Best capcom fighter in a while bogged down my some really strange practices. No balance patches for like 8 months? Endless collabs and costumes for the player avatar ONLY? More than half a year for 1 SINGLE costume and only for the base game fighters? Shit is def a little wack.

HOWEVER I have played 600ish hours of this between PC and PS5 and I plan to put more in. The gameplay is really really solid, so if capcom can get their shit together it'll be an all time great.

There are a LOT of really interesting ideas in this mod, but it's also drowning in stank fangame level design. Worth playing for context going into the much better sequel.

Best FE game since Radiant Dawn on the GCN, story was simple but the gameplay was peak.

It's peak. Completely replaces the original for me. While there's some aspects I like less, they're complete nitpicks and aren't enough for me to really care. My new fav horror game of all time.

It was alright, just painfully average. Might go back to it someday but for now this year's had too many bangers for me to care.

VERY damn good. I don't agree with the voice direction of some of the characters, and I prefer some of the older mixes of the music tracks, but overall this is the new definitive version of the game.

Extremely boring. Wanted to love it bad but I just couldn't push through it.

Massive suite of problems but Nintendo revolutionized open world gaming and set a new standard on its first try. One of the most influential games of its gen, the things it did still ripple through open world games today.

One of the best survival horror games of all time. Tons of content, so much replayability, great graphics for the time and a KILLER soundtrack.

Makes a great concept more accessible to those who didn't have the patience for the original. Kinda pales in comparison to the original game but it still blows most modern survival horror contenders out of the water.

Nintendo really outdid themselves here. The most creative 2D game since Super Mario World on the SNES, they've combined Nintendo's all star talent with a lot of gameplay sensibilities and level design taken straight from the most popular levels of Mario Maker. End result is a Mario game that actually feels fresh and respects your intelligence enough to throw some really tough levels at you. Must play if you like Mario's formula, especially if you've been a little tired by the NSMB games' sameyness.

Hella fucking fun and very competitive. The depth and visual design in this game set a new bar for fighters based on anime.

Beautiful love letter to fans of the series. Drags on hella in the middle but the main story hits hard, and it does its best to bring home and conclude what Yakuza 6 couldn't.

Gameplay was good but monster variety was low and at launch there wasn't a ton of content. Sunbreak kinda saved this game but I had more fun than base world.

Aesthetic is sick and I like the combat, but the level design was truly fucking awful and I didn't like the boss designs that much.