One of the better open world games outside of all the mediocre stuff I have seen. The combat is quick and sharp, the world looks stunning and I loved everything about the setting.
I think the game would have benefited from a choice system, as most quests and story events seem to be build around that.
But all things considered I had a really good time.

Fighting giant animal robots with a bow and a bunch of traps was definitely the highlight of the game. The characters and places were all really forgettable, but the lore of Aloy and the world were intriguing to me.
It's a fine open world adventure which cool robots.

I really don't know what it is with this game. Everything from the monestary to the hours spend in menus should be boring, but for some reason I played every route.
The repeating first part can be boring, but the story, characters, music and insanely fun unit building just kept me going.
I like this game way more, than i should.

Maybe the best Toby Fox content out there. Characters were beyond funny and the game is just so insane and likable.
I really hope the remaining chapters can even top this one.

I first thought this is one of the best coop games, but I cannot forgive what I had to do with the elephant.
Story is weird, but the ever changing abilities and setting are just so fun to play through.
I still hate this game for the stuffed animal murder.

Compared to New Leaf this is the worse game, but I still spend way to many hours decorating my island. The ability to place every item outside is an even bigger game changer, than the island building.
I just had a really good time with it, even when it wasn't as gripping as New Leaf.

My most played game of all time, I don't now how many times I reset, just to experience it again.
I spend so many nights just chatting with other players on the island. It was truly a special time.
My nostalgia forces me to rate it this high.

I am a really big Star Wars fan and this game's only strenght is the fact its a Star Wars game.
Every aspect is ok and working, but nothing really stands out for me. Am I to harsh? Maybe.

After all the memes and talk about bugs I expected a different game. But I am happy to say, that it exceeded my expectations and proofed to be a competent game.
I jokingly refer to it as "Fantasy World Simulator" and I think that king of fits. The gameplay becomes stale after 100 hours but the world and its politics stay interesting.
Now I am excited for Elder Scrolls VI.

Most people already know how good this game is and I am happy to agree. The sidequests and characters are the star here. The combat and world design outside of cities is nothing special, but cannot stop this game from being one of the most immersive fantasy games.

NieR is just special, the way it tells its story is so unlike anything I have played before. The characters are so unique and the soundtrack is just legendary.
The multiple routes are really a hindrance and too repetive, luckily there is a sequel that fixes all those problems.

This game is my childhood and I am physically unable to not give it 5 stars.
Mario Galaxy captures the melancholy and magic of space better than every other game. This is paired with creative and fun galaxies to explore and one of the best soundtracks of all time.

My unconditional love for Mario Galaxy is unmatched. Even tho I like the first game more on an emotional level, this one is the better platformer. The galaxies are more varied and there are even more power ups, the music is just as perfect. There is nothing bad I could write. I just love it.

One of the best looking games ever. Its evil how charming the game is, while its beating you up all the time.
I am not the biggest fan of the sidescroller levels, but the bosses are truly amazing.

Even better than the first game. Where Replicant has better characters and lore, this one has better gameplay and story.
Ending E is one of my favorite endings in any game.
The music and the vibe it creates is just so special.
Truly a wonderful game.