Favorite Game List

These are not ranked, just a list of games I really love that I think about on occasion.

Have you just, sat down and played a fucking video game?
I like this as much as KH3, the only reason why I'm putting 2 instead of 3 on here is because I enjoy the story beats in this a bit more
What a massive and expansive game...
A fantastic game that experiments with a lot of unique ideas. I love how all of the playable characters in this plays but I'd like to give a special shoutouts to how Shinada plays. Because that guy fights exactly like how someone that isn't experienced in fighting would. I love how not subtle it is in some of the scenes regarding the themes of "chasing the dream". And speaking of that, I believe this game really does that theme justice and it, admitedly, stumbling in someplaces makes those themes work.
What's really funny to me was that the first time I've ever heard of someone actually talking about Yakuza that wasn't a gameplay video I watched was in 2015 where someone called this game so dissapointing and filled with filler that it made them no longer interested in the series
This and DMC3 are really fun games. Even though they are on the same spot I am putting DMC5 as the reptresentation because I like the combat in it more
Ever since I was 10 and first played Sonic Heroes, I hoped I could somehow get my hands on this game and play it.
And after 7 years, I bought this game off steam when it was on sale. Man it was as great as I thought it would be.
The gameplay in this is the best one in the series, wish the emerald decetor worked the same way it did in SA1 but at least the level design of the treasure hunting stages are not only better than SA1 but are also great levels themselves (except mad space) and the hints for those stages are actual hints you have to think on instead of the hints being tikal literally showing you where they are, removing all agency.
A lot of interesting stuff put in an stealth action game making it a unique and fun exprenience. Kojima is pretty good at integrating the story and the gameplay
This is where Souls games were at it's best. It's mechanics, world, atmosphere just created one fantastic masterpiece and the feel of the game is unmatched even in it's sequels.
After spending weeks looking at TF2 gameplay and GMod videos, learning that TF2 was actually a F2P game was the best thing I could've possibly heard of as a kid.
Because ever the moment I downloaded and played this game for the first time, I knew this was going to be my favorite Multiplayer FPS of all time.
The reason I wanted to play the game was due to the fact that the medic was in the game and I wanted to become a doctor ever since I was a kid, and now that I have Crusader's Crossbow I must say I really enjoy playing as him though it can be obiviously stressful sometimes.
The other classes I love playing would be the Pyro and the Heavy

I really, REALLY hate the game's current state
I just like how all endings, even neutral, has the tone of "humanity is fucked"
Really fitting for a game with such an oppressive atmosphere. Thanks to how dungeons are designed, I felt on edge most of the time. And shoutouts to Mem Aleph for being such a hard final boss
Man... What a finale that was. The plot beats set up in DDS1 unraveled in pretty interesting ways. Improvments made in this game make this the best SMT game that has the press-turn system that I've played so far
This game might have my favorites sets of characters in a Persona game (both in party and in social links). The last third of the game was nothing short of fantastic
The conclusion to the Persona 2 saga, and man what a ride these two games were. While Innocent Sin was hard carried by it's story, this game both has a good gameplay and a great story that just might be better than Innocent Sin and it has more varied stuff in it that is fun to experience.
The changes in this felt off at first, but after I got used to this game everything just clicked an I enjoyed this more then Innocent Sin
I'm having difficulties describing why this is my favorite out of all of the Touhou games. I suppose the best way to describe it would be that it just feels so "final".
This is the most popular of all the Fallout games and for a good reason.
I loved it so much that I 100%ed game and did every single thing and build I could do in this game, to the point I am slightly tired of it
This and the games below are just honorable mentions because they were important to me.
This was the first game I have ever emulated and it also taught me the basics of how to duel. The post game was pretty fun with it's events.
If only more games had more rock songs that kicks in it's lyrics during the hype moments of the boss fight
(Copied from my review)
My first experience with the Turn-Based RPG genre, while I stopped playing then after the first area because I didn't understand those kinds of RPGs back when this was in newground, it left a lasting impression. Finally finished it around 2014/2015.
The progression system where you pick which attacks to level is pretty cool, having only a select few upgradeble weapons and armor that each do different things it is a great equipment system and unlike most of the games that feature crafting/upgrade systems it's not disruptive because the game completely showers you with it's crafting materials, one of the extremely rare examples of the "we're in a video game" type of humor is done well and is fitting for a game with the feel of an "anime MMO from the late 2000's"
My day be so fine and then boom

Bingo Highway
The first flash game I was enthralled with. Hell, might be the first game that really caught my attention in general, it's the reason I love turn-based RPGs as much as I do.
The game is hard to understand but man is it fun when you do. Shame we'll probably never have a Sonny 3

1 Comment

1 year ago

This is quite the list in the best way.

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