I had a lot of fun with Ender Lilies as a game that helped fill that Hollow Knight hole. Exploring a ruined kingdom that slowly uncovered the lore and story through gorgeous artwork and journal entries developed the game's great atmosphere accompanied by a soothing soundtrack. Sections of the map such as Twin Spires were awesome in terms of level design as looping back around in circles around the dungeon gave a similar vibe to the fantastic areas in FromSoftware's catalog. I especially loved the variety of abilities given to you that are recycled from the enemies you fought throughout your journey. Each of the main spirits you would use as your primary damage source had clear pros and cons, and the rest of the abilities helped mold your skillset to any playstyle you wanted.

Unfortunately, this is not a perfect game as the leveling system, checkpoints, and enemy variety were some of the few things that kept me from giving this a higher score. This is less of a major issue and more of a nitpick, but leveling up in this game felt inconsequential and only helped to gatekeep tougher areas you might have accidentally stumbled upon in your exploration. I also did not find this game particularly difficult which is not normally an issue for a game unless it is due to an overreliance on rest areas; Checkpoints almost always being at most two levels away lessen the feeling of danger in a postapocalyptic world knowing that you respawn an area away. Enemies are also quite boring from start to finish. As the game progresses, blight-afflicted enemy designs start to wear down on you even if the attacks change. I would have been interested in seeing the monstrous direction taken further with some of the humanoid enemies.

Altogether, it was a complete package that had a satisfying conclusion to the story it told. The length and pacing felt right in the 14 hours I played, and I am interested in seeing what else the developers do in the future.

Um metroidvania boa, a mecânica das almas é maneira, beeeem sombrio

An absolutely beautiful game. Mili delivered the best vocals for this OST. The graphics were beautiful.
Game play fun and challenging. Fighting bosses was great.

Literally amazing.

hoenir keeper of the abyss bossu bok gibi dizayn edilmiş bir boss fight'dı gangbang üzerine kurulu adil bir savaşa sahip olmamasına rağmen yapay zekasının kötü olmasından dolayı uzaktan dark witch eleine spirit'i ile cheesy bir şekilde kesebiliyorsunuz. boss'un kendisi kötü olduğu gibi bölgesi de kötüydü. aklımda kalan tek büyük eksisi buydu oyunun. aklımda kalan en büyük artısı oyunun oynanış çeşitliliği oldu. gerçekten derin bir relic ve spirit mekaniği kurmuşlar. her boss'da hatta yer yer yeni bölgelere girdiğimde bile build değişikliği yapmam gerektiği oldu. oynanış döngüsünü bu sayede akıcı tutmayı başarmışlar. müzikleri de beklediğimden çok daha iyiydi. oyundaki bütün 3 sonu da aldım. anlık olarak hepsi olmasa da haritadaki çoğu toplanabiliri de topladım belki sonra geri döner ve 100% lerim

El mejor metroidvania de la historia.

I would describe this as a “Jack of all Trades, Master of None” game. Every single element of Ender Lilies can be traced back to something older than it and those reference points usually do it better, but those elements are still good, sometimes great. This well-roundedness was enough for me to stay invested for about four playthroughs, so I’d say the experience is definitely greater than the sum of its parts.

Not a bad metroidvania game. It was long enough not to overstay its welcome, although it could have been a little bit longer :) The only downside is that even at max level I was still feeling underpowered and weak (especially against the last boss and the true ending). A little bit harder than some other similar games but still great.

Only worth playing for the boss fights and visuals. The weapon system is also really cool, and makes you come up with effective combinations. Unfortunately, the exploration part of metroidvanias is just not there. Every room is just a bunch of rectangles with enemies here and there, and you barely ever get to pick which way to go first. I would only recommend this if you really like metroidvanias and have played all the greats already.

Game goes so unbelievably hard, love the atmosphere and music and the combat and the moment to moment gameplay and the exploration. Total banger I 100%'d it in a week lmao

All-round a very solid soulslike/metroidvania. And this game deserves those two genre labels more than most. Ender Lilies is so heavily influenced by other games in those genres that it almost comes off as some hybrid or compilation. The theming and enemy design is very Dark Souls, the story is very Hollow Knight, the boss design is very Bloodborne and the art style reminds me of Salt and Sanctuary, albeit a fair bit better. Don't get me wrong, Ender Lilies is good or great in almost every aspect, but it can feel like it isn't bringing a whole lot new to the table.

I guess the main innovation/gimmick that EL:QotK does contribute to the genre is the spirits system, where you unlock new moves by beating associated bosses / minibosses and recruiting their spirits to your side, and then equip up to six of these at each bonfire/bench/respite. I do quite like this system, it leads to a lot of build variability, but it does feel a little out of place alongside the other RPG elements (a copy of the charms system from Hollow Knight and a character levelling system that... I never worked out what it was doing). It makes combat pretty fun and varied, and some of the most satisfying I've played in the genre (at least once you get the dash, because the basic dodge kinda sucks to use).

I'd say the game probably puts the most effort into building its atmosphere; but I think it perhaps goes a little too hard too fast. The first couple of levels of this game are just so damn sad, and not really in a good way. You're thrown in at the deep end with an extremely bleak and hopeless seeming world before you have any time to get invested in anything, and the game doesn't offer any NPCs to talk to to show any faint sign of life or reason this world deserves saving. I dunno, I didn't feel this way by the end once the game had earned my engagement at a story and setting level, but this kind of thing has completely thrown me out of other Metroidvanias before now (main example being Ori and the Blind Forest), so I think the feeling of 'unearned atmosphere' I got from the start of this is worth a mention.

But yeah, other than that and its lack of originality at times, Ender Lilies is just good all-round. Beautiful art, great music (I particularly like how it dynamically changes between different rooms in an area), spot-on difficulty curve and no major glaring issues to point at. Pretty much the exact definition of a 4/5 game to me.

a perfectly enjoyable game if you're into the formula it revolves around. only Major complaint is a lack of incentive to try out other spirits as the game progresses you will likely have a satisfactory set within the first 2 hours, this doesn't detract from my enjoyment too much but is rather something i would like to see iterated on if these devs ever worked in the genre again

one of the best metroidvania games out there. you get to play as a stand user

Stunning visuals, great graphics, very good and engaging combat and exploration, this game has everything that makes a metroidvania great.

As for the story, while morbidly sad and despairing, it's honestly a very beautiful and touching story.

100% recommended, I would love to play a sequel of this.

Easily my favorite metroidvania I've played. Amazing graphics, music, combat and story. I'd give it more stars if I could, tbh

bored 3 hours in , combat feels like shit, enemies dont react to being attacked

An excellent metroidvania. It’s haunting and beautiful and sad, with the Dark Souls philosophy of storytelling, but it’s worth the time. The unique concept of the spirits is very cool, and the multiple axes on which you can customize your character are great. Combat is simple but satisfying, platforming has some clever depth to it, exploration is great, story is beautiful. Highly recommended.

Pretty fun game. Soundtrack is very good, combat system is really clean and there are a couple good bosses. The areas suck especially in the second half of the game which felt like a big downgrade with a lot of unnecessary tediousness and a couple awful bosses

Pretty good, although some secrets require you to do some insane things and experimentation