60 Reviews liked by Bythred



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This game was made for Saw fans and I they are the only people that might like this. The Story is that David Tapp survived the first movie and it put in an Asylum and has to help others with their traps and overcome his obsession of catching Jigsaw, this isn't a bad idea, it is possible that John Kramer could have saved someone shot in the chest and I am ok of seeing where it goes. The Characters are bad actually except for Jigsaw and Amanda's alright, but Tapp looks and sounds nothing like he did in the movie, Jennings is a selfish asshole who killed someone with his car and framed an innocent man, and acts like a douche around others, even Tapp after he saved him, Melissa hates Tapp more than any likeable person should and neglects her son and blames Tapp for that as well, Oswald is a nothing to talk about character, Obi is nothing like he was in Saw 2, and Jeff is an idiot who calls Tapp crazy despite all the effort he put into his job. The Graphics and bad, the models look cheap and generic, not many opportunities for personality, and objects look placed on, like their separately placed everywhere without finishing the textures, and the gore look fake, despite the fact that the blood and objects it's on are both CG. The Gameplay has you complete puzzles to continue, there are too many to name, and they are everywhere throughout the game, this might annoy you depending on who you are, but if you don't mind that, then you might enjoy them. There are also obstacles to slow your progress like broken glass that will cut your bare feet, small wire traps near the ground that will cause you to get shot, shotgun triggered doors, people trying to kill you to get a key they need out of your chest and a shotgun collar that will shoot you if you can't get away from other people wearing them, you can reuse the wire traps to kill your opponents though and that's nice. The combat is broken, you aim and attack, but the time it takes to swing a weapon is so slow your better off using your own fists, even though that's not instant either, also if they hit you, you can't hit them back right away before they hit you again, and the combat of hitting people has a really stiff feeling. The 6 trials go like this, the first trial has Tapp join Amanda in a game where you have match knock the antidote and toxins to the right place, this game was fine outside of the fact Tapp joined in, the others are all just solve a puzzle you already did a lot of to free them, except the third one that's new, it was annoying how most people were mean to you after saving them, no satisfying gratitude at all, also the 2nd and 5th trials don't make sense cause the trials the people are there for have nothing to do with Tapp's Test, Jigsaw would not put random ones there just to pad out the game for, if they were put there for game length , then they could have added more new ones like with Melissa, and the 6th trial is broken because you can type the combination to the door in starting from 000 to 999 in around 20 minutes meaning 1/7 of the game can be skipped. The Freedom Ending is disappointing cause after everything you did, Tapp just shoots himself, and the Truth Ending doesn't make sense since Tapp was supposed to be scarred by Melissa's death or there nothing to make him regret that choice and Melissa only died because she didn't notice the wire. The Music average for the scenario you're in, nothing to call good, nothing to call a failure. Saw the videogame can be fun for fans of the films, but it's still not well done for a saw game, and non-fans will not care for this at all.

Jogar isso aqui com amigos é simplesmente o hype

Nice, atmospheric walking sim. It really exudes some 'nostalgic summer' vibes that are hard to find in other forms

Um dos melhores Hack and Slash existentes, gameplay é muito, mas muito boa que carrega esse jogo nas costas facilmente.

Meus contras vão apenas para a história e o boss final.

Man, this game is so interesting and I am really glad I finally decided to play it on a whim without really knowing what it was about.
The narrative structure is fascinating and generally works incredibly well with the story it tells, stitching together roadtrips with vignettes featuring a distinct cast of characters. These vignettes offer great variety in settings and tones and the narrative puzzle revealed bit by bit through these character moments is genuinely interesting to follow because you never know for sure what you will get with each new vignette. I really can't say enough nice things about the narrative design, structure and gameplay loop of Road 96.

So... why this score?

Well, I didn't talk about the actual contents of the game yet. Road 96 is unabashedly political through every fiber of its narrative. And therein lies the problem. I adore games willing to take on politics and having the guts to stand for something.
The politics of Road 96 are messy and not supported or conveyed by the most amazing writing I have seen around, to be generous. The chosen characters and their roles in the world are certainly diverse and interesting, but it often dips into territories you wouldn't go with as the player, lacking the meaningful application of player agency and the hamfisted parallels to the real world are played for laughs and irony for the most part but can't help but reveal the superficial depth we can expect from its handling of politics. The performances are emotional for sure in key moments, but also really do not stand out as anything but servicable for the most part.

The main issue I had around the narrative problems was the lack of reactivity or guidance from characters and the game on what my decisions mean. Disappointing a staunch anarchist by choosing the moderate dialogue option got me a disappointed one-liner but...okay? There are generally three options you get, 1. everyone for themselves, 2. fuck the system 3. go vote pwease, which seem to accumulate in the background for something...maybe? I am not sure if there are even any consequences to these flavor choices you make, maybe it's so seamless that I didn't notice, but in any case there is just this total lack of bite and reaction to every choice because of this, leaving the player in this ambigous space where they just play along until credits roll.

Maybe, that's just me. It is still absolutely worth it to play this game, I can't emphasize this enough, Road 96 fascinates me to no end and it has a lot going for it, if you are at all on the fence about it, I will absolutely recommend it, at the very least you will find a lot to like, maybe even dismissing my criticisms, in which case this game could be loved by a lot of people, I believe.


Fun for a bit. Definitely lacking in depth for a battle sim, however. Also the wacky ragdoll physics get old after a while and you wish they just acted like normal people instead of tripping over every second.

It is very difficult to not compare this game to Breath of the Wild since the similarities are pretty obvious. Although Immortals Fenyx Rising does not have the stellar world design and interaction that Zelda has to offer, it still does have some things going for it.

Although the world design and discoverability isn't amazing, it does present a beautiful world to explore inspired by Greek Mythology. It does somewhat lose its lustre once the repetition starts to set in that's typical of open worlds, especially ones made by Ubisoft. The starting area and subsequent four areas do generally have you doing same stuff even if there was at least an attempt to keep it visually different. One of the final areas does have you climbing an icy mountain which did feel a little different from a gameplay perspective which I liked. I did always enjoy coming across a puzzle out in the open world. You generally are doing the same thing for a lot of the puzzles but there was usually enough to the puzzle design that it remained engaging. The puzzles in the seperated Typhon Vaults are a bit tighter and are also quite fun. The combat is fairly simple but is quite satisfying. There's enough armor and weapon that have various buffs that you can focus on the aspect of combat you enjoy. I liked doing everything to fill the stun meter as quickly as possible and then lay in with a lot of damage.

The progression in the game has a very satisfying loop. It feels almost everything to find in the open world will lead you to getting something that will benefit you. I imagine some people may be annoyed by the different currencies but I really enjoyed it. You can find ambrosia out in the open world to upgrade your life. There is Zeus' lightning in Typhon Vaults to upgrade the stamina. Certain puzzles give you Charon Coins that will allow to unlock and boost abilities. Chests around the open world which can be blocked by puzzles or combat encounters give you materials to upgrade your potions and your weapons and armour. The weapon and armour upgrades are universal so you don't have to worry about spending materials on equipment you're going to replace. Fighting side bosses out in the open world gives you new abilities for your bird sidekick. Even when you've upgraded things to their maximum, you still get to use your various materials for minor stat boosts. The progression kept me hooked even when the activities were getting pretty repetitive. You can also find new cosmetics and it has a transmog system for people who care about that stuff.

The story is simple and can be enjoyable if you are into motifs from Greek Mythology. Unfortunately, it gets very bogged down by the incessant humour. Adam Jensen Prometheus narrating the story is alright but Zeus constantly chiming in with terrible jokes is infuriating. I actually don't mind when mythological characters talk like modern people but it can really begin to grate on you after a while since he never seems to shut up. It really drags the whole thing down even if overall, I did have a good time with the game.

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Não é todo dia que você vai jogar um jogo que na sua infância todos amavam e você odiava com todas as forças e aí percebe que no passado tu era uma criança mongoloide por não apreciar essa obra prima, foi exatamente isso que aconteceu comigo em Lego Batman.

Grandes jogos foram criados na famosa “era de ouro” dos videogames e um desses consoles foi o famoso Playstation 2 que é o console com a maior biblioteca de jogos até os dias de hoje e neste veio alguns jogos com o selo de uma das maiores marcas de brinquedos do mundo, Lego. Tendo jogos com sua marca desde 1997, foi no ano de 2005 que os jogos explodiram com o famoso Lego Star Wars porém esse não é o jogo que vamos trabalhar aqui e sim um da quadrilogia mais conturbada sendo este, Lego Batman: The VideoGame.

Em uma época onde diversos jogos diferentes surgiam tentando apostar em aspectos diferentes ou revolucionários para a indústria ou até para suas franquias, alguns certos jogos surgiram como os de heróis onde grande parte apostou nos pancadaria de rua ou uma aventura linear porém um em específico juntou um pouco de pancadaria, puzzle fáceis, comédia e uma seleção gratificante de personagens, claramente estou me referindo ao protagonista desta review.
Em L.Batman já começamos sendo jogados a um dos melhores tutoriais dos jogos pois além de não sermos presos a um tedioso e arrastado início como em muitos dos jogos da época, ele te deixa livre para explorar e destruir o cenário para pegar pontos ficar batendo nos inimigos enquanto ele te ensina a jogar mas sem te limitar, sendo um jogo com viés infantil isso é muito bom até porque o jogo te apresenta todas mecânicas que você vai usar e irão evoluir com o passar do jogo, pode até parecer algo ruim por não apresentar tanta coisa na hora mas a forma que é utilizada vai te deixar bem surpreso.

Gameplay e Mecânicas
O jogo é simples como a maioria dos Lego dessa época (isso significa que os personagens não falam) onde você pode andar, pular, bater e montar itens mas com o diferencial de que existe trajes especiais cujo mudam a gameplay com mecânicas novas que apesar de não serem vários trajes são usados de forma razoável com alguns mais que outros entretanto não deixando de serem atraentes ao jogador. Sendo dividido em episódios com cada um tendo um vilão principal como foco da narrativa e nestes episódios tendo missões contra inimigos do universo Batman, dá até para dizer que cada episódio é uma temporada de uma versão cômica do Batman: Animeted Series.
Cada uma dessas temporadas são separadas em cinco episódios onde três são aventuras padrões como do tutorial mas com cenários diferentes, puzzles completamente diferentes e etc, nesses dois restantes temos uma missão de veículo podendo ser com carros e motos, barcos ou aviões (as piores disparado) e para finalizar, a última fase é a batalha contra o boss final que não tem tanta diferença comparável as outras por seguir o mesmo formato.
Uma surpresa que os jogadores poderão ter é que após a finalização de cada episódio, você libera o asilo Arkham e lá poderão acessar três outras campanhas que são as que vimos pelo Batman e Robin porém do ponto de vista dos vilões que derrotamos. Cada um desses vilões tem “poderes únicos” como super-força, andar sobre ácido, pulo duplo e controle mental entretanto alguns dos vilões tem uma fusão dessas habilidades. Nesse caso, para aqueles que querem fazer o 100% valerá bastante o uso desses personagens já que em alguns você encontrará referências em cenários secretos.

Trilha Sonora e Gráficos
Sem dúvidas uma das melhores trilhas sonoras do Batman, apostando nesse modelo de episódios e com clara inspiração na série animada de 1992, a trilha brinca com cenários escuros mas com algumas cores vivas enquanto sua trilha segue o modelo da série como In The Dark Night, porém com algumas exceções como Ghost Train. Essas músicas até podem parecer fora de contexto pelo ar comico do jogo mas a verdade é que foram bem encaixadas junto aos cenários, a equipe de desenvolvimento conseguiu criar um jogo com ambientação sombria e melancólica com chuva e cores mortas mas com partes vivas sendo estás as peças lego do cenário que quando você remover vai acabar entendendo meu ponto.
Sobre os gráficos? Sendo um jogo de 2008 (14 anos atrás), poderia ser difícil dizer ao certo sua qualidade contudo é visível para qualquer um que envelheceram bem, não são perfeitos mas ainda são melhores que muitos jogos atuais ainda, possuem uns borrões ali e aqui mas não é algo conspícuo.

O que mais?
Assim como todo jogo lego, temos uma gama de personagens e veículos para serem comprados contudo são pouquíssimos heróis sobrando mais dos vilões para passar o tempo caçando eles, nesse caso temos de heróis o Batman, Nightwing, Robin e Batgirl com o resto dos “heróis” sendo policiais genéricos, o Alfred e Gordon mas no caso dos vilões temos toda galeria apresentada no jogo e dois personagens secretos. O ogo também possui os famosos extras que servem pra ficar brincando e uma mecânica bastante útil e que poderia voltar aos jogos atuais se existir uma mecânica de trajes sendo este o Suit Upgrade onde obviamente você melhora os trajes dos heróis de diversas maneira como aumentar uma bomba ou aumentar a velocidade de andar nas paredes.

Então, para finalizar é isso, não pensei em algo melhor ainda 😐 jogue e confie em mim.

Obs de 2023: essa review é uma merda na minha singela opinião.

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Rota pacifista simplesmente a melhor, o final é NUSS
Rota neutra é ótima, cumpre seu papel e tem uma bela Boss battle
Rota genocida é perfeita tanto quanto as outras
Gosto de que mesmo o jogo sendo muito bem explorado, ainda dá brechas para teorias

once the novelty of the first game wears off, the flaws in the game design make themselves apparent. there aren't as many bullshit platforming sections, but there are glaring flaws in the design that make this shit borderline unplayable. the combat is repetitive and shallow. half the game is spent winding up cranks and pulling levers. why does every door have to be opened by button mashing? what was the point of that? like, what does that add? is it meant to be fun? ironically, this game was easier than the first one but i still felt so unfulfilled by the end because the gameplay was so soulless and boring. not to mention how uninspired this story is. i feel like there's so much more you could do with a guy taking on the gods than this. the narrative isn't all bad though. it's got me hooked enough to get the third game and play it. but i guess dark souls kind of ruined hack and slash games for me.



Got boring really fast, I know its a good game but it isn't my type at all.

Atmosphere is really good, but I hate the characters and the really simple gameplay, got bored after the farm

Red Dead Redemption 2 entrega a melhor experiência tecnicamente na geração PS4/Xbox One. Sério, não dá pra acreditar que a Rockstar conseguiu fazer tudo isso num console de 8° Geração.

Apenas comprem e joguem!

Bioshock Infinite é essencial pra quem é fã de FPS e uma história de cair o queixo.

Lançado em 2013 para 7° Geração e mais pra frente portado para a 8° Geração, Bioshock Infinite traz um novo ar a franquia, saindo das cidades no oceano de Rapture para os céus de Columbia.

A história começa quando Booker DeWitt tem um trabalho de ir resgatar Elizabeth, uma garota aprisionada desde a infância em uma torre, que tem poderes misteriosos. Juntos, eles formam uma parceria sensacional e que funciona muito bem para o desenvolvimento da gameplay e história.

A Gameplay deste jogo é impecável, frenética, mágica e viciante, simplesmente sem palavras a mais para descrever, é gostoso demais jogar ele a cada instante.

Gosta de Plots Twists? Então se prepare para revirar a mente pra entender a história, pois vai precisar de atenção. (Ou um guia caso queira, e explica muito bem)

Infelizmente, o remaster que vem incluso na Collection de Bioshock NÃO possui legendas em Português do Brasil, diferente das versões originais.
Se você tem um Xbox 360, PS3 ou PC poderá jogar totalmente localizado.
**Detalhe: no Xbox One/Series consegue rodar a versão de 360 via retrocompatibilidade.