Games I've played in 2022

Anything I played for the first time in 2022, ranked

Wuppo and above are Baird-certified kino

Deltarune Chapter 2 was so great I finally decided to pick this up. Surprise surprise it was great as well


idk what to say this game is just a banger throughout

I suppose the Metroidvania elements are really underemphasized but i dont really care that much about that


This game's got a nice 2D Zelda vibe with some crunchy combat, but goes in a pretty unique direction. The whole video game setting is pretty well realized, and I like the fellow gamers you meet along the way. This is a game where I need to write way too much to explain what I like about it, so look forward to that i guess


i need to finish this tbh

However so far it's got an interesting style to it and the battles have a nice flow to them.


Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI
Setzer killing my entire party right when I turned on auto battle is the start of my Joker arc tbh.

The story is great though, I need to pick this up again sometime.


Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
Pawn Stars for weebs


Kero Blaster
Kero Blaster
This game feels deadset on being a simple fun run and gun, and largely succeeds.

also i should probably play cave story


Splatoon 3
Splatoon 3
It's certainly more Splatoon. It would have been nice if it had pushed the concept further, but the new movement mechanics are pretty fun at least. The overall setting is quite charming too, and the story mode was fun albeit very derivative of Octo Expansion. It is also actually intuitive to enjoy playing online with friends, wow!

why did they bring back missiles tho


Sam & Max Hit the Road
Sam & Max Hit the Road
Funny I laughed.

Also not too bad with the usual adventure game nonsense, I mostly just had to be more thorough with the grab command. Maybe I'm just saying that because Steam has those community guides I checked in a couple cases but whatever.

"I don't think we should risk being any more fertile than we already are, Max."


Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!
One of the most Donkey Kong Country games. As it turns out, it was pretty solid. I enjoyed the overworld for adding that extra touch of character compared to the previous games.

I enjoyed the visuals more after trying out the CRT filter on the Switch app, they look much more convincing without the dithering.


Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Really great artstyle, and most of the original game still holds up today. I really like how they preserved the original look if you want to check it out, as well. It's pleasant throughout the brisk runtime, and I can tell it's such a love letter to the original game.


Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man & Bass
I finally actually like a Megaman game and it's this one, who'd of thunk it?


Umihara Kawase
Umihara Kawase
Pure evil stuffed into a very cute Super Famicom game. Feels very satisfying to get the hang of, but there's definitely a lot of rough edges.


Wuppo: Definitive Edition
Wuppo: Definitive Edition
Wuppo is such a chill game with cute and silly characters that it's really easy to just relax to. It's got a vague metroidvania vibe but I mostly enjoyed it to just hang around in this setting. There's some polish issues (like when the icon for taking a lot of damage almost covers up the entire screen) but I generally enjoyed this regardless.


This was a charming little game that is generally just fine. The mix of platforming and the real time RPG combat works well enough, but each feels a bit too simple for its own good. The story is mostly pretty plain as well. There's a lot of heart, but I just kinda feel like it never escaped "fine" to me.

also the final boss has this seizure jumpscare attack and it's actually the worst so please be aware of that if that's an issue for you


The Messenger
The Messenger
The blending of genre was pretty neat. They also made a story filled with meta humor that never really detracted from any stakes in the way those sorts of jokes usually do.
This game is overall pretty simple, but can still keep evolving its concepts to make something really engaging.

Also getting a double jump back for hitting an enemy is soo fun

Edit: Quoting Jordan Peterson is a massive L so it's going under Recettear just for that. Actually forget it it's worse than Kero Blaster even without that. im not writing any more notes here now


ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove
what's the deal with epic games and handing out drawn revivals of old sega franchises? i'm certainly not complaining

game definitely takes a bit too long to load between each level though


Mega Man X
Mega Man X
Never liked the Megaman games all that much but this one was enjoyable. To be honest, there's not a whole lot about this game I could say that hasn't already been said.


Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
This game pulled off a really effortless transition from the 3DS titles into a nice 3D game, and added just enough new to truly feel like a big step for the series. Also it reminded me that no matter how much I make fun of it I will always be sort of a sucker for Kirby lore, for better or for worse

Actually, is that even true? I found most of the lore stuff really vague, with the only remotely interesting idea being yet another callback to "The Ancients". Whatever


I really liked making Mario levels in Mario Maker and this is a similar sort of game. Generally, this game has really granular options as well as a bunch of switches to activate, which enables a lot of complex level concepts.

The mechanic where you need to play other levels in order to promote your own is a really neat way to tie the whole play and make loop together.

I'll say that I do find the cast of enemies pretty bothersome; most of them require you to wait for their attacks and then jump on them precisely.


Pokémon Emerald Rogue
Pokémon Emerald Rogue
It's Pokemon!
It's a roguelike!
That is pretty cool I think.


Cute little game with nice twinstick action and slowing down time and stuff. It's just a goofy little time and that's pretty cool.


Raven's Hike
Raven's Hike
This game goes for a precision platformer angle, but with a really unique movement scheme where you just grapple in a cardinal direction. The game just generally explores this in an effective way across it's short run time, although some of the later enemies shift the focus from puzzle to action in a way I didn't enjoy as much.

Honestly, I got this because my Nintendo Gold points were about to expire and they could cover it on their own. Pretty much the only worthwhile thing I've gotten out of My Nintendo.


Peggle Deluxe
Peggle Deluxe
i like the pumpkin his power is good for getting big points


Mega Man X4
Mega Man X4
There were so many annoying bosses that spoiled a game that would otherwise probably be on par with X1 at least. Most of the levels themselves were fine, playing as Zero is a fun addition (felt like he was kind of weak against the bosses though), and the cheesy cutscenes were legendary.


Nebs 'n Debs
Nebs 'n Debs
They put a dang notes page in this game's manual. I mainly experienced the twilight of game manuals in the DS/Wii days so that whole thing was an unexpected nostalgia trip.


Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
Didnt get to play this for very long but it actually seems pretty fun??? Wish I could play it more and hate myself for saying that.



Fae Tactics
Fae Tactics
It's a pretty fun SRPG with fun core mechanics and a cool world, mostly bogged down by its pacing.


Shotgun King: the Final Checkmate
Shotgun King: the Final Checkmate
instead of writing all those words like I did last time I think I'll just it's fine and move on


Bayonetta 3
Bayonetta 3
Slip sliding around with all the moves is pretty fun but I feel like there's something missing from the full package. This is probably a bad place to start looking at this series I think.


Double Cross
Double Cross
A solidly okay platformer whose adventure game trappings don't really go anywhere.


Fire Emblem Gaiden
Fire Emblem Gaiden
Honestly not that bad???
You probably shouldnt trust someone who's played 40 hours of fe1 to say that though


Fall Guys
Fall Guys
Why haven't I gotten a single crown?? Pretty big flaw if you ask me.

To be honest, this game was pretty much what I expected. It was a fun little platforming thing for a while but there was a point where I was ready to just shelf it. Also the timed missions pretty quickly tired me out, those chores made it really tempting to suck all the fun out of the game.


Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Great style, but beyond that this is just a really generic JRPG plot wise and such. Honestly feels like a bit of a waste for this whole real world connected to the fantasy world idea, especially with the Ghibli ties the game has. The monster taming aspect is a neat element, basically making them the main battlers. It did kind of lead me to getting stuck in the water zone since my team ended up having a real water weakness, which was about at the 10 hour mark before I decided to stop.


It looks kinda cool, but beyond that it's a shmup I can't really be bothered with. There's apparently some sort of symbolic message later on but it doesn't seem worth it to trudge through stage 4 again to get there.


It's an ok concept that fits the short run time, but beyond that there's nothing particularly interesting at the core of the gameplay. By the nature of how you have to figure things out a minute at a time, there also ended up being points that were a tad obtuse.


i may be stupid


Rising Hell
Rising Hell
Don't really have much to say, which I guess says a lot for me. It's a roguelike that blends together pretty quick, but it's kinda fun in the moment.


Pokémon Conquest
Pokémon Conquest
There are some cute tactics concepts wrapped up in the Pokemon types and such. The different ranges are pretty fun to play with.

To be honest, I've been mostly put off by how much of the game feels like busywork. I've gotten to the part where the ground and psychic kingdoms are available, and the power gap felt so much that I just kind of wanted to stop instead of grinding. Unless there's some big gameplay twist I don't feel like my opinion is going to change very much.

Still see the argument it's peak Pokemon though, which frankly isn't saying much.


Kirby's Super Star Stacker
Kirby's Super Star Stacker
Passable but unremarkable puzzle game with a neat style

In honor of this game introducing the Masked Dedede theme, I will declare that Masked and Wild goes harder than Roar of Dedede.


Pop'n TwinBee
Pop'n TwinBee
I felt like playing something random and while that did mean i went in with less expectations compared to ZeroRanger, ZeroRanger is still far more raw as a shmup. There were a lot of points in this one that don't even seem possible to dodge??? It is a cute video game I guess, though.


Revolver and Co
Revolver and Co
Nothing wrong with this; it's just a trivia game.

Did you know the yearly fee to run a hot dog stand near the Central Zoo is $290,000?


Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
They got rid of the abilities in this one since you can't have Insomnia while playing it.

Sorry, I actually had a thing I wanted to say in my review so the shitty Pokemon humor goes here.


Enter the Gungeon
Enter the Gungeon
Honestly, I just wasn't in the mood for a roguelike, so take this one with a grain of salt. Don't feel like I have anything more specific to say than that the screen clear being tied to clicking in both joysticks is pretty dumb.


Mega Man X2
Mega Man X2
This has the same vibe as all those games which, as stated above, make me not a big fan of the mega man.
Just a lot of really frustrating levels, made worse by having to worry about those really annoying X hunter bosses this time. By the time I had to replay an annoying moving platform bit every time I game overed on the strict dash jump section right after, I just decided to turn on the easy mode in the legacy collection.

Honestly, the best part of this game was putting into perspective that I actually do like X1.



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