Cold's 5x5

25 games that mean the most to me.

Notes for each game describe my feelings or something, idk.

List will be updated over time, if I remember to do so (I won't).

Arguably the most inconsistent FE, but I also think it's the best. The combination of some amazing maps, the game's weird intricacies and unique mechanics, and the way the game works as a foil to FE4 really adds up for me and makes it my favourite SRPG.
Metal Slug 3's Final Stage is such an incredible monument to excess and absurdity that I dont think anything will top it ever. For 20 minutes or so, MS3 flies closer to the sun than almost anything else.
Yeah you've probably already watched a video essay or two which probably gets down why this game works so well, but I also have a very strong personal tie to this one in when I played it.
As close to a perfect game as we will probably ever get.
Souls is all about the locations for me, and DeS has two of the best in the entire series - Latria and Valley of Defilement, which also form neat little narratives on their own. I can accept that on an "objective" basis, DaS and even arguably DS3 is better. But Demons souls is the one that has my heart.
The best VN I've had the pleasure to play. Fata Morgana's vignettes are both great, and come together to tie into an excellent gothic horror story, combined with excellent art and haunting music.
Basically has the same appeal as Demon's Souls for me, but the cosmic horror tilt and aesthetic just lends it that little bit more. Boss fights are also great, and there's some amazing level design here. From Software and Japan Studio's magnum opus.
The mad king of shmups. Quite how this festival of Jank works out to be one of the finest shmups ever made, no one really knows - but it is one of the finest shmups ever made.
Eternally underappreciated, a gorgeous open world adventure game that also happens to be the best superhero game ever made sits under everyone's noses.

Yeah some missions blow, yeah the combat and camera still arent great. I don't fucking care, because it's so easily for me to get lost into this game.
Proof of life
I'm actually not joking


3 years ago


3 years ago

I fux with sin and punishment, panzer dragoon orta, metal gear, shadow of the colossus, Sam sho, souls, platinum games, and fire emblem. And I want to be someone who fux with ace combat.

So I fux with this 5x5 \o/

1 year ago

"and the removal of the answer makes P3P the best version" holy based, I kneel

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