I adore this game, its aesthetics, and its various systems, yet recognize its faults with various content and its faltering story. Nonetheless, it is one of my favorite games I've ever played.

I grew to like this game as it went, especially finding the character sprites charming, and I ended up liking the main duo. The time sensitive side quests felt somewhat obtuse in what qualified as the available window to complete them, requiring almost immediate action instead of allowing the player to naturally travel to the side quest location while on the main questline sometimes. Also, the game has a pretty slow beginning that makes it hard to pull through, but from halfway into Bose on the game picks up steam. I look forward to the next chapter in this series, SC.

A fun game, but I eventually felt irritated at times with the game's likeness to the Souls franchise. After the first ending, I dropped off cause I didn't really feel compelled to continue on and get the remaining endings.

I really love this game. I've never played 2 or 3, and depending on how they are, I might revise this, but I simply adore this game.

One of the best Gran Turismo games. Played it for hours on end. A joy to play.

My favorite Pokémon game, bar none. I know everyone complains that Gen 4 is slow, but I'll take that if it means I get to experience all the joy of playing through the Sinnoh region.

What a wonderful, introspective game.

Many competitive players deride this game for good reason, but from a casual perspective, I adored this game and played it nonstop. The subspace emissary blew my mind and I long for a similar mode to return to the franchise.

While I'm glad to see the P4 characters again from P4AU, I'm disappointed overall in the game and its systems. Subpar netcode, as well.

Despite updatr, this game is still a lesser Final Fantasy. The combat is unengaging, and the side quests aren't that great.

My introduction to 3D fighting games. The single player story content is lacking, but the main gameplay is ridiculously fun. Subpar netcode, however.

The best action game ever made. Bar none. Literally perfection.

A compilation of two great games, and 1 good game. I love this game and its characters to tears.

The best Dragon Ball fighting game, hearkening back to the MvC series, and the best Dragon Ball has ever looked. Subpar netcode.

This game has numerous issues, and yet I would be remiss to not call it one of my favorite games ever made. Hope they create a patch for it for PS5 and/or PS4.