I always come back to this, it's a good game to grind and chill on

I can't get into it, despite putting ~30 hours in. Idk, maybe I'll like it one day who knows

I stopped playing and watched the anime instead. I just think the dungeons were boring and I wasn't too into the characters


Some of the most satisfying combat i've ever played, alongside a really good story! Beautiful graphics too

Very satisfying swinging and tricks system, and the combat is really fun! The story is a little eh sometimes but overall it was a fun time. Great game to get you into the Christmas mood too!

Not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but it's fine. OW1 was better overall

Got near the end but I was kinda bored, i'll probably try it again someday

Got me back into gaming when I was in a bit of a slump; beautiful game. The graphics, smooth combat, and charming characters are nice, and the story was interesting too! I haven't played the original game YET, but I liked it a lot nonetheless

Didn't play much, but I wasn't into it really

Very fun, but I've played it through so many times now that it's a little old. Recommend either way

Royal is just an improved version of this game, but it's still so good

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Act 2 wore me out but Act 3 did so even more. Act 1 was quite frankly amazing though