36 reviews liked by Big_Rod8

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The purpose of a critique is to take something apart to reveal a flawed construction or a shaky foundation, so it’s with some reluctance that I take on a modern classic with only an arm full of rocks to break the windows. I may have personally found this game to be a slog, but its straightforward action doesn’t actually have any fundamental problems. It tells a story with a lot of twists and turns, it develops its characters, there really doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it. So, here’s the brick I intend to throw at it:

What is Nier: Automata about? Not in terms of plot, what are its themes and core ideas?

This question probably sounds insane. How could you not pick up on its absurdist ideas? How could you not notice how existentialism is core to its central conflict? Well obviously, I did, but the ridiculousness of the question is exactly my point. Nier: Automata leaves so little to the imagination, so little for you to wonder about and consider on your own that it ultimately works against its own interests. Naming someone “2B” in an existential game is a pretty cheeky move, and naming a traitor character “A2” starts to get into eye-rolling territory. When the two protagonists who work for an inscrutable authority wear blindfolds, and the one who left the organization has her eyes open, it's just painfully on the nose. Introducing the machine-fighting heroes as androids themselves, and having them state “There’s no actual meaning behind anything machines do” within the first thirty minutes signposts the direction of the plot so clearly that it kills the intrigue. Examples like these are dotted all over the game, like how the moral absoluteness of Yorha has literally made their base viewable only in black and white, and how most secondary characters are named after philosophers who tangentially relate to the game’s themes. These details don’t draw you in and spark your imagination, but simply highlight how this was written by someone who didn’t want the time they spent reading philosophy to be wasted on people who wouldn’t pick up on messages less subtle than a chainsaw.

This sort of approach affects the gameplay just as much, with the most notable example being how the endings are paced. The first “ending” takes about ten hours to reach, but this is more of an intro than anything. The plot goes on to be resolved in the subsequent endings B through E, with the B ending being the second longest with a run time of six hours. During this time, you play as the sidekick 9S instead of 2B, and essentially replay the entire game with minimal changes other than a repetitive hacking minigame. The purpose was to force players into recognizing all the plot/character details they may have missed the first time around, grinding players’ faces into the story to ensure that they did not miss absolutely anything. Replaying games can be great, and picking up on details you missed is fun, but hiding the resolution to the story behind a boring replay is excessively self-indulgent on the behalf of the developers. This is incredibly damaging to its overall replay value, even when there wasn’t much to begin with, considering how the combat is similarly concerned with ensuring even the least attentive players see everything. The action is very simplistic, and the combination of strong upgrade chips and consumable items only incentivizes players to thoughtlessly break through the game rather than mentally engage with it.

That’s really what all these little nitpicky rocks pile up to become. I may have loved its style, its fashion, its sense of humor, and how it actually tried to do something philosophical, but a game that tries to be about philosophy, yet doesn’t let players think on their own, has an unavoidably detrimental irony. It’s a game that misses its own point, not letting people uncover meaning in a game about uncovering meaning. Even so, the character drama still works. The combat is still fun to watch, and for people who haven’t been exposed to this sort of topic, it wouldn’t feel as patronizing. Most people don’t replay games at all, so even the repetition I found to be so gratuitous could have been an eye-opening experience. Nier: Automata still stands tall in spite of my little complaints, but it’s not exactly a house I want to live in. Some asshole broke all the windows.

Only cool people say trans rights

Façam questão de fazer o true ending, além de ser tranquilo ele tbm dá uma salvada na sequência final do jogo.

Torci, comemorei e depois chorei.

Simplesmente peak of fiction.

Pikmin é um daqueles títulos que esbanjam criatividade surgindo no mercado AAA e marcam pelo seu caráter único.

A mistura temática com o gameplay baseado em RTS nas mãos de uma veterana na arte de game design como a Nintendo é algo que alegra pelo frescor de suas ideias, especialmente em relação à direção de arte.

A duração mais curta do jogo também incentiva o replay das pessoas mais competitivas, mas provê quem curte experiências menores com uma agradável aventura bastante objetiva e cheia de personalidade.

A urgência do limite temporal atua como um estressante e incentivo para que o jogador seja o mais eficiente possível. Não há um game over ao falhar em coletar as peças da nave durante um dia, mas um resultado insatisfatório caso o tempo acabe e todas as peças não tenham sido coletadas.

Essa decisão favorece um reinício de fases onde algo deu muito errado e não permite ao jogador jogar de forma mais relaxada, sempre preocupado com o tempo final. Talvez com mais runs seguidas haja um relaxamento que permita experimentar mais com as fases, afinal, é uma das características comuns em jogos curtos.

Mas definitivamente não é algo que farei, estou aqui para conhecer propostas e executá-las, não exauri-las como se não houvesse mais nada a se jogar na vida. Esse aspecto me deixou um tanto pressionado e não curti muito isso na experiência.

Mal posso esperar pra jogar as sequências e ver como a franquia evolui seguindo a filosofia de design da Big N, especialmente sabendo de antemão que o elemento temporal estressante foi removido, talvez por não ter sido tão popular.

o GAME DESIGN Mais Limpo Já Feito que por algum motivo não me causa dores musculares só de completar uma fase

algum motivo: Super Mario Bros 3 é uma grande força de movimento que expressa 'celebração', celebração aos videogames em particular. uma peça onde o Mario tem como objetivo fugir do palco o tempo todo através das engenharias gamísticas que estimulam ele a ir pra frente -- não é um teatro jogável, é um teatro morto jogável

eu corri, eu pulei, eu flutuei, eu vivi. bom jogo.

When they announced this in a Direct, I got really excited for what it could be, seeing the theater aesthetic combined with a little bit of mahou shoujo energy, and also being a brand-new Peach game, so it felt like it was made for me. Then it came out, and after playing all the 1F levels, I honestly already gave up.

Lots of people point out that this game is "too easy" or "just made for kids" (I could go on a rant about this one part for hours, but I just want to keep things short), but I think that none of these have to do with the main problem. The thing is, this game is just built in a way that you are never really engaging with it. Everything is already solved, and the game is just waiting for you to press a button to conclude the "puzzle." All the cool ideas it has last so shortly or are affected by the previously mentioned principle that plagues it. All the stages are decorated in a way that tries to please you from a visual point, but they are no different from an empty one when you walk around them. It just kinda makes all of it worse with the fact that I played Ape Escape 3 this year, and it's kinda just the exact opposite of all of this? They share some motifs when building levels (a ninja-themed one, a cowboy one, etc.), but everything there is more tactile and feels alive. The monkeys around the stage are all doing their own thing relevant to the theme chosen for the level, while also changing how they respond to the player, be it with their attacks or positioning. So, while there it feels like you're actually playing a role and being a part of the show, in Peach Showtime, it just all feels like I'm watching things unfold and that's it.

Ele utiliza da nostalgia de um jeito genial, mesclando lugares que voce conhece com novidades alem de ter um excelente balanço entre o Horror e a Ação. To muito ansioso pro que vai ser da franquia pois assim como RE4 original esse Remake sera um marco pra franquia com toda certeza