60 Reviews liked by Bythred

A very interesting narrative with compelling characters that completely get taken for a silly ride in the last chapter of the game. The final hour breaks all the drama and made me enjoy this much less than I had in any other play session.

People say it's intentionally bad or whatever but honestly as linear 7th gen shooter campaigns go it's one of the better designed ones.

God of War is a very impressive starter entry for the series. Kratos gets a very impressive character arc for a PS2 brawler and the combat feels fluid and fun. The issue comes with the age of certain sections, leading to very frustratingly annoying fits of wanting to turn the game off and snap the disc. Looking forward to where they take Kratos next.

Better than I remember, in some ways yes. However, some stuff in this game is still not all that great. The last act of the game is very weird, with kiryu being thrown into it in the last minute, yeah, I love you kiryu but you should have just not been in this game. If he wasn’t, this game would be a 8 or a 9. And Tanimura only having ONE 1v1 fight when he is primarily made for 1v1 fights is just messed up, why does he have so many group fights?!? Hell, why does every character in this have so many group fights! And fuck that shotgun dude in Kiryu’s last long battle, seriously. Anyways, with that aside, this game is pretty solid. It’s the first yakuza game with pretty good substories, the story is mostly good until kiryu’s part starts, the new additions to Kamurocho such as the rooftops and being able to go underground is amazing, and how they have introduced 3 new likeable main protagonists in one game and made it work is insane. Overall, a 7/10. A fun but very flawed game.



roguelike bem interresante, muito legal testar as combinações entre as bençãos e as armas, tem um dialogo interresante q realmente da vontade de ler, músicas boas, personagens bons e enfim, BOM.

dificuldade: dps de umas belas tentativas vc consegue, não achei difícil pelo menos

pegaram uma ideia mt boa, a do portal 1, e exploraram ela mt bem, ou seja, incrível

Eu gosto muito disso aqui, eu jogo isso quase desde o lançamento, sempre foi divertido ver progressão da sua vila e de seus ataques, mas minha nossa, chega um momento que fica INSUPORTÁVEL, sério, algumas construções demoram 2 SEMANAS ou MAIS para ficarem prontas, os preços também ficam muito caros com o tempo e isso te deixa extremamente enjoado do jogo, pois caso você não queira gastar um salário mínimo pra concluir as construções, terá que esperar sem jogar praticamente, já que os construtores estarão ocupados e não vai ter NADA pra fazer durante essas 2 semanas, a não ser ataques, mas você acumulará recursos e vai ser roubado, pois não poderá gastá-los.
Enfim, eu não sei como jogo clash ainda, não existe um mundo em que um game que pode ser jogado uma vez a cada duas semanas seja divertido.
Já foi muito melhor, pena que foi abandonado/deixado de lado

the trilogy is amazing, every mission has multiple different ways to eliminate the target making all of the games have so much replay value. them adding the custom contracts gives the game so much more value and keeping these games alive

I don't know anything about this game outside of the hours I spent playing this game's city mode. And I really liked that mode! But there were other modes... which means like only 30% of the total game was worth anything, at least to my child's mind.

(Content warning: rape)

Yeah this game is extremely rapey, which is kind of a shame, because the gameplay itself is actually extremely fun. The Rance series is apparently the oldest erotic game series ever, with the first game being released in 1989 for the PC-88. Each game has entirely different gameplay but is usually some brand of rpg. This particular one, the 7th main game in the series, plays like a visual novel stapled on top of a grand strategy game. It's a pretty cool mix, actually.

The focus on characters' personalities and charming dialogue mixed with the cold strategy of war tactics actually reminds me somewhat of Fire Emblem, in that you actually care about the characters you send off into war and want to see them grow stronger and consequently shout at the screen when they die due to your own tactical mistakes. The turn counter is an especially ingenious design in that the less turns you take in completing the game, the more bonus points you get for use in the New Game plus store, which gives you fun features to use in subsequent playthroughs. It's honestly such a fun idea I'm surprised more games don't do something like this as a way to encourage both getting good at the game and replaying it in cool new ways.

The main character Rance, is actually a lot of fun and his brazen, despicable nature actually plays really well in just decimating what would otherwise be a completely serious story moment down into slapstick comedy. It's just kind of a shame the guy's a serial rapist. And it's like, there are plenty of good consensual relationships in the game, like with Kenshin (best girl) or Maria, so clearly the writers are capable of not being so rapey, but I guess they just can't help themselves.

The writing in general's actually pretty dang good, and funny, even. I actually ended up endeared to the characters by the end and wanted more. The worldbuilding's also pretty weird and cool, though they do a good job really only hinting to it when it's not directly relevant to the story, like when the characters mention someone being "over the bridge".

Overall I would recommend the game not just as a porn game, but as a legitimately good visual novel / grand strategy game...as long as you can handle all of the uh, incredibly nonconsensual sex scenes. If you can't, then stay away from Alicesoft games, because that seems to be what they're all about. Maybe play something like Kamidori instead, honestly.



It is surprising how welcoming and warm the community for this game actually is.

My first introduction to a Non-Nintendo AAA Game... How the fuck have I been living without this?

Quite literally a perfect game. I don't need to break any of it down. It's ALL Amazing. Fuck 100% Completion though...

Ori and the Blind Forest é visualmente impecável, textualmente brilhante e mecanicamente satisfatório. Explorar a Floresta de Nibel será, sem dúvidas, uma aventura marcante para aqueles que estiverem dispostos a imergir dentro dessa obra, tanto ao desbravar seu complexo e desafiador mundo, assim como em apreciar sua narrativa intimista presente durante toda a jornada. Compreender uma história tão sentimental, mesmo sem quase nenhum diálogo é de um feito incrível dessa obra. Contudo, alguns problemas pontuais fazem parte do conjunto, trazendo sistemas de combate exageradamente simplificados, o que poderá cansar e afastar alguns jogadores. Ainda sim, a experiência final é sólida o bastante para entregar uma das melhores sensações com um jogo desse gênero. É uma homenagem incrível ao gênero Metroidvania, graças a um trabalho exemplar da Moon Studios.

Absolute rollercoaster from start to finish part 2

A game that plays Dragonforce in its final stage can not be a bad game