Video Game Music Challenge

I saw my friend Stovetop make this list so obviously stole it to make my own.
Template if you want to do your own list.


Day 26: Music from a game you haven't played. - Rush Hour


Day 11: Puzzle game music - Prime no 5


Day 18: Music from the year you were born. - Practice Race


Day 20: Music from a racing game. - Super Sonic Racing


Day 19: Cover of music from a different artist. - The Megas-The Belmonts : Bloody Tears


Day 29: Music that makes you nostalgic - Hell March


Day 2: First Level Music - City Escape
Day 7: Music from an indie game - Hydrogen
Day 21: Music you associate with frustration.- Stage 4
Day 13: Music you like in a game you don't. - A Beautiful song
Day 24: Music you constantly have stuck in your head. - Geki! Teikoku Kageki-dan
Day 8: Music from a shooter (first or third person) - Halo Theme (Mjolnir Mix)
Day 25: Music that gets you pumped - Sacrifice
Day 14: Music with lyrics. - Advanced Wind
Day 3: 8 Bit Music - Wicked Child
Day 12: Music that makes you sad - Eternity: Memory of Lightwaves
Day 30: Credits music - Silent Melody
Day 9: Music from a licensed game - Zero to Hero
Day 1: Title Music - Title Music
Day 16: 16 Bit Music. - The Hard Corps

Day 17: Music you never get tired of. - Theme of Grandia
Day 4: Console Exclusive - Shadow Hearts (End Theme)
Day 27: Music from a handheld game - Mystic Core
Day 5: Overworld Theme - Heartbeat, Heartbreak
Day 22: Town / Village music. - Lively Town / Welcome to our town
Day 10: RPG Battle Music - Battle Theme
Day 15: Boss Battle Music. - Kuze Theme (Pledge of Demon)
Day 6: Music that relaxes you - Lacrimosa of Dana


2 months ago

Now I'm gonna have the Sakura Wars theme in my head. Hashire Kousoku no Teikoku Kageki-Dan! I'm glad they brought this song back for the first game in the series I played

2 months ago

Of all the lists made for this challenge, yours is one of the most singular, but I mean that in a very good way
good picks, with everyone doing this one as of recent I should really just redo mine now lol

2 months ago

@stovetop - Try this seven and a half minute version mixing the different themes from the games together masterfully. You'll never get it out of your head again. I can't wait for the fan translation of SW2.

@Maurith - I felt I held back pretty well with only 8 Sega games in the list. 😂

2 months ago

Othercide mentionned 🔥

2 months ago

@Armakeen - Rare I meet anyone who knows of it! Love the soundtrack and atmosphere to it.

2 months ago

I only discovered the wild arms 3 soundtrack a few weeks ago but for some reason it's resonated with me so hard

2 months ago

@Wollom - awesome! It's like a spaghetti western mixed with Sega's style from the 90's. It gets really caught in my head. Underated game generally.

2 months ago

Hell yeah, love me some Hydrogen! 😎

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