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As a big Spider-Man fan, this game hits it out of the park and I feel so lucky to get to live in a time where I get to enjoy these Insomniac Spider-Man games.

On a technical level, wow! This game is phenomenal. The instant load times, smooth frame rate, and improved movement are top notch. Graphically (apart from Mary Jane’s face), scope, and gameplay-wise this is next level. Playing as symbiote Spider-Man feels great and powerful. My only real issue regarding gameplay is that I was a little bummed to not see some staple Spider-Man gadgets return.

All that praise being said, I did find some real issues with the narrative and characters.
The pacing felt all over the place with a lot of the most pivotal story moments and character developments feeling sloppy and not fully earned. It was almost as if Insomniac tried to cram too much into one game and didn’t give certain character moments and relationships time to breathe.
This was especially apparent to me regarding Miles who often felt tacked on to the story as opposed to an integral part. His dialogue and stakes feel really poorly written when compared to what Peter goes through, and when you start to get near the end and it becomes clear that a goal of this game is to start the transition of Miles becoming THE Spider-Man, it becomes glaringly obvious that Insomniac dropped the ball a bit on this end.

Despite these issues the game is still brilliant and a lot of fun, but with a story that feels inferior to the first, you can’t help but feel just a tiny bit disappointed.


Incredible game and story. The scope was a bit too large at times to tell nearly as impactful as story as the last game (would've preferred this story to be told over a trilogy), but it was still an absolute blast.


Disappointed to have to shelf this one.
Really thought it’d be for me.

The visuals and story are incredible and I was instantly sucked in. I actually thought this game may become a favorite.
But the game’s poor UI, bland enemies, and repetitive game loop lost all drive I had to play this game. It got to the point where I’d roll my eyes every time I died because I knew the same generic random enemies would spawn in every room and I’d have to beat them all the same way.

Bummed but maybe I’ll come back, and I’ll definitely be interested in a sequel. Hopefully they’re able to polish the rough edges.


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A true evolution of Fallen Order and a must-play Star Wars game for fans like myself. The massive hub worlds, enemy variety, and customization are next level. This game also takes a massive step forward in evolving the combat (even though crossguard form is way too slow) and movement from the previous game.

Unfortunately, I still had some issues with this title. Personally, I found this story to be less engaging then the first game with many key moments not hitting as hard as they should. Additionally, I ran into many technical bugs and glitches that broke my immersion. Lastly, I found bosses to be a mixed bag. Many of the story bosses were super easy while a few of the optional ones had weird hit registration and cheesy one-hit kill moves that do nothing but frustrate.

Overall though this game absolutely rocks. This is the type of Star Wars game I always dreamed of playing as a kid and I can not wait for the next installment!

High 8.5/10

One of the best horror games and remakes I’ve ever played. Absolutely incredible atmosphere, environments, enemies, and graphics. I was on edge nearly 100% of the play through.

As a remake, I did find the old age of the game to peak through a few times. This was mostly when my gameplay was slowed down due to vague and confusing objectives, puzzles, and boss fights (where the boss was virtually unkillable unless you killed them in a specific way). Its checkpoint system was also frustrating as you could get stuck in places with low health and little to no ammo.
But the biggest issue I had was with a glitch I encountered mid-game where my save deleted and I couldn’t save my progress. I was able to find a work around to retrieve my lost save (thanks Xbox cloud sync!) but if not done correctly this is GAME RUINING!!

Despite these issues I still think this game is a milestone for remakes and horror games alike.


A fun game with a unique art style.
This is my first dabble into a game so heavily focused on the flow of movement and I found it to be a nice change of pace from my usual games.

I did find the controls and camera to be a bit too loose and frustrating at times, but my main gripe was that I just didn't find the story gripping or memorable.

Regardless, it was a nice refreshing change up, but one that won't stick with me


A fun, quick game to play. This does a great job of mirroring the old platformers of the 2000s, like the original Ratchet & Clank games. The graphics and overall look and feel of the game is great, and the platforming and shooting is easy fun!

Yet since this game so closely mimics the games of the past it also brings along some headaches, like the awkward controlling mini games (ie. Clank sections and Hoverboard races). The puzzles, boss fights, and even the story itself all feel uninspired too.

It feels much more like a platformer of the 2000s with a fresh coat of paint as opposed to a game that builds on those games with the new capabilities of the modern era.


A game that actually manages to make climbing FUN!
Unfortunately, there's no real story to talk about (I don't like games where I have to read in-game letters to get a trickle of story).
But despite this, it's beautiful, short, and sweet.
