Video Game World Congress

The boundary between days, between years. The boundary between counties, municipalities, nations. The lines we draw in the sand to divide ourselves, and the literal lines in the sand we use to mark out of bounds in volleyball. We make these for practicality, to add order to the chaos. How real are they? Man, I got no fuckin idea. This is a backloggd list. Today I'm drawing lines because it's fun.

I have sorted each of what I consider the major 'genres' and their representatives. An alternate delegate is chosen in case the main delegate cannot make it. Think of these genres as permanent members of the UN Security Council. Genres I don’t list here certainly exist, but I don’t consider ‘mainstays. This is all for fun, let me know if you would pick different genres or different representatives.

CRPG, or 'western role playing games.' I have seen arguments that this is trash. Clinging to roots instead of branching out in a literary way. Maybe so, but I believe this genre has a strong tradition and case for being one of the great video game mainstays. Recent showings indicate maybe a more introspective and literary trend.
Disco Elysium
Alt - Fallout New Vegas

JRPG. JRPGs take their roots from the same place as CRPGs, the tabletop games of old. But the tradition of JRPGs took this influence in a much different direction, focusing on the narrative of a crafted, linear story and the trance like flow of turn based combat.
Dragon Quest 11
Alt - Persona 3

Platformer. The champion of video games in the 20th century but has taken a back seat since the turn of the millennia. This, however, has not stopped the genre from coming out with the best it has to offer in the 21st century.
Super Mario Bros. 3
Alt – Super Mario Odyssey

FPS – Cemented by DOOM, this genre has evolved and morphed into a plethora of different styles of games. From some of the most popular games in the world, to a DOOM wad shared among friends.
Alt – Titanfall 2

Strategy – Possibly the fuzziest of the genres listed here, the very different games of tactical RPGS and grand strategies lie here. A proud and almost addictive tradition, nonetheless. One more turn.
Mobius Front 83
Alt – Stellaris

Simulation – Systems that cascade and overlap, blurring the line between the video games and computer software.
Dwarf Fortress
Alt- Microsoft Flight Simulator

Puzzle – The earliest video games often took this form. These games often reach the widest of audiences. When deciding to help advertise a Famicom version of the game, the CEO of Nintendo asked Miyamoto if Tetris was a good game. Miyamoto said ‘yes’. The CEO asked why. “Because your accountants and secretaries are playing it.”
Alt – Threes

Fighting – A combination of dexterity and tenacity to give some of the sweetest victories and exciting spectating experiences.
God Hand
Alt - Footsies

Adventure – Many see this as a vague title, but to me it's clear. A game can be many genres, but it’s adventure when the game sits you down for a finely crafted story above all.
Metal Gear Solid
Alt – Eliza

Multiplayer – A genre defined by how it uses people to drive its mechanics.
Team Fortress 2
Alt – Pokemon Go

Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2
Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. 3
Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition
God Hand
God Hand
Persona 3
Persona 3
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Dwarf Fortress
Dwarf Fortress
Footsies Rollback Edition
Footsies Rollback Edition
Möbius Front '83
Möbius Front '83


1 year ago

Title alone caught my eye, so good job there. I'd say God Hand is more of an action game rather than a fighting game, akin to Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, etc. Though the 'Action" genre is one of the vaguest ones in gaming, I believe there are very different goals between 'Fighting' and 'Action' games. That said, really hard to pick just one game as a "representative" for any of these genres. Probably the original DMC for 'Action', though I'd be fine keeping God Hand as the representative. 'Fighting' though I can't say, haven't played many.

1 year ago

God Hand as the fighting rep is absolutely the stretchiest of stretches here, and probably does belong in its own 'character action' category.

Though, I will say the combo editor in God Hand feels like a perfect single player distillation of labbing and experimenting in multiplayer fighting games, that's why I put it on there. Thinking back on it, i'd probably change it as to not snuff out real fighting game legends like street figher or tekken, or even as an opportunity to put my personal fav dragon ball fighterz in there. but ah well.

(side note footsies absolutely deserves its spot. if you've never 'gotten' fighting games, highly rec giving it a try)

1 year ago

i wish comments here had a reply/thread feature!!

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