Really really fun, but really really frustrating at first. Half the time when you're on beat in and it sounds completely perfect, you get a negative rating. But then when you sound completely off, the game rewards you for it like tf

It might have something to do with the fact that I was playing on a PS3 with a flat screen TV, so maybe there was a delay there? Idk, I think it's cool in the first place that it even worked at all considering all the circumstances

Overall tho, really fun and really catchy songs. I can't believe there's literally a song where Parappa has to rap battle in order to take a shit. It's crazy

Easily the most politically charged game I've ever played. Disco Elysium has a lot to say and damn does it say those things really well over the course of a 20-ish hour gripping narrative

This isn't usually the type of game that I would play from start to finish, but DAMN was I hooked after the first hour. Genuinely, I think this game raised my standards for what I consider "good writing"

The dice roll mechanic is the highlight of this game for sure. One of the most creative and fun unique game mechanics I've ever personally experienced since Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis System

It's pretty slow game for the most part and VERY VERY dialogue heavy, but all that shit gets turned upside down once you get to the Mercenary Tribunal, like hooooly shit. One of the coldest moments in gaming imo

Almost a perfect rating too. Apart from a couple audio bugs, my main (albeit really minor) gripe is how there's no fast travel from the Whirling to the docks, like why not? There's a fast travel between the little fishing village and the church (which have 0 loading screens btw), but no fast travel to the docks which is separated from the rest of the game by like 3 loading screens wtf

Overall, fantastic experience. Shoutouts to my friend for constantly bombarding me until I played this. Despite its 23ish hour playtime and my lack of time, almost wanna go and replay it again lol

mman how the fuck does a simple handbag robbery result in a 6-man shootout

PEAK, shit is like 3 hours long and it was the best 3 hours of my life. First puzzle game I've ever played where I actually didn't feel like a dumbass and completed every puzzle (including the challenge ones) without looking up a guide

Came out in 2007 and my ass still got Still Alive playing on loop in 2023

PEAK RETURNS!!! This has been in my top 10 games of all time, despite the fact that I've never actually played it. Feels very very validating to know that that fact remains even after finally getting a chance to experience this outside of a let's play

Altho really weird thing is that, despite me believing that this 100% is a better game than the original in almost every aspect, I think I liked my playthrough of the first game more? It's weird, but the pacing in the first game was absolutely perfect, but this one felt like it dragged a little (especially in the Old Aperture areas)

I think it's because the puzzles are waaaayy bigger now, to the point where they added a zoom feature. So half the time, in the later portions of the game, you're just looking around trying to figure out WHERE to place your next portal lmao

Anyway, best ending to any video game ever made. Fight me

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(!)Review copy-pasted straight from Twitter lol

"So I first played this game when it came out in 2013 and I NEVER expected to beat it honestly

The difficulty gap between this and the first game is comically large, so I just never really bothered to reinstall and finish this lmao

That is, until I reached a point where most of my friends were either asleep/offline or I didn't have any data so I didn't have anythin to do on my phone while I was out of the house lol

So I reinstalled this for the funsies just so I had smth to do

Least favorite world: Frostbite Caves

Ice winds are so incredibly dumb and limit your plant options to only fire plants because hot potato is dogwater. Pepper pult also feels like the weakest plant in the game, but that's probably just bc of sound design/visuals lol
Most difficult world: Jurassic Marsh

Was debating between this and BWB, but I think this is just a tad harder. I know lots of people don't like perfume shroom, but without it I would not have beaten this world lmao

Also thank goodness this world has the best plants in the game
Best song in the game: First Wave - Wild West
While, it is a shame that Laura Shigihara didn't compose all the songs in the game, Peter McConnell does a great job too and the Wild West songs are proof of that

Altho unlike pvz 1, not all songs are made equal unfortunately. I like almost all the pvz 1 songs equally whereas, i think the entire soundtrack for frostbite caves is doodoo wipes personally

And also my game had so many audio issues anyway. Either sfx or music would cut out and it was soo distracting. Especially in big wave beach and the last few levels of modern day, geez
Most annoying zombie: King Zombie

It really was a tough pick between every zombie in BWB, some in NMT, but this guy was just pain and suffering

I'm glad Dark Ages only had 20 levels bc I would have lost it if this guy gave another goddamn basic a knight helmet

i dont even wanna explain myself. This guy rocks. Bro carried me in almost every single world
Last part of the thread, but I just wanna talk about Modern Day rq..

So for the positives, seeing this lawn in the pvz 2 art style is sooo good, I think the pvz 2 art style is superior in pretty much every way

I'm very indifferent about the shadow plants, I kinda don't really care about them lol

The time rifts were a neat mechanic, but severely underutilized.

I like my levels a little easier, so I'm glad that they didn't show up too much, but even I can admit that it was wasted potential lmao

Overall tho, Modern Day was disappointing af.

Firstly in difficulty, Jurassic Marsh and Big Wave Beach are 2 of the hardest worlds back to back and then I get to Modern Day and the difficulty goes all the way down again lmao

Secondly, in execution mismo. Maybe I'm asking for too much, but I feel like they coulda done more with both using mechanics from every world and also bringing back some nostalgia from the first game. Like idk, have one stage set at night and bring back disco zombie idk

Lastly, the sense of finality. The boss fights were hella disappointing and it's been a talking point in the pvz fandom for a long time now. It would have been so amazing to have a boss rush of the zombots (which we did, kinda) that would culminate into the original zombot

Altho I'm not asking them to rehash the same fight again, but what if we fought this zombot and the setting would start in modern day, but it would shift time periods all throughout the level. Maybe each phase could bea different time period?

And maybe we could have one plant from each world too. I'm thinkin

-Iceberg Lettuce
-Snapdragon/Coconut Cannon
-Melon Pult
-Rotobaga/Chard Guard
-(idfk all DA plants suck for this concept,maybe magnet)
-Thyme Warp
-Primal Peashooter
-Bowling Bulbs
-Grimrose/Shadow Shroom

Altho to compensate for all the heavy hitters, this final stage should be hard as fuck

I'm talkin some dumbass shit like a velociraptor kicking zomboss' ice ball forward or something stupid like that

Or zomboss opening up a time rift to the first game and a zombotany zombie comes out idfk

None of what I'm saying is realistic bc im sleepy af, but it does sound cool tho i can't lie

Ok that is all. Thread is over byebye

It's not Portal 3 that's for sure

Jokes aside tho, it's fun for what it is. Its 100% just a showcase of what the Steam Deck can do, and its definitely advertised as such

I'm just glad to be able to dip back into the world of Portal even it was just for like 35 mins

Perfectly captures the late 90s-early 2000s AOL Instant Messenger vibe. It's only 40 minutes long and its free, so there's literally no reason not to try it out lol

Great experience. It's pretty much just the first game but like 90 minutes longer and that's great!

Having the links the characters send actually lead you to your browser or download stuff onto your desktop is really cool, but just a little annoying if you're trying to stream because you'd have to switch tabs

Deff deserves at least one other playthrough to get another one of the endings :peace_sign:

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(!)Review copy-pasted straight from Twitter lol

I think I may have overhyped myself because it really wasn't all that special lmao. The story was fine, I've been out of the Star Wars franchise since ep 9, but I don't think I needed to have caught up on my Star Wars lore to enjoy this (which is a good thing)

Where the game excelled were the lightsaber battles. They were finally able to give me that rush of being a jedi that hasn't been captured before in Battlefront or Force Unleashed. Shame there were only 3 of them in the whole game

The puzzles in the game were offensively simple, but offensively obtuse as well. I would have chalked it up to me just being a dumbass but when I looked up the answer for the easiest puzzle in the game on youtube and I saw that 1.2M people ALSO looked it up, I think I have a point here

What I didn't expect was for this game to be a metroidvania. I'm not the biggest fan of that genre, but for what its worth, this one was designed really well. EXCEPT for the Zeffo temple. The level design there is so frustratingly obtuse and hidden that there are deadass walkthroughs on youtube showing you how to LEAVE the area

The Uncharted style platforming was okay, but a little unresponsive at times. I still don't get what was the point of having to press L2 to grab on to objects. Just autograb it for me like Uncharted does??

I think the most disappointing aspect for me was character dynamics. Like yo I really wasn't sold on Greez, Cere, and Cal being friends. I eventually did after taking the holocron back and I was hyped for what was next

...and then the credits started rolling. Like seriously?? That's it!?

Like even after finishing the game I really couldn't tell you a single thing about any of the characters. Cal is hot but he's also like pretty bland tbh lmao. I also was not sold whatsoever with the actor's performance, no hate to Mr. Monaghan ofc, but yeah. Times where Cal shouts or is in pain like when he thinks Cere died or whatever, my guy just won't show any negative emotion past mildly bothered

Other than the definitive lightsaber experience, I also think this game is a great entrypoint into the Soulsborne genre. It's pretty similar to Sekiro swordplay wise except much easier

Overall, it's a pretty good Star Wars game, but definitely has a lot of room for improvement. If you wanna play another Respawn game with a better story, I recommend Titanfall 2

Ok yeah, this scratched my resident evil 4 itch. This was a very very good game

Some sections and gimmicks are very dated tho. The parts where you get grabbed by a tentacle and have to aim at the yellow blobs absolutely suck and god forbid that awful asteroid section

Other than that tho, it was great. Haven't played the remake, but honestly I would have been fine without one. The game still holds up really well apart from the 2 sections mentioned above

Special shoutouts to this game for being my covid buddy <3 this game kept me alive for the week I was isolated lmao

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(!)Review is mostly copy-pasted straight from Twitter
(!)I only played the Hero route

Very fun! I've missed this late 2000s early 2010s style of kinda gritty superhero games. Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, Prototype, this etc.

Actually going into the game:
Now I'll be the first to admit, that I really did not like Zeke all that much. I think(?) he's a fan favorite and maybe the later games do him better, but yeah as for the first entry in the series he was whatever. Didn't care abt him too much lmao

Actually now that i think about it, I didn't really care about any of the characters all too much. Even Cole. Idk, I've definitely seen better video game portags, but who knows? Maybe Infamous 2 does them characters better 🤷‍♀️ I'll see when I get there

The only character that I kinda did like was Trish, but idk her writing seemed pretty off once you get to the Warren. She just kinda forgives Cole for everything pretty much and it seems way too fan fiction-y I guess??? Like it felt like she was saying exactly what Cole wanted her to say (Altho, this is probably very different in the Infamous route but still) hopefully Infamous 2 does some of these characters better, I'll see when I get there

The ending twist with Kessler was insane tho, plus that setup for the sequel 🔥🔥🔥

Alright, talkin about gameplay now:

Hella fun, the parkour was buttery smooth most of the time and just snapping from object to object was 👌👌👌 Ive already played Second Son a couple years back and MAAAN do they downplay the parkour by a lot in that game

The combat can become a behind cover, over the shoulders shooter à la Gears of War, but I think Infamous is definitely the most fun when you're actively running around shooting people and dodge rolling out of the way and shit

The enemies also have some of the coolest designs I've seen in a video game to date, ESPECIALLY that First Sons Aura Conduit. Holy shit, this mf jumpscared me when he first showed up

Only kinda exception to this are the Dust Men. While they have cool designs and are super satisfying to hit, they kinda blend in a bit too much with the background of the Warren, as this was still in the era of games where everything was washed out browns and grays

Overall, fantastic game. Its just severely SEVERELY in need of a rerelease by Sucker Punch and Sony. I'm fortunate enough to still have a working PS3 in 2022, but others aren't so lucky

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If I had a nickel for every walking sim that have you walking around an entire house making your way up until it ends with you going up into an attic where you find a diary left behind by someone you've been trying to figure out the mysteries of the whole game, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice

Seriously, walking sims are such a strange genre of games that many people disregard, but this is seriously one of the best I've played and one of the most I've ever been engaged playing any game ever. This could be due in part that played this all in like 2 hours when I had no electricity, but still

Absolutely beautiful story about 2 gay teens struggling with their own identities and it never fails to punch me straight in the gut, it's so good.

Last thing of note is that, there's a part in the game where you have to unlock a safe and the code is 0451. That's a Deus Ex reference and an in-joke between developers where they just place that code in like ANY game

I tried it out for shits and I was absolutely flabbergasted when it worked. I recommend it next time you play any game with a 4 digit code

Walking sims are niche little games that i really really like a lot and it's really cool to see where it all comes from. Without Dear Esther there would probably be no Gone Home, Edith Finch, The Beginner's Guide, etc.

As for the game itself, it was pretty cool. Length was about an hour-ish and that's completely fine by me. It was a lot prettier than I expected it to be and the sound design and music were absolutely phenomenal

If you do choose to buy this, expect it less to feel less like a traditional walking sim and more like a poem with visuals. That's the best way to go about it, I believe

Other than seeing the humble beginnings of this genre however, I think the ₱320 (Philippines currency) asking price on Steam is a bit too steep for what you're getting. Definitely a wise decision on my part to buy it on sale for like ₱60

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Sept 17, 2022

That was certainly a game.

I don't think disappointing is the right word I'm looking for, probably underwhelming is more fitting

The game opened really strongly, but the moment it started time skipping was when it lost me tbh. The game fast tracked the relationship between Henry and Delilah and that just didn't do it for me. Like I was at the end of Day 3 getting to know my new boss and within 5 minutes of gameplay, I was suddenly on Day 64

I understand that they built up Henry and Delilah's connection with each other through a quick montage and that was the game's way of showing that and that's great and all, but as the player I barely know jackshit about her

At the end of the day, Firewatch is a good game, but my experience was hampered a little by an awful framerate (my PC problem, not a game problem)
October 2, 2023

Hiiii so it's a year later and my opinion on this game has drastically shifted LMAO. It's really one of those games that you just kinda sit with and think about for awhile after you play them

So my thoughts on the time skips are still pretty much the same, its kinda whack, but they bother me less now. The main point of this rereview is to discuss the nature of the game itself

In the game, Henry becomes a firewatch lookout for Shoshone National Forest as an escape from his super stressful reality regarding his wife and other complications. Throughout the game, you uncover what at first seems to be supernatural elements throughout the forest, but by the end (most of it) is revealed to just be mundane things exacerbated by both Henry and Delilah's wants of wanting something more from life

That's something we can all relate to. Wanting something exciting to happen to us to break free from the stressors and monotony of everyday life. After a week or so of playing the game, I encountered my own set of stressors in my personal life. What did I do?

I booted up the game and just walked around in the game's built in free roam mode and that's when it clicked. I was walking through Shoshone National Forest as an escape from my reality the same way Henry was

This game is LITERALLY a calm escape from everyday life where you can just get lost in the trees and ignore all your issues for a bit

Having that realization click was an amazing feeling and I have this game to thank for it....still not a perfect score tho lol