I wasnt able to kill Sean Bean

My fav Assassins Creed and I love this period of history

Best Halo in the Master Chief Series

Decent but felt too much like Skyrim for me. I didnt end up completing this

Fucking love this. Ill be honest this is probably one of the best games ive ever played. This helped to regain my love for fantasy. Its because of my love for this game and its DLCs that i didnt like the Netflix series

Love the design and 1930s cartoons. Game was a bit too hard for me in places though

Great game although the NPC designs were quite lazy

Not as good as the Batman Arkham series but man i loved this

This is probably the best Mario game ive ever played

Brilliant game. I felt like the game length was too short however especially for its price and the hype it got. I literally 100% it within 5 days. Nevertheless it was great to see a new 3D Mario game like Super Mario Galaxy again.

Best Zelda in the series. Exploring the world map was brilliant and it was even better be able to paly freely without having to always navigate endless dungeons and temples and puzzles like in the other Zelda games.

Great to play with friends or family but its always frustrating when you get wrongly accused