Epic Recommendations List

General list of shit I think basically everyone should play, avoiding more mainstream games just because yeah everyone knows you should play shit like DMC & Dark Souls tho there are some exceptions. Also trying to avoid longer games but there are some exceptions, if you recommend people long games you're a bad person. Will try to continuously update this with more games I normally shill.

Trust me bro it's awesome
Ignore the backloggd reviews saying "lol this is the best worst game I've played" because this game is unironically so much fun and the voice acting elevates that to another level. Also has super unique gameplay that's unexpectedly executed really well. I still constantly repeat lines from this game. Play RAD.
Peak funnybad gaming, David Cage is the funniest man in existence. Don't play the steam version it doesn't fucking work fuck you David Cage for stealing $2 from me
It's like Indigo Prophecy but only the second funniest game ever made. Thank you David Cage.
"avoiding more mainstream games" yeah I may be a fraud but I think everyone should play Drakenjosh and the rest of the series (mostly Drakenjosh 3 tbh)
Best megaten cast paired with my favorite gameplay in the series too. Game's just really fun. I always see people say DeSu 1 is better which is so weird. While you can argue DeSu 1 has a better atmosphere I'd say the writing is less than stellar and DeSu 2 easily has it beaten in gameplay. Both games are extremely fun tho. Play Record Breaker instead of OG because Triangulum route is phenomenal.
Trust me it's really good... VN btw
Pure unfiltered fun in the visual novel format. Also has like 1000 cgs (barely exaggeration) and phenomenal art. Really sad this one kinda went under the radar. This is also easily finishable in one sitting. Please play it i am begging u...
Some of if not the best presentation I've seen in a VN, it's really good.
Another VN you could finish in like a day I love denpashit
I'm sorry I'll stop shilling VNs now
Honestly put Vanilla's entire catalogue here they're awesome. Love this game and the gameplay is addicting as all hell with 5 completely unique characters to go through. Also a massive step up from the OG Odin Sphere which was uhh not great.
Yeah ok this one is really long, extremely long even, but it also has my favorite turn based gameplay by a large ass margin. The teambuilding here is phenomenal and the boss fights are the most fun I've had with the genre easily. Beware, I have almost 300 hours in this shit after beating the post-post-postgame. Do not play this unless you want something long as fuck.
In a weird spot on length because this game is really as long as you make it. I absolutely adore the aesthetic and voice acting tho. One of my favorite artstyles ever. Gameplay is also an absolute blast despite how crusty people will try to say it is, lift and throw is the best mechanic ever put into an SRPG.
Rpgs would be better if they had no story SoL is awesome. It's hard to shill Atelier bc they're just fuckin slice of life rpgs with extremely addicting gameplay but bro trust me. (Totori and Meruru are also some of my favorite games ever but play this first) Oh also sorta long be warned
Fraudulency is at an all time high but fuck you play Kingdom Hearts. Idc if I said "avoiding mainstream shit" it's Kingdom Hearts and you're a bitch if you haven't played it.
Another fairly long entry. It's really fun tho, I adore the silly ass tone and the gameplay in general is a blast. It's a very weird RPG but it's worth it trust me...
Is this mainstream anymore? Idfk but the og trilogy is really good. Once you finish Up Your Arsenal run away and never look back.
DUUUUUUUDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEE, play all 3 obviously but man I love Ape Escape 3.
Fairly short JRPG trilogy with weird scifi bullshit and really fun characters, idk how the Xenoblade man forgot how to write good characters after this. First one is ok but really funny. Second sucks (hasn't played, slightly regrets it) and the third is really good.
Gravity Rush 1 and 2 flying so far under the radar is really unfortunate. Playing Gravity Rush 2 on release with online functionality actually existing was so fun.
These are also only on ps4 (the first is also on the vita) so uhh good luck if you want to play them.
Short and very badass metroidvania. Extremely swaggy, timestop is probably the best mechanic I've seen in a metroidvania.
Monkey ball is badass, this and 1 are very good but if you're going to play one or the other play this one.
In the realm of monkey ball bullshit. If you like that you'll probably like this and its sequel a fair bit.
If you think metroidvania but with Trials controls sounds badass you should probably play this because it is indeed badass. Warning tho the bosses aren't good.
Am I allowed to say you should play something because the art is phenomenal? Maybe. Gameplay is fun doe and the characters are also pretty good. Story feels unfinished but that's ok I'm here for the characters. Regardless you should play this bc Gyokai art is crazy good.
I honestly just want to put Ultra Despair Girls on here bc it'd be funny. Hilarious game, the entire press the button sequence is peak gaming.
Fight me in ranbats, obviously mainstream I just wanna fight people in ranbats. (peaked in top 50 on the ladder btw I'm him)
I'm a sick bastard for putting Rance on here. If you like raunchy but REALLY goofy ahh ahh newgrounds era humor you will eat this shit up. Obviously this this a blanket shill for the entire series what weirdo only shills the first game (for the record most rance games arent long).


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