South Park: The Stick of Truth is a GREAT role-playing game! As someone that isn't a huge South Park fan I was pulled into the universe that Trey Parker and Matt Stone created immediately. The combat isn't incredibly deep but it's serviceable enough that it doesn't take away from the experience. Stick of Truth SHINES via its story. It's HILARIOUS. It doesn't hold any punches and doesn't care if you're offended. South Park: The Stick of Truth according to people I trust stays true to the TV show and that itself is praise worthy because licensed games tend to miss the mark. I highly recommend this game to South Park fans!

Mass Effect 2 is a critically acclaimed action role-playing game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. It was released in 2010 and is the second installment in the Mass Effect trilogy. The game is set in a futuristic universe where humans and aliens coexist, and players take on the role of Commander Shepard, a human soldier tasked with saving the galaxy from a mysterious alien threat.

The gameplay in Mass Effect 2 is a significant improvement from its predecessor. The combat system is refined and feels more fluid, allowing for a wider range of tactics and strategies. The game also introduces new weapons and abilities, allowing players to customize their character to suit their playstyle. Additionally, the game features a more streamlined inventory system, which makes managing items and equipment much more manageable.

One of the most significant improvements in Mass Effect 2 is the character development. The game features a diverse cast of characters, each with their unique personalities, backgrounds, and motivations. As players progress through the game, they have the opportunity to interact with these characters, learn about their stories, and build relationships with them. These relationships have a direct impact on the game's story and ending, adding a layer of depth and replayability to the game.

The graphics and sound design in Mass Effect 2 are also top-notch. The game features stunning visuals, with detailed character models, immersive environments, and impressive special effects. The sound design is equally impressive, with a gripping soundtrack, realistic sound effects, and well-voiced characters.

Overall, Mass Effect 2 is an outstanding game that improves on its predecessor in almost every way. The gameplay, character development, graphics, and sound design are all exceptional, making for an unforgettable gaming experience. The game's story is gripping and engaging, and the relationships players build with the characters add a layer of emotional depth to the game. If you're a fan of action role-playing games or science fiction, Mass Effect 2 is a must-play game that you won't want to miss.

Halo Combat Evolved is a must play game. A cultural phenomenon when it first released. In Halo you play as Master Chief, a super soldier. In Halo Combat Evolved the player will find themselves on the mysterious "planet" Halo where they will embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of Halo while fighting the Covenant, a military alliance of alien races. A brilliant first person shooter in which each gun feels unique and the gameplay truly shines. Halo CE is a joy to play. Everyone should play Halo CE at least once.

I replayed Halo via the Master Chief Collection on Series X last year.

If you read my Halo CE review a lot of this will sound similar because it's taken directly from that review!

Halo 2 is a must play game. A cultural phenomenon when it first released. In Halo you once again play as Master Chief, a super soldier. In Halo 2 the player will find themselves as the only thing standing between the Covenant and the destruction of mankind. A brilliant first person shooter in which each gun feels unique and the gameplay truly shines. Halo 2 is a joy to play. With new weapons, new vehicles, and new environments Halo 2 feels fresh and pushes the franchise forward in exciting new ways. Everyone should play Halo 2 at least once.

I replayed Halo 2 via the Master Chief Collection on Series X last year.

If you read my Halo CE or 2 review a lot of this will sound similar because it's taken directly from those reviews!

Halo 3 is a must play game. The conclusion to the Halo Master Chief story told by Bungie. 343 will continue Master Chiefs journey in Halo 3. A cultural phenomenon when it first released Halo 3 was the pinnacle of the franchise. Halo 3 is a joy to play. Everyone should play Halo 3 at least once.

I replayed Halo 3 via the Master Chief Collection on Series X last year.

A tight first person shooter, Halo 3: ODST is fun to play but unlike previous Halo games struggles to tell an engaging story. In Halo 3: ODST you play as "Orbital Drop Shock Troopers" and not Master Chief. The player is trying to uncover what occurred during the Covenants attack of New Mombasa that laid waste to the city. Unlike previous Halo games the story isn't told in a linear fashion. The player has to travel around a map looking for checkpoints that will trigger story flashbacks where the player will play through multiple scenarios of ODST that were in New Mombasa during the Covenant attack.

People swear by the multiplayer mode but as a non competitive gamer I can't comment on it personally. Halo 3: ODST is a game fans of the franchise should play if they have Xbox Gamepass and the Halo Master Chief collection.

I replayed Halo 3:ODST last year via my Series X.

Psychonauts 2 is a GREAT 3D action adventure platformer that contains some of the most mature and self aware writing that I've ever witnessed. It's funny, it's sad, it's dark but also light. Psychonauts 2 will take you through a range of different emotions throughout your play-through. Psychonauts 2 is incredibly to fun to play. The gameplay feels tight, and the ability to swap in different "powers" keeps the game feeling fresh. The only criticism I have is that you can only have 4 powers mapped on your controller at once and it can get annoying having to go into the menus to re-map them from time to time.

Psychonauts 2 was my 2021 Game of the year. A must play!

A Deck Night game and the latest entry in the Life is Strange franchise, Life is Strange: True Colours is a decent game. In Life is Strange: True Colors the player control Alex Chen, a female that has the ability to sense, absorb and manipulate the emotions of another person. In typical Life is Strange fashion Alex early on in the story experiences a tragedy that sends her on a journey of confronting her "powers" and uncovering the "truth" of what happened. I enjoyed my time with True Colours and was grateful that unlike with previous Life is Strange games all of the episodes were released at the same time. I enjoyed Life is Strange: True Colors more than Life is Strange 2. If you're a fan of the franchise I'd pick this game up on a sale.

The Artful Escape is a game with unbelievable art design and a killer soundtrack. A "walking sim" at heart that players shouldn't let turn them off. There is a deep story being told in The Artful Escape. It takes head on the pressure we all feel to live up to other peoples expectations while trying to figure out or discover who we are as individuals. A game I'd recommend to fans of indie games. If a player enters The Artful Escape with the proper expectations I think they'll have a lot of fun.

Halo Reach is a great FPS but only a good Halo game. The story told in Halo Reach compared to Halo 3:ODST is night and day. It's more engaging, immersive, and interesting but it doesn't compare to mainline Halo games where you play as Master Chief. In Halo Reach the player experiences the story of a group of Spartan soldiers making a final stand on the planet Reach against the Covenant. A game every Halo fan should play!

My favourite game of all time. In Metal Gear Solid the player controls Solid Snake, a government agent on a top secret mission to regain control of stolen nuclear weapons. Metal Gear Solid in the 90s changed my perception on what video games could be from a storytelling and gameplay perspective. A stealth game at heart that can be played "guns blazing," in Metal Gear Solid the player is given a wide variety of weapons and gadgets to complete their mission. Keeping the game feeling fresh from start to finish. One of the best playstation games of all time and one of the best games of all time. People will say that it hasn't aged well and is impossible to play in 2022 but I disagree. This game is a must play game for all gamers.

This game gets a lot of hate but I think it's great! From the innovative and complex junction battle system to its epic storyline Final Fantasy VIII isn't your typical RPG. The characters are complex and well written, and the cut scenes are beautifully rendered and crafted. The soundtrack is phenomenal too! Triple triad is one the best mini games ever created. One of my favourite games of all time.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance is an expanded version of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The follow up release to my favourite game of all time, Metal Gear Solid. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance expanded and built on what Metal Gear Solid did in every way. The graphics for its time were revolutionary, the gameplay was top notch and history has shown that Hideo Kojima is a visionary when it comes to story telling. While I prefer the story of Metal Gear Solid, it's hard to ignore the brilliance of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance. A game everyone should play!

The Walking Dead: 400 days is the prologue to The Walking Dead Season 2. In 400 days the player controls 5 different characters and experiences a short story of their experience in the early days of the zombie apocalypse. The Walking Dead: 400 days isn't as engaging or well written as season one but it still is an enjoyable experience. 400 Days usually comes packaged with season 1 now so it's worth playing at least once.

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier felt unnecessary. It's highly forgettable and the twists that worked in the first two seasons no longer work in A New Frontier. Having Clementine has a non playable character was also a punch to the gut. The story while having potential never quite reaches it. If you're a fan of Clementine this is only worth playing to better understand what she's gone to prior to playing season 3.